Warrior love felt warmly

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


Bad players have been complaining how Warriors are. I posted this in the mesmer forum and look how it bloomed beautifully: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Is-there-a-way-to-beat-Warrior/first#post3818730

It taught them to think and to talk amogs themselves teaching the noobs hiw to play better instead of whining.

I did the same for all other profession forums and for a while it grew until forum mod removed all of them except for one. They say the content is the same and t was considered cross posting. The question was the same but the content and the benefit to be gained by all players and perhaps A-Net.

With the mod’s love for Warrior, all posts were deleted hiding all our exploitable weaknesses from the world. We are unstoppable because we have the favor of the mods.

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


Why make two threads talking about how you made 8 threads, 7 if which were deleted? Not trying to be rude, but i dont think anyone really cares. Bad players will still complain, youre thread did nothing to help that. Good players already know how to beat warriors

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


In what universe was I “talking about how [I] made 8 threads”?

Dude did you even read the contents of the link? It was made for those who cannot play well and cry Warrior is OP and rubbish like that. People were and in the case of the Mesmer community, are still sharing their experiences with other players. It helped the community united in a common cause.

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


In the end though, what did all this accomplish? Bads will still cry warr OP. good players already knew how to beat warriors. All these threads you make won’t change that

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


Sigh. You are probably right. HULK SMASH!

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


“With the mod’s love for Warrior, all posts were deleted hiding all our exploitable weaknesses from the world. We are unstoppable because we have the favor of the mods”

You just verified that Arena.net has committed Favoritism?

So is this the reason why so many players left and are in the process of leaving this game in flocks to other mmo’s?

Is this the reason why so many left and are in the process of leaving due to Impartial, Unfairness,Unequal, UnBiased, UnPreferable, Favortism and Unjust treatments?

So. we are ‘noobs’ for not playing War class?

So we are ‘noobs’ for playing non-War?

So we are ‘Bad Players’ because of Favoritism?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


No This does not prove that ANet have favoritism. I was sarcastic.This is because the forum mods do not read the content of the posts being deleted. They claim to be human but function like machines nevertheless. Could save them money by replacing them with software instead.

People are leaving because professions are being nerfed alot instead of being improved. Imagine playing MtG CCG and all WotC will be doing is to ban cards and reduce the card effects. It will be boring and eventually transfer to the new game.

Warrior is actually a noob class. If you want a person to try GW2, common recommendation is to try a tank class like warrior.

Bad players are players who play bad. This post started with a statement that warriors have exploitable weaknesses. Whiners are those who insist that “Warriors are OP” and at the same time does not ask how other players of the same profession can beat Warriors.

(edited by ShakeyStorm.7180)

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: Killface.1896


People still gonna cry about warrior they never know its the eles/necros that are killing them after they get hammerstuned

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


mesmer forums is pretty much the only one which filled with reasonable people and actually constructive posts

Warrior love felt warmly

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


Before the brilliant forum mod mindlessly deleted my posts, I made each one for all professions. All were equally helpful except for the Ranger forum. Warriors have weaknesses which are uniquely exploitable for every class. Whiners are just too lazy to post and to prideful to ask.