A few months ago the only class that I personally felt the closest to being “done” was the Warrior. It had uses in every game mode: PvE, PvP, and WvW. Now this is still true, but the other factor that made it feel like the most complete class was that it had a wide variety of builds. Some examples would be Hambow, GS+LB, Skullcracker, Condi Banner, among others.
However, over the last few updates that has taken a step back. The balance team caved in to the demands of the vocal minority present on this forums and made several nerfs that drastically reduced the variety of viable builds. When I say viable in terms of PvP/WvW (because DPS is the only thing viable for any class in PvE) I mean that it’s a build that you can run that is considered to be very strong at a particular role. Sure, you could run something else but you’re not going to be as effective as you could be and in PvP in particular this means you’re screwing over your team.
Some of the notable changes include the Skull Crack nerf, the Combustive Shot nerf, multiple trait nerfs, and if you go back further the axe nerf. I recently tried to play with mace for a few hours and boy oh boy is it a nightmare. Yes, it had a difficult to read animation but the increased cast time has made it simply not worth using. Now anyone with a pair of eyeballs can dodge it. To make things worse the attack will sometimes whiff at close range even if the foe didn’t dodge, blind, or block. Either the skill should have gained greater range in addition to the greater cast time or the new animation should have been added and the cast kept the same. This change also came after the Sigil of Paralization was fixed and so if combo’d with 100b you do not land the final attack unless they stand there. Combine this with the fact that you can no longer take Forceful GS and Unsuspecting Foe in the same build (because who’s going to put 30 into arms for that?) means it simply isn’t worth taking over Hambow.
Speaking of Hambow, that was what the recent string of nerfs were designed to bring down. What happened instead was that it got a minor nerf while hurting several other non-related builds. One heinous case of poor balancing is that Combustive Shot was changed because apparently someone thought it refilled its own adrenaline bar when it did damage, it doesn’t. It really makes one wonder how much the balance team plays because something like this would have been confirmed false in a few short minutes. Even worse is that Pin Down will be getting a longer and more telegraphed animation in the future. Now I wouldn’t mind this as much except for the fact that so many other classes have little to no obvious animations. I don’t know about you but see a tiny little hand gesture doesn’t qualify as a tell when Warriors practically hold up a sign advertising their attack. Why is only Warrior receiving this treatment when much more deadly abilities are insta-cast?
Going back a bit further, the change to the axe’s auto attack has made it a one trick pony, good for Eviscerate and little else. The most damaging hit is placed on the last attack of Triple Chop which is easily avoidable by humans.
The most annoying thing about all of this is that rather than using Warrior as a standard that they should strive to make all classes as strong as they decided to try and bring it down to the mediocrity of other classes. Now axe and mace hardly see any use in PvP and rifle never did even though it has the potential to be a decent weapon.
I know I’m just banging my head against a wall but please balance team, stop giving in to people demanding nerfs on classes they don’t even play. Feel free to listen to what buffs those that play the class think they need (within reason) like you did with Warrior sustain because positive feedback tends to always be better in an environment like this. When it comes to nerfs you need to play everything yourself, see if there are already viable counters, and if there isn’t then consider adding a counter to another class because this “shaving” philosophy isn’t working and is just removing weapons from play.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)