Warrior or guardian?
Guardian is more of a support class where warrior is DPS. To me, warriors are amazing and have really strong dps. If there was a such a thing as a tank on this game it would be the guardian. Just think about what you want, a class that primarily deals out damage and a lot of it, or a class that is more geared towards supporting and protecting other players.
because rough men stand ready
to do violence on their behalf.” – George Orwell
Guardian has the potential to be more durable, and has better team buffs (though warrior isn’t bad in either) but lacks the versatility and damage output from warrior.
Why not both?
Both guardians and warriors have decent support and DPS builds. The overall difference is that guardians rely more on active defenses than on being innately tough, warriors can be built for burst DPS while guardians can be more easily traited for sustaining themselves and others…
Guardians are like the Paladins of WoW, they heal themselves and others quite easily and you pretty much understand the dynamic very early on. They can summon pets and or “familiars” (one at a time for a duration) that help with dmg.
Warriors are just that, they head into the fray and wipe out everything in their path, however, they deal in dmg mitigation and toughness, NOT heals. They kill things quick (Berserker) and take tons of dmg.
I find Guardians easily more likeable, the regen and healing per hit drew me in immediately, as a player who has Tanked over a decade, its good to see a tank that can handle any situation by himself with some regen. However as is par for the course, a Paladin-type will always be on a stepping stone above Warriors for me. It just makes sense Heals + Plate > Plate + Shouts.
Do guardian. Unless your really good at warrior, a guardian will outtank you and out dps you (at the same time, not (well can be) either or)
A guardian is healing buffing tank
A warrior is a balls-to-the-wall glass cannon
You can try swimming upstream on both, with varying results
The question should not be warrior or Guardian.
The question should be Thief or Mesmer.
There. I’ve just said what every warrior is thinking about on these forums.