Warrior max power

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Hey fellow warriors!

I’m just curious how much power (with food buffs and all other buffs available) can you actualy achieve?


EDIT: I’m runing 20/20/10/0/20 build, PVT exo gear with sup runes of dolyak, 2swords(sup sigil of bloodlust&purity)/GS(sup sigil of fire) and with all buffs, food and sharpening stone I managed to get 3.6k power at some point.

[Piken Square]

(edited by Nonfat.8742)

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Noone as curious as me?

[Piken Square]

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


With re-trait I could get base to 2,5k. +250 from sigil, about +200 from food, + 875 from might stacks, +180 from skills
About 4k, probably bit more with vit/tou stuff (better return from sharpening stone, 25 trait on Defense).

(edited by Wethospu.6437)

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


I don’t have the actual equipments but the build would be
Soldier armor, weapon. accessories (P/V/T)
Superior rune of the fighter (165 power + 50 toughness) and Exquisite Beryl Jewel for accessories.
Any weapon as long as its not including shield or warhorn Superior Sigil of Bloodlust.

Required trait is Strength (3)
Utility = Signet of Strength, Great Justice, Banner of Strength and Signet of Rage
Use Superior Sharpening stone and Plate of Orian Steak Frittes

You would be boasting an absurd amount of base power with this build.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

(edited by LieutenantGoogle.7326)

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: Evalia.7103


I don’t have the actual equipments but the build would be
Soldier armor, weapon. accessories (P/V/T)
Superior rune of the fighter (165 power + 50 toughness) and Exquisite Beryl Jewel for accessories.
Any weapon as long as its not including shield or warhorn Superior Sigil of Bloodlust.

Required trait is Strength (3)
Utility = Signet of Strength, Great Justice, Banner of Strength and Signet of Rage
Use Superior Sharpening stone and Plate of Orian Steak Frittes

You would be boasting an absurd amount of base power with this build.

Will you be boasting any crits at all with this build tho? :P

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


I don’t have the actual equipments but the build would be
Soldier armor, weapon. accessories (P/V/T)
Superior rune of the fighter (165 power + 50 toughness) and Exquisite Beryl Jewel for accessories.
Any weapon as long as its not including shield or warhorn Superior Sigil of Bloodlust.

Required trait is Strength (3)
Utility = Signet of Strength, Great Justice, Banner of Strength and Signet of Rage
Use Superior Sharpening stone and Plate of Orian Steak Frittes

You would be boasting an absurd amount of base power with this build.

Will you be boasting any crits at all with this build tho? :P

Well the topic starter is asking for the maximum power possible and that’s what I’m giving him o.O
This is by no means the highest damage build, but with ascended accessories it will be the highest power build assuming that might is taken out of consideration here.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

(edited by LieutenantGoogle.7326)

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3106


Without buff, I can do 3.5 alone. >=)

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

Warrior max power

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Thx all for your input! Greatly appreciated

I’ll be testing out the build, probably tonight.

Will post results here if anyone will be interested.

Kind regards,

[Piken Square]