Warrior love!
I have one story…..my god pve i feel like such a beast and can experiment with a wide variety of playstyles and while some classes perform roles a bit better than most I dont feel punished for wanting to try condi…or axe power or gs power or tanky cc or support…
thats the only good story i got sorry =(
I’ve tried most other professions, but I always find myself coming back to my warrior. I’ve been at 80 for a while now, and am still fine-tuning, finding ways to improve.
For instance I’m thinking of dropping soldier runes and going for Lyssa, adding in Signet Cooldown Reduction trait, and changing OMM to Signet of Stamina. I think that would more than compensate for the loss of condition removal and the passive boost to stamina regen and all those glorious boons will be a marked improvement.
Tl;dr I do believe Warrior has so many possibilities, they just take longer to think of…. Or I’m just really slow :P
Oh and a story? Righto back before they revamped Ascalonian Catacombs, Colossus Rumblus used to have this bugged AOE scream that would instantly kill anyone within 400 or so range that wasn’t directly behind him. Anyway one guy got downed, another dropping as he tried to revive him, so we all sort of grouped around them, got them up, then bang Colossus dropped his AOE and we all hit the ground. His next sequence involved dropping rocks on you, didn’t do too much damage when downed but it interrupted your healing. So we’re all sitting within 5 feet of each other watching our health bars circle the drain. Then that glorious number 3 skill lit up, the only Warrior Vengeances up, I double tap my Warbanner and we’re all up, I didn’t even mind faceplanting the dirt 15 seconds later. Much to my surprise three of them lured him away while the other got me up. We finished that blasted graveling and off we went.
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
(edited by Dolan.3071)
Generally, Warrior is fine in PvE.
The whining and complaints and passion for the class issues on these boards comes in primarily at the tPvP level and partly in WvW against particular opponent builds (bunkers).
Don’t be discouraged, it is a fine class if you stay out of tPvP.
I destroy people in hotjoins on my warrior but I play tanky s/s + gs. We did pretty well in tPvP but a warrior does petty much get owned by any class that has condi and is tanky, guards and necros mainly.
Thanks for some of the stories already! Well I plan on going into wvw at some point but I can’t see too many issues unless I’m alone or fail to choose my fights well. Every class has it’s weakness and it’s strengths.
“Every class has it’s weakness and it’s strengths.”
True, but some have more weakness and less strengths than others. But you will see that in time. Keep playing
Ahh i love my warrior in pve can slice through anything i see even solo many of the champs in orr with certain builds. in wvw i have two builds that i can switch around with and be very useful one focused around the hammer and longbow for crushing the hell out of people. or axe/shield and longbow which i use for tanking and just soaking dmg.
I do have a guardian and thief at lvl 80 but i just dont play them that much cause i just cant get into their playstyles so now they are my node farming minions when i need to get lots of orichalcum for something.
The class is fine for everything outside of tPvP. The average skill levels of your opponents in hot join and WvW are low enough that you can do pretty well. As people have said, most of the whining comes from tPvP where your opponents will look to exploit every single one of your weaknesses. Unfortunately, warrior’s weaknesses are rather numerous and easy to exploit. That said, however, warriors are absolute beasts in pve so its a bit of a tradeoff.
That said, however, warriors are absolute beasts in pve so its a bit of a tradeoff.
7 level 80’s. warrior is my favorite by miles.
I don’t plan on doing tpvp anyway so that ain’t much of an issue! I’m sure the weaknesses will begin to show sooner or later.in pve though i have been completely dominating the scene! I look forward to have some stories of my own!
The class is fine for everything outside of tPvP. The average skill levels of your opponents in hot join and WvW are low enough that you can do pretty well. As people have said, most of the whining comes from tPvP where your opponents will look to exploit every single one of your weaknesses. Unfortunately, warrior’s weaknesses are rather numerous and easy to exploit
. That said, however, warriors are absolute beasts in pve so its a bit of a tradeoff.
In a game that they’re trying to tout as an e-sport, this post should never be factual of any class.
The problem is that the warrior is lacking in AoE lockdown capability that ALL other classes have. This is the only class in the game with only one combo field on an extremely limited skill (longbow burst) outside of which he has absolutely ZERO skills that can be placed to give control and allow further skill use.
Lets just rattle off a few examples:
- Guardian: symbols, wards, consecrations
- Mesmer: glamours, phantasms, clones, manipulations, hell the ENTIRE class
- Elementalist: ditto…nearly all weapon skills AoE and about 1/2 of them have a duration
- Engineer: turrets, various kit-specific and weapon-specific fields
- Thief: traps, tricks (caltrops), deceptions
- Ranger: traps, survival, various pet-specific skills
- Necromancer: wells, marks, corruptions, spectral
I could get technical, name every single one, and take up an entirely new post, or I could invite you to spend time figuring them out for yourself.
Here’s what the warrior can do:
- Longbow burst skill Combustive Shot
- Banners of Discipline, Strength, Defense, and Tactics
- Battle Standard elite skill
How many of those have an offensive capability? One. How many of those are even remotely useful in PvP? I would say MAYBE the Battle Standard, although you absolutely NEED the swiftness from the signet elite. Depending on your build, you would be using the longbow…so possibly combustive shot.
How many skills does the warrior have that can lay down an AoE field of ‘shut you down’ without interrupting all skill usage? Zero.
The problem is not the warrior’s inability to play to the weaknesses of other classes nor is it his inability to escape his own. Its the issue of how MUCH can he do at any given point in time? All other classes have at LEAST two different skills firing at all times during any given fight.
To make a quick musical analogy, its like all other classes in the game are being played with both a Treble and Bass clef while the warrior simply has a Treble clef.
Try pitting two equally skilled pianists against each other but removing one’s hand. There’s no chance. The guy with two hands will seemingly play better even though the one is doing just as well but with 1/2 of the music.
(edited by Redscope.6215)
Warriors in PVE are great and a challenge, can’t say the same about a Guardian, he practically just stands there, putting a wall and healing/regen till its over
Warriors are very versatile too in terms of builds or weapon combos, we have good range attacks and every weapon can be viable in PVE
What Warriors need in general is the improvement of some “never-used” utility skills and traits.
Also a block chance 4s skill, maybe with some retaliation to it.
Would love to see a portable banner or F2 F3 F4 slots being used in our class, but its a very challenging, addicting play-style class
WvW we do ok but in sPvP atm, due to limitations in valid builds, we’re lacking a lot with some classes being overpowered as hell.
I hope that in time ANet realizes that either they try and balance the game out more ASAP, or 8 bit mini-games won’t save this boat for long
If we are talking about PvE warrior is fine. Sure solo I cant kill every champion by myself but in dungeons we are always a solid choice. Lots of weapons lots of variety. We cant do it all but we do cover lots of roles when needed.
That being said in any sort of PvP we re the underdogs and no I do not mean we always get beat. Despite our few number of skills we usually have to work hard to get a kill. We have crazy issues with condtions and overall just dont carry the escpae tools ot ele/thief or the delay skills of tanky necros, guardians, and mesmers.
I do not think you feel it during the leveling process but when you hit 80 you will. After 50-60 hours (depending on how you leveled) it should start to sink in.
The good parts (since this thread is a bit of a downer)
Once you get used to it warrior is probably the most solid PvE class. Weapon variety is wide and for the most part each and everyone is well designed. We are literally the most versatile class when it comes to range vs melee and we have the best melee cc in the game. Our sustained dps with Axe (mh) and GS is going to be higher than most other classes even running a tanky build due to cleaves and base damage. We are the hardest hitting class in the game overall.
As much doom and gloom as we see here the fact is warrior is a solid investment. Where other classes are rife with fear of nerfs we have for the most part been untouched (quickness is debatable).
Among my 80s (4 now) Its the most likely one I log into and just play. Everything you get done on warrior feels satisfying because you know you are not using any OP mechanics just good solid play.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
I loved the warrior profession… i then entered wvw
I love warrior profession… especially in WvW. Don’t play sPvP or tPvP but in WvW (not solo but part of a team) and PvE warrior kicks kitten It’s requires more skill to play effectively then other OP class/builds and I am fine with that. It makes for very satisfying challenging gameplay.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”