(edited by King Chaos.2810)
Warrior stances relevance
I think the way they are implemented is wrong. I think they should be a toggle function with a draw back for having it on and a strong perk for using it. Toggling another stance turns one off and sets the previous stance on cd.
In TPvP Stances are the only thing you use now. 3 of the best builds we have access to are best when used with the Newly Buffed Berserker Stance.
(Alternatively 30 in Arms 20 in Dis)
Stances are now the best source of sustain a warrior can have in PvP. Berserker Stance in particular is 8 seconds of ignoring the current meta. In those 8 seconds you can lock down a necromancer for your team and take them out of the fight early. I still can’t say warriors are the best option, and now 20 points in Defense is all but required, but things have gotten better with just that 1 buff to Zerker Stance.
In PvP shouts are rather pathetic, and require 20-30 points in Defense and at least 20 in Tactics. They don’t give stability and as a result you need Last Stand, but you also want Cleansing Ire most likely as well. Fear Me is a good skill now but the 20 points tactics investment tends to be a bit too high.
I suppose you could run something like this:
…but I can’t say I think that be better than running all stances.
Now if you’re talking WvW Shouts probably would be more useful to a zerg but being able to wade through a sea of conditions for 8 seconds sounds like a better deal to me.
Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)
(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)
All stances? Probably not. But berserker stance is finding its way into more and more of my builds these days. You’re right though, perhaps some work on traits with regards to stances need to be looked at.
Is this for PvE or WvW? Because as stated above Stances are (pretty much) the only viable way to go for SPvP at the moment.
About stances, only 3 things:
1 – Increase duration to 8 or 10 seconds, reduce significantly the reuse delay, and rework relative traits.
2 – There are 3 stances giving defensive but low efective effects. This stances could be their effects mixed to unlock slot for some new utility skill that can help warrior in the question of sustain/survivability.
3 – Lack a healing tipe stance:
(edited by JETWING.2759)
The concept “stance” does seem to suggest “toggle”.
I like stances but they still need polish.
I’ll bring up two issues I have with stances.
Firstly, not all stances give you boons, so there is no way to increase their duration (traits, food, etc). I love throwing on Balanced Stance with high boon duration, it feels great especially when I trait for Stances. I think it’s a missed opportunity that the other stances can only be modified by the 25% duration trait, especially with no reduced cooldowns.
Secondly, the Vigorous Focus trait (Gain vigor when using a Stance) seems contradictory to me. Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, and Berserker Stance seem to be used primarily to reduce incoming damage. With this trait you gain Vigor for 8 seconds. This means you’re able to dodge more, but I feel like this cuts into the usefulness of the Stances themselves by essentially getting their effects for less time spent dodging.
I like stances but they still need polish.
I’ll bring up two issues I have with stances.Firstly, not all stances give you boons, so there is no way to increase their duration (traits, food, etc). I love throwing on Balanced Stance with high boon duration, it feels great especially when I trait for Stances. I think it’s a missed opportunity that the other stances can only be modified by the 25% duration trait, especially with no reduced cooldowns.
Secondly, the Vigorous Focus trait (Gain vigor when using a Stance) seems contradictory to me. Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, and Berserker Stance seem to be used primarily to reduce incoming damage. With this trait you gain Vigor for 8 seconds. This means you’re able to dodge more, but I feel like this cuts into the usefulness of the Stances themselves by essentially getting their effects for less time spent dodging.
This trait was only viable with previous berserker stance, granting 8 – 10 seconds of vigor while recharge adrenaline, but the previous cd was 25s.
We had vigor and adrenaline regeneration 40% uptime. Now this trait is obsolete, like some more in this profession.
Firstly, not all stances give you boons, so there is no way to increase their duration (traits, food, etc).
It is great that they are not boons. They can’t be stripped or converted on you like our super-duper signet elite.
I have seen shout builds all over and thought why is everyone ignoring stances. Then I tried to make a stance build and found out why.
In their current forms stances are not viable. they last for a short time and have a long cool down so while a warrior might benefit from a stance will probably try to take advantage from other traits or skills before ending up having to use a stance
Should stances play a significant role in warriors like shouts do or they are just situational modifications to builds?
I think stances should be of equal power to shouts and play a bigger role like in GW1.
There are many ways to buff up the stances to make them more relevant:
More traits to buff the stance maybe reduce cool down by a percentage
Trait that gives another benefit to stances like shouts give adrenaline
Change the way stances work (weaker version) to be toggle type and one of them is active at a time like the elemental attainmentsand I think traits that traits that use stances like last stand cool down should be reduced to match the skill itself
I think it’s just your style. I see plenty of videos where warriors run stances, and I run two. In fact, I won’t touch shouts because of how single purpose they are. The only two I would ever consider running are Fear Me and SIO, but there are still better options in my opinion. I’ll emphasize it’s my opinion, my style… everyone’s is different.
But ya, the cooldowns are still a little painful. Especially when you consider, as previously mentioned, the changes to Berserkers Stance making it much harder to achieve good vigor uptime.
(edited by Veritas.6071)