Warrior or Thief?

Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sabo.1485


I know, I’m asking for an unbiased opinion in a biased forum. But I’ve been away from the game for a long time and I’d like to pick it back up again. My last go, I played the kitty out of my mesmer, but I was wanting to do something a bit different, and right now I’m leaning towards either warrior or thief. I’ve had a taste of warrior (up to level 40ish) and I like the much faster playstyle compared to my mesmer.

If you warriors had it to do all over again, would you go warrior over thief again? Any particular highlights or pitfalls you can think of that I should know about? I exclusively PvE and at 80, farming on a mesmer just really isn’t an option, so I’m really just looking for a change. After warrior/thief, I’m possibly looking at elementalist/necromancer/engineer as alternatives, but I’ve never been a big melee player before and I’d really like to give it a go. Any thoughts or feedback you can give would be appreciated.

Finnegan Bhaird – Human Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


despite what people say thief is more than proficient for pve as long as you dont roll with speedrun pugs. Having said that it all comes down to what you think you would like more. take a look at the forums. Lots of ppl complain about warriors being weak. Then take a look a the thief forums lots of ppl complain that thieves need higher survivability (personally i think they are crap players but thats my opinion)

Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Talking about pve… I’d say warrior feels more useful then thief. Then again, haven’t playedthief much in pve. Don’t play pve at all actually.

If I would have to do it all again, knowing what I know now, warrior.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
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Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


One thing I will tell you about warriors is that if you don’t have vit/tough gear on your warrior you have little room for error. It is there, your base hp and a few skills allow for some mistakes. Its just harder to play. Most content is easier on the thief if you know the fight and when to dodge. Thieves get a lot more ‘outs’ so if they use one at the wrong time there’s a good chance it wasn’t the last one available.

On the warrior forum you’ll hear a lot of complaining about how bad they are in PvP. On the thief forum its PvE. The difference between the two is that warriors are definitely at the bottom of the totem pole as far as PvP is concerned whereas thieves just have a lot of instagib players that don’t know how to use their skills to evade instead of trying to facetank and DPS their way through PvE content.

The thief is a little more selfish than the rest of the classes in GW2. He can lay fields if he has the proper weapon set, and he can share some things when traited for it but most players don’t take them. That can make the thief less desirable in dungeon groups, but unfortunately that’s on the player and not the class itself. I won’t not invite a thief or kick them from group, but I mostly don’t look for thieves to group with specifically because most of the players on that class try to PvE with their PvP buttons.

Anyway, you’ve got a warrior up to 40. Push it to 80, get some exotics, and smash some faces in dungeons. If you like it, you can stick with it until you’re bored. THEN play a thief

Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sabo.1485


I greatly appreciate the feedback you guys have given. It’s hard to settle on a profession when every profession forum is full of “our profession is terrible, buff us and nerf everyone else” threads. This has definitely helped make up my mind.

Finnegan Bhaird – Human Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


If you are looking to be a WvW roamer, instagibber, great 1v1 class with massive burst damage and a plethora of escapes, but is more selfish, doesn’t thrive as much in a group setting then choose the thief.

If you are looking for a PvE monster, a more useful class in zerg vs zerg battles in WvW with more survivability and CC that has the potential to facetank and absorb a lot of damage, but is very average in 1v1 and roaming, gets absolutely dumped on by certain builds and is absolutely crap in sPvP, then choose warrior.

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Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Typically warrior is the default choice, until you get bored and want to do something else more productive.

Warriors might have this and that but honestly, they are a boring profession.

Heavy Armor + Greatsword = typical, boring…what’s not typical is, how to down someone with Heavy Armor + Greatsword.

Guardian is still the better Soldier class and far more interesting. They make Heavy Armor + Greatsword look good and play better.

If you pick Warrior, the challenge is the fight within yourself not to fall asleep while playing. Usually the problem is that, players who plays Warrior dozes off then snaps out it finding themselves downed or dead. It will take a lot of patience and perseverance to play a Warrior and I hope you have the resolve because I don’t.

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Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zestus.2931


i have 80’s of both and the thief is a more “fun” class but i’ve identified with warriors since my first days playing runescape then WoW so i still “main” a warrior
warriors also have the most pride of all the classes in any mmorpg i reckon… we’re pretty kickkitten (can i even say that)

Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Steven.6425


if you want a class that will serve you well in end game pvp.. thief dominates a warrior in every way shape or form. very biased but i have sunrise on my warrior and no legendary on my thief.. so idk what that tells you but i really wanted the warrior to be amazing but it simply is not in pvp. a thief can pretty much kill anything that steps up to it. a warrior is good for 1 thing only.. dungeon speed farming for the kitten kitten dps.

Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ottohi.2871


If it stands there and stares at your feet a warrior can kill it with ease.
If it moves a thief can kill it a lot better.

If it hits hard but only occasionally a warrior’s your man.
If it hits decently and has burst to avoid go for a thief.

If you want to not be babysat go for a thief.
If you want to be babysat go for a warrior.

Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Go warrior. They can do more than a thief in high end fotm. Anything below high lvl fotm or cof p1 farming is just easy for any class any build.

I have a warrior thief guardian etc. Guardians and wars are in high demand. Having said that, pve gets boring with all of them.

Warrior or Thief?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


If I had to do it all over again I would have listened to my fiancee.

I would have rolled Guardian all the way (she said my character name sounded more like a Guardian). Superior stall/bunker and, if you want, decently high dps spec with free burning and blinds. The Guardian is by far the best class around if you want a melee class.

The other class that would be worth considering is a Mesmer as they are just truly ridiculous. Invulnerable states, stealth, crowd control, mobility, boons, boon removal, unparalleled support (massive teleport across a very far distance, AOE quickness, AOE condition removal, etc)…. the Mesmer is a monster in 1v1 or 1v2 situations.

However, I still would choose Guardian over Warrior or Thief if I had to start over, then if I had to choose a second…. Thief.