Warrior is amazing

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


War is amazing..a class where traits are antisynergic with each other

Cleansing ire removes 1 condition per adrenaline bar spend (3 total), howered with burst mastery we can remove 2 at best (burst mastery reduces adrenaline spend by 1 bar)

Adrenal health – without healing power thats 120hp/sec, howered to get that effect we have to sit on the whole adrenaline bar. If i use burst to clean condiitons automatically i lose benefits from that.

And the best one: MR Healing Surge:

Heal yourself and regain all adrenaline. Heal amount is based on your current adrenaline level.

Stage 0: heal: 5,240
Stage 1: heal: 5,880
Stage 2 heal: 6,840
Stage 3 heal: 8,440

So if i had to use burst in order to remove poison to heal up, i will heal for as much as i were poisoned? Wheres the logic?

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Gatsu.8430


I agree with you.
Adrenal Health should not be based on Adrenaline, atleast. Just change its name.

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I agree with you.
Adrenal Health should not be based on Adrenaline, atleast. Just change its name.

Go home Guts, you are drunk(spelling your own name wrong!!)

On another note, hows Griffith?!

And yes the Warrior traits are weirdly thought out, now its more of a tradeoff than was before ^^

(edited by Gathslan.1870)

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


Sad reality of our class.

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I agree with you.
Adrenal Health should not be based on Adrenaline, atleast. Just change its name.

Go home Guts, you are drunk(spelling your own name wrong!!)

On another note, hows Griffith?!

And yes the Warrior traits are weirdly thought out, now its more of a tradeoff than was before ^^

Miura is so slow and lazy now no surprise the main character might have forgot his own name… XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I agree with you.
Adrenal Health should not be based on Adrenaline, atleast. Just change its name.

Go home Guts, you are drunk(spelling your own name wrong!!)

On another note, hows Griffith?!

And yes the Warrior traits are weirdly thought out, now its more of a tradeoff than was before ^^

Miura is so slow and lazy now no surprise the main character might have forgot his own name… XD

Slow yes, lazy i doubt it :P His artwork goes far beyond any other comic i have seen so i can understand all the breaks. Doing artwork like that for a comic can be nothing but exhausting

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Cleansing ire removes 1 condition per adrenaline bar spend (3 total), howered with burst mastery we can remove 2 at best (burst mastery reduces adrenaline spend by 1 bar)

Are you sure?

I’ve been keeping up with posts yest and today and who say you still remove 3 conditions with Burst Mastery.

As for the rest, I feel it’s a process. The Warrior paradigm has just shifted. Before, adrenaline’s value was low and worth more by holding onto it. This isn’t wholly the case anymore as some builds will value the use of adrenaline for various purposes.

I think some changes are indeed needed, maybe for Adrenal Health just a flat 125/3sec heal with 0 adrenaline and 360/3sec with 1 or more bars of adrenaline. The idea being, you still want to have adrenaline to get the better heal (it’s called Adrenal Health after all) and values defensive use of adrenaline rather than offensive.

As for Healing Surge, I don’t really see it as a huge problem. If you want to cure conditions before you heal, you should be using Mending. Maybe things can be changed to differ this, but that’s the advantage of Mending over HS: you get to use Mending to get rid of poison and lose no effectiveness whereas if you want the same with HS it requires other utility (Cleansing Ire isn’t the only condition clear) or the effectiveness of your heal.

(edited by Leo G.4501)

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


Why can’t A-net design the class based around the idea that the warrior should get stronger as he gains adrenaline?

They were going that direction with Berserker Power and Heightened Focus but then backtrack with Cleansing Ire. If anything, they should allow us to cleanse 1 condition per adrenaline bar gained. This would promote to use burst abilities.

That would give the warrior an option of using adrenaline to start the cleansing process over again or staying at capped adrenaline to boost dmg/crit.

For Healing Surge, I actually liked Daecollo’s idea of removing the stages of adrenaline to promote a stronger heal. Keep the cd it’s at but make it a flat 8k + refill adrenaline bar. That’s 281.33... HPS from that ability which is pretty nice. They would need to rework Mending to be somewhere around a 7.5k heal on it’s 25 second cooldown(300 HPS) to be comparable. This would give warrior the two options - If you have cleansing Ire, Healing Surge would be better suited for you while if you didn’t have cleaning ire, you can get mending and see comparable results.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I agree with you.
Adrenal Health should not be based on Adrenaline, atleast. Just change its name.

Go home Guts, you are drunk(spelling your own name wrong!!)

On another note, hows Griffith?!

And yes the Warrior traits are weirdly thought out, now its more of a tradeoff than was before ^^

Miura is so slow and lazy now no surprise the main character might have forgot his own name… XD

Slow yes, lazy i doubt it :P His artwork goes far beyond any other comic i have seen so i can understand all the breaks. Doing artwork like that for a comic can be nothing but exhausting

Well, he now takes 7 month pauses every 3 chapters… and thelast chapter weren’t even that great, story wise…

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Gatsu.8430


I agree with you.
Adrenal Health should not be based on Adrenaline, atleast. Just change its name.

Go home Guts, you are drunk(spelling your own name wrong!!)

On another note, hows Griffith?!

And yes the Warrior traits are weirdly thought out, now its more of a tradeoff than was before ^^

No, I’m not drunk (yet)!
Gatsu is the italian name of Guts, I always used that for my warriors in any MMO! :P

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


I agree with you.
Adrenal Health should not be based on Adrenaline, atleast. Just change its name.

Go home Guts, you are drunk(spelling your own name wrong!!)

On another note, hows Griffith?!

And yes the Warrior traits are weirdly thought out, now its more of a tradeoff than was before ^^

Miura is so slow and lazy now no surprise the main character might have forgot his own name… XD

Slow yes, lazy i doubt it :P His artwork goes far beyond any other comic i have seen so i can understand all the breaks. Doing artwork like that for a comic can be nothing but exhausting

Well, he now takes 7 month pauses every 3 chapters… and thelast chapter weren’t even that great, story wise…

I disagree with my whole heart and soul :P

But lets not talk about Berserk here, i mean it is the warrior forum after all : p

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Why can’t A-net design the class based around the idea that the warrior should get stronger as he gains adrenaline?

They were going that direction with Berserker Power and Heightened Focus but then backtrack with Cleansing Ire. If anything, they should allow us to cleanse 1 condition per adrenaline bar gained. This would promote to use burst abilities.

It seems just as tough to gain adrenaline as it is to use it. Seems more like a preference to me.

That would give the warrior an option of using adrenaline to start the cleansing process over again or staying at capped adrenaline to boost dmg/crit.

Again, sounds like preference to me. Like eating a sandwich whole or cutting it into triangles first, it doesn’t change the amount of food you have. One is just dropping conditions for damage (arguably you’re gaining strength by doing so if the enemy has weakness stacked on you) while the other is giving you the capacity to drop conditions with damage.

For Healing Surge, I actually liked Daecollo’s idea of removing the stages of adrenaline to promote a stronger heal. Keep the cd it’s at but make it a flat 8k + refill adrenaline bar. That’s 281.33… HPS from that ability which is pretty nice. They would need to rework Mending to be somewhere around a 7.5k heal on it’s 25 second cooldown(300 HPS) to be comparable. This would give warrior the two options – If you have cleansing Ire, Healing Surge would be better suited for you while if you didn’t have cleaning ire, you can get mending and see comparable results.

That change has been made for HS by others too, and honestly I wouldn’t be against it. For changes to Mending, I don’t think it needs to heal for more. It’s cooldown coming down would be nice and perhaps auto-cleanse bleeding + 2 conditions (poison would just be too convenient and by concept, you’re bandaging yourself which is the purpose of bandages) would be all it really needs.

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Cleansing ire removes 1 condition per adrenaline bar spend (3 total), howered with burst mastery we can remove 2 at best (burst mastery reduces adrenaline spend by 1 bar)

Are you sure?

I’ve been keeping up with posts yest and today and who say you still remove 3 conditions with Burst Mastery.

As for the rest, I feel it’s a process. The Warrior paradigm has just shifted. Before, adrenaline’s value was low and worth more by holding onto it. This isn’t wholly the case anymore as some builds will value the use of adrenaline for various purposes.

I think some changes are indeed needed, maybe for Adrenal Health just a flat 125/3sec heal with 0 adrenaline and 360/3sec with 1 or more bars of adrenaline. The idea being, you still want to have adrenaline to get the better heal (it’s called Adrenal Health after all) and values defensive use of adrenaline rather than offensive.

As for Healing Surge, I don’t really see it as a huge problem. If you want to cure conditions before you heal, you should be using Mending. Maybe things can be changed to differ this, but that’s the advantage of Mending over HS: you get to use Mending to get rid of poison and lose no effectiveness whereas if you want the same with HS it requires other utility (Cleansing Ire isn’t the only condition clear) or the effectiveness of your heal.

So tell me..whats the point of having cleaning ire and healing surge?

Hail necros.


(edited by Scoobaniec.9561)

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

So tell me..whats the point of having cleaning ire and healing surge?

Hail necros.

What’s the attatchment suppose to mean?

And what’s the purpose of cleansing ire and healing surge? Dunno, I haven’t played with it since I’m not in town to play on my PC. Supplemental cleansing with your damage? What are you expecting? To roll over condition builds without a dedicated build for it?

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


So tell me..whats the point of having cleaning ire and healing surge?

Hail necros.

What’s the attatchment suppose to mean?

And what’s the purpose of cleansing ire and healing surge? Dunno, I haven’t played with it since I’m not in town to play on my PC. Supplemental cleansing with your damage? What are you expecting? To roll over condition builds without a dedicated build for it?

I just mean that they got necros right, while nerfing (stomping) us into ground. As for condition builds..i been rolling them pre-patch with 0..again 0 condi removal

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


I just mean that they got necros right, while nerfing (stomping) us into ground. As for condition builds..i been rolling them pre-patch with 0..again 0 condi removal

Yup playing on my Necro 80 right now and the changes are badass, I just wish they didn’t broke my Turret Engineer, again, sinds it is my second favourite character next to my Warrior.

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


No chance of fight Necros in melee range.

I some time was going with Sword/Axe, and Necros conter with tons of Fear + Torment + a tipe of bug that suround him and deal massive dmg at melee range.
I deal with Necros at long range with LB or Rifle, and have be happy.

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


What makes no sense is that your burst skills need to hit someone for you to cleans them. But if you have blind this is impossible, rendering that trait absolutely worthless. Face a blind spammer and it becomes apparent. They didn’t even put it in the trait desc either. Shows how kitten the idea was.

Warrior is amazing

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Blind are a big problem for all weapons except Sword and Longbow.
I agree with you, Anet need enable Cleansing Ire and Build Momentum to triger without land the burst.