Warrior v Liadri

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: qtdogewof.8746


So with the Queen’s Gauntlet content under way again plenty of different classes will be trying their hand against the bosses. What would you guys say the best warrior weapons would be against Liadri? I’ve found sword/warhorn + longbow to be quite effective. Opinions?

Rstk Darkblade ~ Maverick Lifekeeper ~ Pious Fervour ~ Scar Fireshot

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Greatsword for phase 1. Rifle for phase 2. Face on desk.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620


@qtdogewof: same as you. Going full condition damage, sword+warhorn is great in phase 1, and longbow is devastating in phase 2 (conditions from pin down and combustive shot remove near one third of her life). I’ve tried direct damage too, but since you’re always on the move, I found it hard to maintain a high DPS (could not finish her within the time limit).

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: maha.7902



Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Ozzrel.9825


Longbow, and have some condition removal. Everything else doesn’t matter, it isn’t a dps race.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Full melee burst still works (used 6-5-0-0-3, Defiant Stance and Strength runes instead).

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Ozzrel.9825


Defiant Stance

Is there a type of damage that it doesn’t stop?

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Clones still kill you on hit.

I think Defiant Stance fails to protect against instadefeats (+ Agony and falling damage). For example firewall on that Flame Legion blitz boss also kills you.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Verrix.6902


S/S + Longbow Full dire is 100 times better than any power build that includes the rifle. Just landing the 4th sword skill and 5th longbow skill, will do huge damage, then you can basically kite her, and yes u will kill her with plenty of time left.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Xae Isareth.1364

Xae Isareth.1364

I used GS for the first phase, LB for the second.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Ozzrel.9825


that includes the rifle.

Anything is better than rifle. It does less damage than any other weapon (including longbow), even on single target.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Killface.1896


Longbow and remove that weakness with F1

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Larynx.2453


that includes the rifle.

Anything is better than rifle. It does less damage than any other weapon (including longbow), even on single target.

Can give you actual numbers for why Longbow is better than Rifle single target?

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Wethospu’s video shows why I don’t like to bother with ranged weapons unless it’s absolutely necessary. I don’t see what’s difficult about hitting enough damage to do it melee.

The only challenging part about this fight is that you can’t use stunbreakers on the portals that pull you in (8 times back to back, neither balanced stance nor shake it off broke the stun for me). So if you fail to kill one in time and get yanked in when the orange telegraph appears, you lose automatically no matter what.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Wethospu’s video shows how and why you shouldn’t bother with ranged weapons. Really, what’s difficult to do that he demonstrated there? I find it a bit silly to be suggesting people to kite it when you literally don’t have to do anything besides fear the minions away and 100b her. Even if that doesn’t finish the job and you might have to evisc her afterwards or something like that, isn’t that MUCH easier?

except that wasn’t even the easiest way to do it. I would avoid rifle on this fight. There is a fight or 2 in the gauntlet that a rifle build works well for this is not it.

There is no need to kite Lirade per se the only thing you do is avoid here minions sometimes that means you have to kite those. Which you have to kite the entire fight leading up to removing all 3 immunities. This entire fight is basically kiting a dodging.

the funny thing about wethopus video is he could do liradi a dozen other times exactly the same now and died. He was about 1 second away from dieing at the end. And now that GS and axe don’t do as much damage as before I think it wouldn’t de so fast.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: wads.5730


trait for wh cleanse, and use lb.

basically ez mode lb4 also aoe blinds all the summons so you can just face tank most of it

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


Wethospu’s video works. That’s how I did it second time around.

Just do as much DPS to her as you can as melee and if you need to finish her off with a few shots from afar. Easy fast and simple.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Ozzrel.9825


that includes the rifle.

Anything is better than rifle. It does less damage than any other weapon (including longbow), even on single target.

Can give you actual numbers for why Longbow is better than Rifle single target?

With rifle, over 30 sec, you can use:
2 brutal shots (0.5)
3 volleys (3)
20 bleeding shot (0.4)
1 fully charged kill shot (3.25)
so if you add up the coefficients it will make 21.25 total

With longbow:
18 dual shots (0.66)
5 fans of fire (1.2)
3 arcing arrows (2)
for a total of 23.88

Rifle has a slightly higher weapon damage, but it isn’t enough to make up for the difference.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Ronnie Hu.1694

Ronnie Hu.1694

hey guys check this out
this warrior build work fine for me
got liadri after few try

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Larynx.2453


that includes the rifle.

Anything is better than rifle. It does less damage than any other weapon (including longbow), even on single target.

Can give you actual numbers for why Longbow is better than Rifle single target?

With rifle, over 30 sec, you can use:
2 brutal shots (0.5)
3 volleys (3)
20 bleeding shot (0.4)
1 fully charged kill shot (3.25)
so if you add up the coefficients it will make 21.25 total

With longbow:
18 dual shots (0.66)
5 fans of fire (1.2)
3 arcing arrows (2)
for a total of 23.88

Rifle has a slightly higher weapon damage, but it isn’t enough to make up for the difference.

You’re ignoring base damage, conditions (8 vuln on rifle, bleed on rifle, pin down on longbow), rifle 5 (DPS increase over autoattack), and traits (in the case of using kill shot especially).

I mean, really? Power coefficients? That’s ALL you use? Rifle is kittenty, but give it a fair comparison.

(edited by Larynx.2453)

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Ozzrel.9825


What for? To show how big the gap is?

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Larynx while you do make a fair point, if I’m not mistaken the optimal DPS with rifle is actually just autoattacking and volley off cooldown.

Like, for example, you know how at Melandru in Arah P4 (assuming someone is kiting gorillas near entrance for you and that you have the 5 trees spawned further away so that they aren’t in range), you can get the very best DPS with longbow and rifle switch?

The best rotation, as taught to me by a friend, is to essentially do:

Rifle 3 > autoattack > swap to longbow and do #3, autoattack until weapon swap off cd > repeat.

You essentially just keep doing arcing arrow/volley the moment that you can, and autoattack in between. If you were to just camp rifle, then I’d probably do what I said at the start of this post but for a while what I would do was I’d use #4 the instant before using volley but honestly it’s just bad to camp rifle >.<

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: TokyoGhost.6492


Any perfect longbow build? Thanks!

I made so much mistakes that I now make mistakes without mistake.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Safari.3021


I just used rifle #1 in full rabid gear, probably not the most efficient way of doing it, but after the frustration I had last year on my ranger, doing 8 orb liadri this easily on my warrior was a godsend

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Safari, that ending in your video reminds me of the fanfare from Final Fantasy X <3

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Safari.3021


its the winning theme from ff8

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: GreeYz.1365


Liadri No Armor + No Trinkets

[ONE] First Grade

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Morsus.5106


I used green carrion/rabid and a yellow Carrion rifle in and beat liadri.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: RangerDan.8416


I did her with a rifle in green rabid gear I purchased from Trading Post.

Longbow is probably a more optimal weapon but I found it hard to always land the heavy shots on a moving Liadri and rifle with Piercing shots made it much easier. Swiftness on crit took care of most of the movement speed issues.

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Managed to get Light Up the Darkness on the weekend using your build, Safari. (Although I didn’t have the Ascended trinkets. I made do with a mix of Berserker and Knight’s.) Thanks for sharing!

The immunity to Cripple is the key for the fight, I feel. Aside from that, it’s just a matter of keeping Liadri’s health low and doing your best to kite multiple Visions into the light wells at a time. (You won’t get time to throw both unless you use Endure Pain, but keeping the Visions low also helps give you more space to move around.)

Warrior v Liadri

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


S/S and Longbow, condition. This “fight” is all about mobility and conditions. And mobility is just as important/even more important in Phase 2 as it is in Phase 1.

I also can’t imagine doing this fight without Signet of Stamina/Endurance Sigil on Warrior.

(Also, thief dodge/lifesteal in yellows is way way easier if you can’t get Liadra down with a Warrior in ascended.)