Warrior in WvWvW

Warrior in WvWvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Elixir.2169


I was wondering about how i should set up my warrior for WvW. I would like to use gs or hammer with long bow or rifle but im not sure which weapons work the best. Also i was thinking my armor should be toughness,vitality, power but i am not sure on that either. any build recommendations would be highly appreciated. If you have any input please comment!

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Warrior in WvWvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


unless you are running around as a shout healing warrior on the front lines, or are manning rams a lot then i would recommend against the soldiers gear.

the warrior has the second highest natural health pool in the game, if you wear knights armor with two soldier accessories then you should have around 25k hp. which is plenty. additionally you will have a much higher crit chance, burst damage potential and generally be a lot happier when it comes time to take down some enemy players.

i used to run around with a greatsword in WvW, however i’m not a bullrush quickness hundred blades one trick pony, and neither should you be. if you grab some rabid jewelry for your necklace and rings then the hybrid of knights and rabid should give you pretty much the best of both worlds when it comes to damage and bleeds. now what you need is to get yourself a longsword.

10/30/20/10/0 works pretty well for me, the longsword lets me jump onto my opponents, or get within range to hit them with bolas. if you got the trait skill leg specialist then as a sword wielding warrior with a pair of bolas you an distribute a lot of immobilize.

now is were you make glass cannons pay. pay dearly. thieves may be able to cleanse DoT’s when they stealth, but they can’t do kitten against immobilize. catch them when they stealth and flurry them to death. 15 stacks of bleed pretty much means good game to thieves. the same applies to guardians strangly enough. the attack speed of the sword catches guardians completely off, you immobilize them and bleed them out. being able to cure your conditions every 10 seconds doesn’t mean much if it kills them before then. as for mesmers, if you trait it right your bleeds will last 15 seconds. if a mesmer wants to get into a fight of attrition with you. you will out last them.

Warrior in WvWvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Rayya.2591


I use GS + rifle and i am very happy with my wvw warrior
as for utility’s i use 2 psihicals and 1 stance
i can handle most of 1 vs 1 situations, and i can deal nice damage in groups

no.1 WvW kills

Warrior in WvWvW

in Warrior

Posted by: IDarko.4709


I always use hammer. While not a strong solo weapon against decent enemies, it wrecks havoc in bigger fights. You can control so much enemies, it’s insane. The AoE of your allies will do the rest. I tried playing with both sword/axe and sword/shield. Sword is for mobility and snare. I find it hard to choose between axe and shield myself tbh. I currently run shield again because i love the extra defense that you get. And we have some awesome shield traits (extra toughness, skill cooldown reduction and reflecting missles). On the other hand, the axe allows you to take a bit more offensive traits and it’s a lot easyer to full Earthshaker (adrenaline skill) because of Whirling Axe.

I run knight with with some mixed trinkets. Mostly toughness, precision and crit damage. I use boon duration runes so i keep signet of rage almost 100% up (can do if i trait 10 more pts into tactics). Crit chance is about 50% with 40 crit damage. It’s not high but in the end, i’m a control specced warrior that can take a hit and deal good AoE damage (kinda depends on off-hand). I use “Shake it off!”, Dolyak Signet and Endure Pain.

I’m using the reduced signet cooldown trait aswell.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior