Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


These buffs remind of the buffs we got when they made the ‘kick’ do 2x more damage. Seriously, they are buffing things we don’t need and still leaving all the physical+rage utilities in the dust. We’re forced doing stances/signets only again, what a surprise. Zero team utility in team fights means we’re staying out of the meta once again. Zero counters against boon spammers. Protection boon > warriors since the dawn of time.

Want to win? Reroll, time to ditch warriors, I wish I was sarcastic but…

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


These buffs have to be taken in considering the context – and the context is that a lot of the OP aspects of other classes are being nerfed down – so your relative power level when compared to them as a warrior will be going up.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


d burst mastery is only necessary if you’re running Smash Brawler

However you are still at a huge disadvantage while not in zerk mode without burst mastery, since you are basically a normal warrior at that point. Normal warrior without burst mastery is terrible ask anyone besides yourself. You don’t really see the big picture at all and only look at it through youre small lens of how warrior works for 10 seconds in zerk mode when warrior spends most of its time not even in this mode.

Berserk mode lasts for 15 seconds.

With Smash Brawler you get a 33% reduction in CD, so Berserk mode comes up every 10s

That means for every 10s of berserk downtime you get 15s berserk uptime, and bursts on a 3 1/4 uptime for a single trait in a line you’re already taking.

That’s 60 seconds of berserk for every 90 seconds of play (taken from the first berserk). That’s 4 bursts a berserk, five is you do a swap after the 4th each berserk. So 16-20 bursts depending on how you play it.

Versatile Power offers comparable (though lesser) figures at the cost of an entire trait line.
1 berserk every 12 3/4 seconds for 15s, so for 60 seconds of berserk 98.25s. And in that time 3 bursts, or 4 with a swap. So 12-16 bursts in 98.25s. (possibly more with good 5s weapon swaps but this would be situational and might result in less bursts if range becomes a factor).

So yeah, I have a narrow scope, but I’m not stupid when it comes to trait lines, picks, and playstyles (but please, belittle me if that’s your thing, I don’t want to stand in your way). Savage Instinct is a great trait with amazing synergy, but it’s not necessarily optimal. If, for example, you’re getting in and out of berserk mode with no down time then there’s no point in saving it for a stun break (berserk always on CD). When you headbutt to break stuns, and Outrage on a 10s cd, you’re got burnable stun breaks you can use in conjunction with berserk mode should you need. In otherwords, there are build paths that accomplish the same thing at minimal cost.

**Maths might be kitten. Im tired and its not my strong suite XD

zerk mode lasts 10 seconds unless u trait for it and it goes on CD after its over not the moment u pop it. After that CD is up to activate again is dependent on your adrenaline level. Forget using burst skills at all while out of berserk mode if someone doesn’t take burst mastery otherwise your going to have no adrenaline to activate it again. Unless you rely on utilities like zerkers stance to help you out to reactivate it.

Seems like your entire argument is based on not taking savage instinct so thats where we will pretty much disagree. Unless we all play your build and don’t slot the other 2 adept traits, or play berserk spec at all then you are right. Your also right if we don’t intend on using CI while out of zerk mode and burning all of our adrin so we have none to reactivate it. your also right if we arn’t trying to maximize our damage which taking burst mastery maximizes your burst skill damage. Great so we don’t hit as hard as we could either and were starving for adrin while out of zerk mode. So were gimping CI, adrenal healing, and every other adrenaline based trait.

Not trying to belittle you just stating the obvious that your opinion is narrow and only based on playing how you play and your build. Whic isn’t right to say well burst mastery isn’t mandatory for every other build. Or any other build that wants to utilize skills like CI and maximize burst damage. Or anyother build that doesn’t want to be penalized severely by missing landing your burst.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


Although these aren’t the full changes (their words), I have very little hope for real sustain buffs. No protection access, no reliable condi removals (necros will eat warriors alive), very slow attacks, instant adrenaline decay at a super rate, only 1 sources of healing while other professions have multiple sources. GG Anet

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: chronometria.3708


Although these aren’t the full changes (their words), I have very little hope for real sustain buffs. No protection access, no reliable condi removals (necros will eat warriors alive), very slow attacks, instant adrenaline decay at a super rate, only 1 sources of healing while other professions have multiple sources. GG Anet

The quickness of adrenaline decay is my primary concern, I would say. I have had a lot of occasions where I`ve charged up my burst skill only to lose it as soon as my target drops. I don’t even have time to select another enemy and have to start the fight all over again, effectively.

If there was a delay of a few seconds, even, before it started to deplete, then that would make a huge difference. As it is, its so quick that I cant even activate an ability that gives me full rage and then immediately enter rage. In that split second it is already at 99 percent and thus useless.

An alternative would be to have us automatically enter the rage state when the bar fills. It doesn’t cost us anything and quite often I`ll trigger it for the bonuses even when I am not using the burst. I also know that it will hold my adrenaline. I know they are keen to have a lot of player interaction, but as it is, we are spamming rage anyway.

(edited by chronometria.3708)

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: Zefrost.3425


Support berserker warrior inc?

I could see something like this being usable with the other changes that are happening.

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


Although these aren’t the full changes (their words), I have very little hope for real sustain buffs. No protection access, no reliable condi removals (necros will eat warriors alive), very slow attacks, instant adrenaline decay at a super rate, only 1 sources of healing while other professions have multiple sources. GG Anet

The quickness of adrenaline decay is my primary concern, I would say. I have had a lot of occasions where I`ve charged up my burst skill only to lose it as soon as my target drops. I don’t even have time to select another enemy and have to start the fight all over again, effectively.

If there was a delay of a few seconds, even, before it started to deplete, then that would make a huge difference. As it is, its so quick that I cant even activate an ability that gives me full rage and then immediately enter rage. In that split second it is already at 99 percent and thus useless.

An alternative would be to have us automatically enter the rage state when the bar fills. It doesn’t cost us anything and quite often I`ll trigger it for the bonuses even when I am not using the burst. I also know that it will hold my adrenaline. I know they are keen to have a lot of player interaction, but as it is, we are spamming rage anyway.


I really wished they would read this warrior forum once in a while.

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: Serdoc.7261


Well these are not all the changes. So keeping that in mind, and thinking about how most things except warrior and thief are getting nerfed, I feel like this could give warriors a build that gets into the meta. Lets just hope it wont be cancer like the old ham-bow build was…

I’m not sure, can you, umm…. do that again? ROM – 2015

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: Simeonus.9237


I hope they remove burning from Rifle’s F1 and increase direct damage. Who the hell need 3 stacks of burning with zerker gear?

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I hope they remove burning from Rifle’s F1 and increase direct damage. Who the hell need 3 stacks of burning with zerker gear?

It’s actually fairly nice on hybrid builds.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I hope they remove burning from Rifle’s F1 and increase direct damage. Who the hell need 3 stacks of burning with zerker gear?

With the right setup those burning ticks can add up. They’re also good for when the target just survived the power damage and goes into a block, invuln, or teleports out of range.

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilHero.1248


Well these are not all the changes. So keeping that in mind, and thinking about how most things except warrior and thief are getting nerfed, I feel like this could give warriors a build that gets into the meta. Lets just hope it wont be cancer like the old ham-bow build was…

indeed, with the removal of tanking amulets, with warrior’s current dps, we “might” be viable again since many of the classes relying on those amulet has lost a significant amount of sustain. This might not be all the changes but like always Anet’s preview contains at least 99% of everything they are implementing. lets hope that last 1% change is base lining fast hand or we are really screwed. AGAIN.

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: Tumult.2578


That’s not all the changes
Rifle changes IIRC:

  • kill shot pierces
  • aimed shot (#2) does 5 vuln (8 seconds?)
  • volley pierces
  • brutal shot does 1s(?) immobilize and 400 distance retreat
  • crack shot gives 1 adrenaline per hit, no piercing, still recharge reduction
    There were speargun changes, like some skills there pierce

400 distance retreat ? Like a jump backwards ?

Yup. Hard to see though, it was a fast animation.

Thanks,that’s a good add then,always wanted something like that on rifle.

Does the immobilize start before the roll back?
Will there be time to reorient, aim and hit before the immobilize ends?

I suspect I’m going to really miss that 5 second cripple at 1200 range which saved me many times. Nice to have more damage and add vulnerability but how does that help when I’m dead?

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I guess one positive is that we can finally ditch Crack Shot and choose Warrior’s Sprint every time now.

I disagree.

The problem with Rifle is that it is harder to accumulate adrenaline. I always need Furious if I want to use a Kill shot build.

Now, I can ditch Furious for Burst Precision or drop arms traitline for something else.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Warrior changes in Jan/15 balance preview

in Warrior

Posted by: Drayos.8759


I cannot believe we waited three months for this. If those were the highlights of the patch, this is going to be the biggest disappointment for Warrior ever. As if we haven’t had enough disappointment for the last three years.

If u look at all the patch notes released so far u will see they aee all basic and very minor, it seems arena net dont want you to onow what theyre doing in the bigger picture until it physically happens, i doubt any of the notes provided so far are the bigger scaled buffs or changes realistically i thibk this is just so people see the very minimal theyre getting and rrying to build a hype around the season change realistically.

I hope the changes will be more interesting as a whole for every proffessions this whole suspence over the changes i feel they are trying to make everyone feel like theyre getting shafted so when they release the notes it will be s suprise or to prevent theory crafters figuring out what to do before its even out, issue is a few too many proffessions are in the gutter for people to have sntthing positive to respond to it with and with such harsh removals such as the celestial amulet alot of elementalists and things are worried theyve wasted their time.

Currently dont know if being this secretive is helping anets position but i guess we will see what happens when its released later today.