Warrior, really underpowered?

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kristian.6189



What do you guys think? Post your answers below.

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948


Warrior is one of the top professions in pve. Very easy to profession to begin and level with and can be used for all sorts of pve content. Very much wanted in dungeons, but also good for solo roaming. But most pve content (besides soloing some of those Orr group events etc) is so easy, one can do that with any profession.

Hammer + sword/warhorn warriors are the meta in top tier WvWvW, aka the melee / pain train together with the guardians. Those shouts and banners are useful when you have a really large group around you. But warriors are unforgivable when it comes to solo roaming. In other words if warrior ends up in a fight he wants to get out, he will struggle to get out e.g. compared to thief, which has similar level of dps and burst, but can disengage much easier. To put it short: warriors excel in big fights, but not as solo roamers in WvWvW, due thief doing that role so much better.

Warrior is problematic in tpvp. Hman has showed warrior can be used effectively there and his warrior certainly wasn’t the weakest link, but the biggest problem is lack of sustainability. Big hit point pool nor high armor won’t help against multiple conditions. Warrior doesn’t have any easy access to protection and I think that is actually intended and should be kept so.

I would still urge the developers be very careful in buffing the warrior. By giving warrior a lot more survivability could push it easily over the top. Maybe while at same time tweaking some weaker warrior traits and survivability skills (e.g. upping the healing signet), they could slightly tone down the burst damage. Yes, I am talking about a tiny nerf to 100blades, eviscerate (but just to damage, make it path better!) and so on. If warrior would have similar sustainability to guardian and still be able to dish the old 100 blades with stun/immobilize lock that could be devastating, especially in spvp. So perhaps do some tpvp/spvp related tweaks only: slightly tone down the burst damage, while increasing warrior’s survivability a bit.

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: tonny.7580


spvp warrior are the most under power class pvpe like dungons not but fractals there underpowerd

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: tonny.7580


realy spvp warriors are joke all other class can run a way from them most there stund feard root(stablid dont work on root contison hit like truck when warrior finnaly get hit on enemy hes done to last 30% hp and heal,(is joke one u cast takes for ever thad can by intrupid 30 time by for it gos off and if u get heal of it only heals 20% will other class heal 3times more then u and the 2 contisuon removed realy only 2 becous all the higher lvl spvp guys but 4 contision on u and can just stack them back on u in 2 sec)
thne there the proplem with hammer u have to stand in one spot to cast skill 2 second and in thad time enemy can move easy out of way all of the hammer skill are great but ur lock to spot will enemy can ardy by soom where other and gs skill nr 2 the hundreat blats is seim only way u can get out of it is dodge but if ur dodnt have dodge any more ur f becous most liky thife or range root u in sec and dont forget necros who remove all ur boons and make them contsions.
thad all spvp but.
in fractals warrior are joke no one one see them becous of fight the have to by ranged on higher lvl ones enemy hit to hard warrior cant go toughtness becous he will aggro every ting ( aggro every mob will turn on him and just conus on him never any one other but realy he dont have dodges or heals or skill or traits for it to surive thad long unlike guardain)
dungones warriors are just great for dungeons only ting the need is guardian in group with hug toughtness and and just nuke.
soo over all warrior are joke most of them time they have to us rifles or powes in fight only spot the are great are in wvw and dungeons : warrior need monk from guild wars 1 to surived any newer ting no one gear abut warriors seims in anet when the make new ting like fractals dungeons and spvp when then erf frenzy it was bigest nerf the did the warrior
and i am dyleixc soo dont start with learn english and if u dont know what dylexic go learn it on wiki and troll go and hangurs selfs.
one ting more plz remove berserker gear from game it no good or ad extra stats for soom other gear with hp def becous other then thad it just no us if u one remake dungeons

(edited by tonny.7580)

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


^ Sorry I really couldn’t make sense of that…

We are kings of PvE and the laughing stock of PvP, in WvW we can survive through sheer numbers.
Why? Because braindead mobs will sit there and let you set off your optimal DPS cycle and we have enough basic evades to dodge the predictable attacks.
In PvP, and to a lesser extent WvW, every other class has the potential to simply out heal and kite you to death. Imagine a boss that ran away from you spamming cripple/chill/evades until you were dead? With our lousy condition removal and buggy gap closers, we are too easily shut down. Our big damage attacks are predictable and very easy to identify, and are thus very easily avoided by our opponents. The few opponents that are willing to fight a Warrior head on are bunkers that will easily take advantage of our sub-par healing and survivability, Guardians and Elementalists are notorious for this, they will eat everything you have to throw at them, heal themselves, while essentially dealing the same damage percentage to you, but with no means of healing yourself….

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


^ Sorry I really couldn’t make sense of that…

We are kings of PvE and the laughing stock of PvP, in WvW we can survive through sheer numbers.
Why? Because braindead mobs will sit there and let you set off your optimal DPS cycle and we have enough basic evades to dodge the predictable attacks.
In PvP, and to a lesser extent WvW, every other class has the potential to simply out heal and kite you to death. Imagine a boss that ran away from you spamming cripple/chill/evades until you were dead? With our lousy condition removal and buggy gap closers, we are too easily shut down. Our big damage attacks are predictable and very easy to identify, and are thus very easily avoided by our opponents. The few opponents that are willing to fight a Warrior head on are bunkers that will easily take advantage of our sub-par healing and survivability, Guardians and Elementalists are notorious for this, they will eat everything you have to throw at them, heal themselves, while essentially dealing the same damage percentage to you, but with no means of healing yourself….

King of PvE because CoF is all PvE about right now. once they put more complex AI and higher difficulty contents, warrior will get throw on the ground

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I don’t know but..in pvp underwater i actually feel op. Unlike on land i got tolls underwater

Spear – pull, gap closer, block and cc on spear
Harpoon – immo to set up a “killshot”

Its makes me actually deadly to any other class. See what we lack on land weapon sets? If i want to set up a killshot i have to use that crappy bolas which miss 90% time.

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


King of PvE because CoF is all PvE about right now. once they put more complex AI and higher difficulty contents, warrior will get throw on the ground

Speak for yourself. I only farm CoF when I have absolutely nothing else to do, getting tokens from other dungeons takes priority (as well as from CoF too obviously.) All dungeons are made for a team of Zerkers to waltz all over it, the only variation is how much utility you’ll need (x guards + 1 mesmer to bring along.) All other professions may as well stay in PvP/WvW. It’s sad but true.

Also if they ever do jack up the difficulty you will still find Zerker Warriors, hell a CoF party could easily clear the revamped AC…

I don’t know but..in pvp underwater i actually feel op. Unlike on land i got tolls underwater

Spear – pull, gap closer, block and cc on spear
Harpoon – immo to set up a “killshot”

Its makes me actually deadly to any other class. See what we lack on land weapon sets? If i want to set up a killshot i have to use that crappy bolas which miss 90% time.

I’ve noticed this, though I tend to avoid the water as though its the plague, as does everyone else.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


King of PvE because CoF is all PvE about right now. once they put more complex AI and higher difficulty contents, warrior will get throw on the ground

Speak for yourself. I only farm CoF when I have absolutely nothing else to do, getting tokens from other dungeons takes priority (as well as from CoF too obviously.) All dungeons are made for a team of Zerkers to waltz all over it, the only variation is how much utility you’ll need (x guards + 1 mesmer to bring along.) All other professions may as well stay in PvP/WvW. It’s sad but true.

Also if they ever do jack up the difficulty you will still find Zerker Warriors, hell a CoF party could easily clear the revamped AC…

I don’t know but..in pvp underwater i actually feel op. Unlike on land i got tolls underwater

Spear – pull, gap closer, block and cc on spear
Harpoon – immo to set up a “killshot”

Its makes me actually deadly to any other class. See what we lack on land weapon sets? If i want to set up a killshot i have to use that crappy bolas which miss 90% time.

I’ve noticed this, though I tend to avoid the water as though its the plague, as does everyone else.

UW combat is like the most unbalanced thing I’ve ever experienced in a game lol. Just look at mesmer.

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


King of PvE because CoF is all PvE about right now. once they put more complex AI and higher difficulty contents, warrior will get throw on the ground

Speak for yourself. I only farm CoF when I have absolutely nothing else to do, getting tokens from other dungeons takes priority (as well as from CoF too obviously.) All dungeons are made for a team of Zerkers to waltz all over it, the only variation is how much utility you’ll need (x guards + 1 mesmer to bring along.) All other professions may as well stay in PvP/WvW. It’s sad but true.

Also if they ever do jack up the difficulty you will still find Zerker Warriors, hell a CoF party could easily clear the revamped AC…

I don’t know but..in pvp underwater i actually feel op. Unlike on land i got tolls underwater

Spear – pull, gap closer, block and cc on spear
Harpoon – immo to set up a “killshot”

Its makes me actually deadly to any other class. See what we lack on land weapon sets? If i want to set up a killshot i have to use that crappy bolas which miss 90% time.

I’ve noticed this, though I tend to avoid the water as though its the plague, as does everyone else.

Make a point? i don’t find any dungeon in the game difficult except maby arah 4 and fotm 40+.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Why do we keep having the same thread posted again and again? Just check previous threads before posting.

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


Biggest issue with warriors is that we’re one-trick poneys. It feels that if you’re not a zerker glass cannon you should give your spot to someone else.

We can specialize in support, but we’re not very good at it.

We can specialize in survivability, but a guardian will be 2x as good as us without even traiting/gearing in defense.

Warriors have damage and that’s it.

And of course one-trick poneys aren’t very good at PvP.

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zivsof.3746


Here some examples from Nightmare build (warrior)
we can be good at pvp if we will act smartly and build our warrior right. and not stuck our head in the wall again and again.

Warrior, really underpowered?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


In pvp, we are underpowered

In pve, we are the kings of speed dungeon runs and even in fractals we do great upto the real high levels.

In WvW, we are the main condition cleaners in the zerg. We should be tanky enough to just stand in the middle of the enemy and CC em to death so the main zerg can come through and you also make sure this zerg ain’t stopped by the enemies CC by cleaning it off. In a zerg, nothing is more tanky than a well played and build warrior.

Are we underpowered? No. We just have 1 field were we are underperforming. But other classes have this too. Like condition specs have terrible time in pve and rangers are terrible in WvW.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU