Warrior post patch.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


Just tried it out, and the verdict is…

I still have the same issues which is actually sticking on enemy players and I’m still kited to death since I have no sustain and no damage mitigation while dps gain is so little. I think taking 10 in strength for 12% damage gain is a hell lot better than the 30 in discipline. In fact taking another 10 in discipline for kitten poor damage only applies to guardians and engineers.

Elementalist still destroy me regardless of what I do. I can’t spec in anything well because everything decent is a grandmaster trait.

I’m just curious what experience others are having.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Same experience there. Small steps philosophy…We will have to wait another month, and again and again to the expansions, then either we will be op or up. Rinse and repeat.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Bacon Please.8407

Bacon Please.8407

What is your current build? I’ve found that with warrior, trying to play entirely meaning to deal damage usually fails Infact I have only 10 points in arm and 0 In strength but I still have 52% crit chance and 90% crit damage while maintaing 2580-2712 toughness depending on which weapon I switch to. Currently running Hammer/Gs, If you are having trouble sticking to your enemy try picking up Leg specialist. It is amazing for keeping the pressure on ranged classes making them have to really focus on running from you rather then kiting. It was the best 10 point investment I’ve ever used. Who cares about damage if you can’t get close enough to hit them?

We all like to [FARM] Guild Leader
Jade Quarry

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Take both and Take a rifle. Problem ?

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Warriors have NO SUSTAIN still.

Thieves can stay in the fight better then we can, all we can do is RUN AWAY.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: fost.9167


If you read some of the other professions, some of them are a bit upset over their nerfs and changes so it might be that they didn’t want to overbalance the warrior with some of the fixes/nerfs going out.

Of course, I could be smoking crack too

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Sol Haer.5187

Sol Haer.5187

We’re still dogkitten, the burst mastery trait + warhorn blast effect are appreciated though.

Still taking Embrace the Pain (hammer war) over Dogged March, regen is to little and I use a sword / warhorn offhand to deal with snares.

Birch Bruiser, Crystal Desert’s #1 Albino Sylvari Warrior.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Marius.8052


Seriously what was the point of buffing warriors lol? My Warrior was a god before, and now he’s a super-god. GG Arenanet, thanks for making me even more powerful without any effort on my part.

Might want to take more time looking at the other classes tho lol.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Venn.7623


I still have the same issues which is actually sticking on enemy players and I’m still kited to death since I have no sustain and no damage mitigation while dps gain is so little.


A million times ^

Warriors are so terribly out classed in every aspect of PvP.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


If you read some of the other professions, some of them are a bit upset over their nerfs and changes so it might be that they didn’t want to overbalance the warrior with some of the fixes/nerfs going out.

Of course, I could be smoking crack too

If you read some of the other professions, some of them are a bit upset over their nerfs and changes so it might be that they didn’t want to overbalance the warrior with some of the fixes/nerfs going out.

Of course, I could be smoking crack too

What other profession nerfs? Did you see the buffs to the rangers? Ele ride the lightening was the only thing that got nerfed. They still heal big and their cantrips are as powerful as ever. Unless they plan on nerfing them later.

Let us see the trait buffs:
Destruction of the Empowered: 3% extra damage per boon on target.
1.It is deep in the discipline tree. You will have to sacrifice going into the Arms tree for the attack of opportunity.
2.The other buffed talent (just a silly combination..doubt anybody bursts faster than 7 seconds except hammer warriors on hammer all the time) is on the same line so you can only choose one.
3.Protection offers 33% damage reduction. To overcome protection which is up a LOT of the time on bunker classes..they will have to have 11 boons on them to mitigate it..
4. Does that mean I will receive even more damage when someone has retaliation up a lot of the time?
Now.. the only advantage I see to it is if you pick a boon heavy target in a group of enemies..say a guardian..does it mean it will give you a lot of increased damage on the rest of your targets? In that case..yummy.

I would have been happy if they gave us boon stripping like necros, mesmers and thieves. Thieves actually got one of their WEAPON attacks -not 30 points into a skill line trait-buffed to STEAL two boons and not simply strip them.

Dogged March:
33% duration reduction on movement impairing effects. I dunno but I think this is countered by condition duration increase by the attacking player so..and gaining regeneration? What good is regeneration if i’m kited to my death?
Also, you sacrifice either Embrace the pain or last stand which are both big in gaining adrenaline for bursting with Axe/hammer or for standing up to a cc combo or heavy cc class. I wish they had placed this somewhere else.
Who knows. With the calculated movement impairment reduction it might be good.

Signet of might:
Useless. CCs that go through will not knock back or down the blocking target. 100b lands 1/3 of the way through, only. Only reason I see it being used is for a big hit like Evis but even then..I usually check if someone is blocking before dropping it. I dunno if its worth it occupying one of my valuable traits just to make sure an ability goes through which it usually does.
Guardians have line and circle of warding which interrupts blocking completly. Why can’t the signet of might be like that?They are even regular weapon skills..not utility ones..

Burst Mastery:
This might be good in fast bursting if you have a build to fill up the adrenaline fast giving you two bursts. The longer warriors stay in a fight the less chance of a survival against classes with fewer cooldowns and good escape abilities.
But then..will you be blowing abilities needlessly to fill your bar for a 2nd burst? Maybe if you were a full time hammer warrior it would be good.

1.Boon hate sounds like its inferior to boon stripping. We are still falling behind other classes in dealing with boons.
2.Dogged mach is not that good. We sacrifice too much to get it. We are still being kited while other classes don’t have to be kited as much as us even with dogged march.
3.Signet of might is useless.
4. Burst mastery. Might be good,
5.Our elite -which is the equivalent to regular boons other classes have up more than us -can now be completely removed and added to the thieve’s aresnal using their regular weapon attack which has no cooldown.

I’m hoping they are keeping an eye on things and planing to intervene soon if possible and not wait several more months while working on PVE content.

Overall I think it is a good step forwards but we will see if it is enough. Got my doubts :o.

(edited by XII.9401)

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Venn.7623


I see hot join glass rifle warriors being the only thing benefiting from this lol.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


At the moment, even taking dogged march and 30 in discipline left me in a pretty bad position. The discipline trait line itself is awful, 30% crit damage and 3% burst damage is making me cry a bit how weak it is. I found taking the new boon hate makes me weaker against rangers and mesmers.

Also I would try out bull charge→ frenzy HB but that only worked with 100% quickness because HB itself is a 3.5s channel and bull charge being a 2s knockdown means it’s the only way you’ll get fully combo someone without getting destroyed in the process. I’m losing all faith in A-Net for even making warrior viable anymore. Dogged march is so worthless.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


Is this WvW or s/tPvP?

So far I am loving the buffs. I run melandru and the grass so that with the dogged march is awesome. All the movement condi’s are like 1 sec. I don’t know if the empowered trait is worth it yet still messing with it right now. The dogged march trait I feel is definitely worth it.

I’m running 10/10/20/0/30 atm. So I am at 50% chance to crit 86 crit damage. 2.9k armor. I havent had any problems so far with pretty much any class. I just ran at a 25 stack staff necro and he couldnt keep me off of him.

I think 10/20/20/0/20 might be better though for my style with GS and Axe/shield.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


Is this WvW or s/tPvP?

So far I am loving the buffs. I run melandru and the grass so that with the dogged march is awesome. All the movement condi’s are like 1 sec. I don’t know if the empowered trait is worth it yet still messing with it right now. The dogged march trait I feel is definitely worth it.

I’m running 10/10/20/0/30 atm. So I am at 50% chance to crit 86 crit damage. 2.9k armor. I havent had any problems so far with pretty much any class. I just ran at a 25 stack staff necro and he couldnt keep me off of him.

I think 10/20/20/0/20 might be better though for my style with GS and Axe/shield.

Strictly sPvP, WvW has a very strong bias since most people don’t even eat food and there is no stat cap.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


The olny good stuff is dogger march, qucik burst, call to arms, buffed signet (for open pve), fixed frenzy..but anyone goes for it anyway? Rest is meh at best, boonhate is an epic fail tho

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Celestina.2894


Seriously what was the point of buffing warriors lol? My Warrior was a god before, and now he’s a super-god. GG Arenanet, thanks for making me even more powerful without any effort on my part.

Might want to take more time looking at the other classes tho lol.

And then you step into PVP

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Thank you ANET for the buffs. I tried them here is the verdict.

The way that its such a trade off to use either one of the new traits, doent make them buffs at all. Becasue If we want boon hate we have to trade a damage increase from somewhere else to get it. Those other traits are a guaranteed boost. Either 10 or 12% depending. So unless the other player we are fighting has all 9 boons on them were not even going to break even on the loss.

The dogged march is great but if we want that we have to give up leg specialist or something. That really doesn’t solve the problem of getting kited. Becasue sure we have 33% less movement but we lack the CC to keep the target from kiting. So we still get kited even more than if we hadent used dogged march at all.

I’m not really sure were your trying to go with theses buffs. They don’t seem to be helping anything except rifle warriors.

The real buffs I suppose is the signet of strength outside of situational SPVP I dont find the active effect that usefull. The passive effect is better but if you want to use signets your going to have to trade CC and survivability, which brings me back to square one warrior problems from he beginning.

If I wanted to use all the the new traits and skills the out come is. Less damage, less CC, Less survivability, more susceptibility to getting kited. Becasue the trade off are too severe to make the benefits if there are any justifiable. Which is the original problem of the warrior, so such a build only exacerbates are original problems.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Windwalker.2047


I heard rush now has a 40 sec cooldown if you dont hit anything……..oh,right.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I heard rush now has a 40 sec cooldown if you dont hit anything……..oh,right.

I can’t hit anything with rush even without the cool-down

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Assassin X.8573

Assassin X.8573

i duno what you guys are doing, i am facerolling people in wvw. 20/20/30 GS/Axe/Shield.
zerk gear and i stand in aoes. push to the back line of the enemy zerg and shield stance and reflect, drawing fire from my squad so they can push in and roflstomp the enemy. if i need to, i pop EP and whirling out of fire into my reinforcements, gain some hp back and rush/bulls right back into the fight.

Darkhaven Gold Tiger Assassin X [JPGN][Sold][VII]
Videos on Youtube

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


I heard rush now has a 40 sec cooldown if you dont hit anything……..oh,right.

Rush is so bugged atm even with 10 sec cooldown I’ll hardly hit anyone under 40 sec with the stupid fail animation at the end.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


i duno what you guys are doing, i am facerolling people in wvw. 20/20/30 GS/Axe/Shield.
zerk gear and i stand in aoes. push to the back line of the enemy zerg and shield stance and reflect, drawing fire from my squad so they can push in and roflstomp the enemy. if i need to, i pop EP and whirling out of fire into my reinforcements, gain some hp back and rush/bulls right back into the fight.

You are talking about WvW and also about running in a zerg. Chances are you are the 50% of the players that buff themselves with all the consumable buffs and fully decked out killing stragglers that were running away from your zerg train. I can be a level 2 and kill a level 80, there is no skill in WvW.
I’ve seen so many videos of these pros killing people who were running away, never heard of the ability of dodge, has zero stun breaker/condition removal, and no CC themselves, and lastly killing people who are upleveled. Step into sPvP and find someone lv38+ rank not playing warrior 1v1 and you’ll realize how little you can do against them as they walk all over you.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Grounder.7381


i knew this buff was a dud.!! people over react/ exaggerate too much about it.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Fourth.1567


I really think the problem with warriors is their class design philosophy. Warriors have to be differentiated for thieves and guardians in some way. Which is basically them not being allowed evasiveness, sustain or defensive boons. Now they are still melee classes that need a way to survive so where do they get that from? Passive defense? Well that is just plain inferior right now and well boring in the first place.

So at the end of the day what is a warrior? Right now the warrior has the best cc and good damage output with the lowest reliability, sustain and active defense. Could say they have high passive hp/armor but at the end of the day they still have the worst survivability due to having the lowest sustain + active defense. So where is the problem?

Warriors are undercut on sustain and active defense to too large of a margin in an attempt to make them unique. The other issue is reliability which is frankly a problem with the other classes. Classes having less reliability and more counterplay = good, you know like a warrior. Not like this ranger thing where damage just happens and you can focus almost all your attention on evading. Warriors I feel like I have to bait dodges with lower impact skills and count cooldowns, other classes, nah, getting damage through is cake.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Is this WvW or s/tPvP?

So far I am loving the buffs. I run melandru and the grass so that with the dogged march is awesome. All the movement condi’s are like 1 sec. I don’t know if the empowered trait is worth it yet still messing with it right now. The dogged march trait I feel is definitely worth it.

I’m running 10/10/20/0/30 atm. So I am at 50% chance to crit 86 crit damage. 2.9k armor. I havent had any problems so far with pretty much any class. I just ran at a 25 stack staff necro and he couldnt keep me off of him.

I think 10/20/20/0/20 might be better though for my style with GS and Axe/shield.

Share your build/gear plz. I’m pretty dissapointed with most of the changes. The DOE (destruction of empowered) is weak against classes with protection especially if they have any kinda regen up.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


i duno what you guys are doing, i am facerolling people in wvw. 20/20/30 GS/Axe/Shield.
zerk gear and i stand in aoes. push to the back line of the enemy zerg and shield stance and reflect, drawing fire from my squad so they can push in and roflstomp the enemy. if i need to, i pop EP and whirling out of fire into my reinforcements, gain some hp back and rush/bulls right back into the fight.

Needs only one skilled player with any other classes to stomp you in the ground in WvW. You rarely run into good players in WvW. You are also protected by the zerg and running into ‘up arrow’ players. Need I say more?

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Thank you ANET for the buffs. I tried them here is the verdict.

The way that its such a trade off to use either one of the new traits, doent make them buffs at all. Becasue If we want boon hate we have to trade a damage increase from somewhere else to get it. Those other traits are a guaranteed boost. Either 10 or 12% depending. So unless the other player we are fighting has all 9 boons on them were not even going to break even on the loss.

The dogged march is great but if we want that we have to give up leg specialist or something. That really doesn’t solve the problem of getting kited. Becasue sure we have 33% less movement but we lack the CC to keep the target from kiting. So we still get kited even more than if we hadent used dogged march at all.

I’m not really sure were your trying to go with theses buffs. They don’t seem to be helping anything except rifle warriors.

The real buffs I suppose is the signet of strength outside of situational SPVP I dont find the active effect that usefull. The passive effect is better but if you want to use signets your going to have to trade CC and survivability, which brings me back to square one warrior problems from he beginning.

If I wanted to use all the the new traits and skills the out come is. Less damage, less CC, Less survivability, more susceptibility to getting kited. Becasue the trade off are too severe to make the benefits if there are any justifiable. Which is the original problem of the warrior, so such a build only exacerbates are original problems.

Please tell me of a situation worth slotting the signet of strength. Its a huge waste of space.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Seriously what was the point of buffing warriors lol? My Warrior was a god before, and now he’s a super-god. GG Arenanet, thanks for making me even more powerful without any effort on my part.

Might want to take more time looking at the other classes tho lol.

And then you step into PVP


Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


Please tell me of a situation worth slotting the signet of strength. Its a huge waste of space.

9/10 times when someone saw me using killshot they don’t block, they dodge it. I don’t understand the signet’s worth at all. If it was for the next 5 seconds your attacks are unblockable then I’ll consider it but even then losing out on all the utility, gap closers, stun breakers etc doesn’t seem worth it.
I’ve gotten tossed around by an ele so many kitten times and here I thought warriors were the king of CC, not to mention elementalist’s CC are all 2 seconds long while ours are usually 1 second long unless you blow your entire 3 bar adrenline.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Please tell me of a situation worth slotting the signet of strength. Its a huge waste of space.

9/10 times when someone saw me using killshot they don’t block, they dodge it. I don’t understand the signet’s worth at all. If it was for the next 5 seconds your attacks are unblockable then I’ll consider it but even then losing out on all the utility, gap closers, stun breakers etc doesn’t seem worth it.
I’ve gotten tossed around by an ele so many kitten times and here I thought warriors were the king of CC, not to mention elementalist’s CC are all 2 seconds long while ours are usually 1 second long unless you blow your entire 3 bar adrenline.

I think a full adrenaline bar Fear followed by killshot has a better chance. Assuming they can’t break out of it.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Clip.6845


Is this WvW or s/tPvP?

So far I am loving the buffs. I run melandru and the grass so that with the dogged march is awesome. All the movement condi’s are like 1 sec. I don’t know if the empowered trait is worth it yet still messing with it right now. The dogged march trait I feel is definitely worth it.

I’m running 10/10/20/0/30 atm. So I am at 50% chance to crit 86 crit damage. 2.9k armor. I havent had any problems so far with pretty much any class. I just ran at a 25 stack staff necro and he couldnt keep me off of him.

I think 10/20/20/0/20 might be better though for my style with GS and Axe/shield.

this, Melandru + dogger’s march is so great! I don’t get kited at all.
I’m running 0 0 30 30 10 myself with P/V/T stats and have yet to run into a class that I have trouble with in pvp. And I fought players with 40+ ranks.

80’s: Engineer/Warrior/Necromancer/Mesmer/Thief/Elementalist/Guardian [Seafarer’s Rest]

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


I’m really enjoying it now actually. Good damage (decent sustain), excellent mobility, okayish cleansing abilities and little to zero issue with cc. Still glass cannon mind you but then that’s why the mobility is important.

Having said that to achieve the above has taken a new build with this patch which obviously means relatively limited testing time. No doubt there are major issues which I have yet to come across…..

Edit – That’s from an xPvP perspective, PVE is a faceroll for the main anyway unless you are one of the guys/gals soloing dungeons (kudos to you).

(edited by Fenrir.3609)

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


Coming from a Necro. Warriors are a very good challenge with decreased cc duration. They stick to me very easily and put out good damage.

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


they should rather fix our gapclosing skills … more regenration from dogged? we have that one boon in abundance, tyvm. 3 unblockable hits trading for might? throwing it right out of my toolbar. 3% more damage for every boon? unreliable and low damage, if i have to take 30 points in dicipline most builds are kittened up. so basically except a nerf to my might from the signet which lowers my burst potential ive seen nothing of consequence to me. exception: frenzy 6 s and only 25% damage now. so.. none of the real warrior issues are fixed, but they played around with some stuff nobody cared for… 2/10 wouldnt patch again.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Clip.6845


they should rather fix our gapclosing skills … more regenration from dogged? we have that one boon in abundance, tyvm. 3 unblockable hits trading for might? throwing it right out of my toolbar. 3% more damage for every boon? unreliable and low damage, if i have to take 30 points in dicipline most builds are kittened up. so basically except a nerf to my might from the signet which lowers my burst potential ive seen nothing of consequence to me. exception: frenzy 6 s and only 25% damage now. so.. none of the real warrior issues are fixed, but they played around with some stuff nobody cared for… 2/10 wouldnt patch again.

More regeneration? Unless you are running a banner build we don’t have that boon anywhere, it’s a very nice boon to have on an already high regenerating warrior (adrenaline, signet, shouts).

80’s: Engineer/Warrior/Necromancer/Mesmer/Thief/Elementalist/Guardian [Seafarer’s Rest]

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


sorry that was meant for WvW, theres always regeneration for everyone there (unlike protection). for spvp it prolly is usefull indeed.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


Seriously what was the point of buffing warriors lol? My Warrior was a god before, and now he’s a super-god. GG Arenanet, thanks for making me even more powerful without any effort on my part.

Might want to take more time looking at the other classes tho lol.


Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: Bushido.2184


Dogged March is cool. Too bad we have no sustain for it to matter.

Destruction of the Empowered is not cool. There’s better (and more reliable and stable) choices for damage without having to invest grandmaster in a flawed trait line.

Result: nothing changed, except finally hotfixing Frenzy after a month. Oh, they forgot to hotfix Last Chance and Sigil of Rage’s duration (again). Oh well, maybe next month..

Leet Hacker (War) | Linüx (Necro) | Linúx (Ele)
Quit to play my 2 favorite competitive fps and moba games ported to my favorite OS.

(edited by Bushido.2184)

Warrior post patch.

in Warrior

Posted by: RustyEyeballs.8927


Dogged March is cool. Too bad we have no sustain for it to matter.

Destruction of the Empowered is not cool. There’s better (and more reliable and stable) choices for damage without having to invest grandmaster in a flawed trait line.

Result: nothing changed, except finally hotfixing Frenzy after a month. Oh, they forgot to hotfix Last Chance and Sigil of Rage’s duration (again). Oh well, maybe next month..

For the most part this. The Burst talent is cool and possibly useful. Not sure what the signet buffs will do….