Warriors Disappeared

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Zargarda.2176


Hey guys, been doing alot SPvP as usualy, and ive noticed how rarely you see a warrior these days, as it used to be full with them. Could it be because of HoT? The fact that Beserker is not that fun/“op” as the rest? Or is it just my “luck” that I havent met that many lately?

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Obindo.6802


Berserker sucks, and currently the balance is relying on op speccs, wich warr doesn’t have, so both berserker sucks and normal warr too, because it can’t use this op specc that everyone has to rely on.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: yanoch.7051



I haven’t played GW2 in 2 weeks, (log in say hi to guild mates and get daily chest)

I come here to check if they are doing something but I feel less and less the need to come and check. I’m getting cured of my GW2 addiction I think :P

Heiann – NSP

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


MY warrior retired and moved to Florida. Im playing my other 80 (DH) and just finished leveling my Rev and Thief.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Dargonhurrdurr got a huge boost in damage after weak showings in beta weekends.
Herald does everything Warrior wanted and more.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620


The Berserker specialization looks less potent than other elite specs, which turned some players away from it. Also, there’s a lot to discover and enjoy in these specs, so many want to give them a try anyway.

I still play some vanilla GS/Axe+Shield warrior here and there, admittedly less than before. What changed, however, is my usage of Rampage, which has become joyfully unrestrained, especially against elite specializations.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


Anet killed the class.
Thats why you are not seeing many warriors.
Wvw is exactly the same…
Day after say you see less warriors playing.
I was a main warrior for 2 years.. but after so many nerfs they did.. and this last slap on the face with the “garbage spec”… made me finally decide to move on…
Im playing a herald…
And there is basically nothing i used to do as a warrior.. i cant so now..
And i can do more…
So expect even less warriors around..
The ones you are still seeing are the few stubborn who didnt move on yet.. but sooner or later they will reroll or just quit playing..

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Harvey.7820


If you’re playing sPvP just roll a dragonhunter. They’re really easy to play and bring a ton of damage and point control in conquest.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


I see few warriors also around the new maps.
Personally i’m playing Herald these days, i find it more fun and certainly more competitive.

norn warrior

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620


If you’re playing sPvP just roll a dragonhunter. They’re really easy to play and bring a ton of damage and point control in conquest.

I’ve had lots of fun playing with 5-traps Dragonhunters, actually. I’ve killed people with it while being on the other side of the map. They’re indeed great for node control – and trapping vicious places is quite fun in itself (Skyhammer cannon portal entry…).

Still, the gameplay is different, and I can’t resist coming back to vanilla warrior from time to time, to enjoy swift and ferocious action. The warrior has become weaker (or it should be said, other classes have become stronger) – but one can still pull out cool kills with it.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Harvey.7820


@Elegie. I go back to my warrior for at least a game or two every day. I love the play style and I’ve always loved the warrior class thematically. I’m saddened that it’s been gutted since HoT-launch but I’m hopeful devs will eventually balance the classes. I loved playing Gs/Hammer and I still do despite how weak it is against many of the new elites.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


Basically all others elite specs are better than berserker… that explain the lack of warriors in pvp. Anet really must do something, it’s insane to would do pro league when you see the actual pvp balance of the game…

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Seod.7924


When i play on my warrior, i currently feel like i’m a legit bodybuilder, and everyone around me are on steroids. Even if you tried your best, you can’t compete.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


Playing warrior in WvW is nearly impossible, especially if you don’t use a ranged weapon.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Warriors rely on the ability to tough damage while wading through combat unimpeded. Our main strengths are might, stability, and fury.

take a look at the past updates and you will see a trend that nerfs this. Starting with the stab nerf (which was not so bad) then might nerf, then toughness nerf, condi cleansing nerfs, then finally the addition of these new high damage elite specializations.

Everything that made a warrior useful has been nerfed into oblivion all because some zerker builds expected to be able to 100-0 us in one go and were in for a rude awakening when their normally 10k crit turned into a 4k crit.

These changes did not effect Guardian as bad because guardians have protection, aegis, and a multitude of ways to heal themselves. Sadly, it will be a very long time before you see warriors making a come back. I believe that anet will focus on trying to ballance the new elite specs before the ever try to fix the problems with the game that has nerfed warriors.

The sad truth is that Anet does not know how to balance this. if the reverse the toughness nerf they will be buffing not only warrior but guardians and rev who are already tanky enough. They cannot make blanket change to the game that will fix warrior for this reason. The only true way to fix the warrior is to redesign them, and that is a whole crap load of work.

If anet does want to fix the warrior, they have not made any mention of it in the forums. I have yet to see any response from any dev on the forums, and i doubt i will.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: samo.1054


The Warrior problem is complex and is a result of various changes to the game and pointless nerfs to the class made by Anet over the past year.

Our problems also differ throughout various game modes. As far as I know, PvE players are somewhat satisfied with Berserker performance.
In sPvP there is currently no place for Warrior or Berserker in top tier level of play. Yes, I can make my Warrior work in unranked arenas, I still have 50%+ W/L ratio with it, but that doesn’t really prove anything.
WvW is where Warriors took the hardest hit. There is absolutely no place for them in current meta anymore. To me it really feels like Anet thinks that Warriors can’t get any nice, impactful skills, so even if they come up with a good idea they slap it right on to Guardians or Revenants.

Guardians for example already had access to shadowsteps, yet they also gained a 800 range leap that heals like kitten and clears condies. On top of that they gained an insanely good pull. What gives? Why can’t warriors have such things, because IMO they are the class that needs such things the most. Especially pulls. What kind of a fighter class has no pulls at its disposal?!

Our gap closers are still bugged and useless…
The amount of ranged and AoE skills in this game has gone waaay over the top, you can see that clearly in WvW. Everyone is pirateshipping in there like crazy, there is hardly any space for Warrior in such game anymore.

I can’t even understand the logics behind having so many ranged AoE skills that will also apply some kind of hard/soft CC. Applying such CC is way too easy compared to how much work a warrior has to put into CCing/damaging people. How do you justify that ranged AoE CC is easier to apply and more reliable than melee CC on a single target? This is a huge design fault imo and it’s breaking the game balance very badly, mostly for Warriors…
The problem with ranged AoE is also that it’s way too easy to stack on one single point. Melee damage can never be stacked as easily and will never be prevalent to stacking AoE ranged damage.

Our sustain is still kitten and it will stay kitten, no matter how many Defy Pains and Dead or Alives they slap into our traits. Just like slapping damage modifiers into our traits doesn’t really help us at killing our enemies. WE LACK TOOLS! These lazy attempts of balancing just make me think that Anet don’t understand at all, what the real problem with this class is.

Improve adrenaline mechanic, give us sustain through adrenaline mechanic that every warrior will have access to, no matter what traitlines we take, increase our adrenaline gain, get rid of adrenaline loss as soon as we leave combat,…

I could go on, but it’s pointless because there’s just too many things that have gone wrong. It cannot just be fixed, it has to be redesigned. I thoroughly agree with the excellent post made by emkelly.2371 above me anyway. Well written, pure truth.

(edited by samo.1054)

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394


ANet needs to use these. I alt Warrior second place lately (discovered the joy of 14k gunflames >=D ). Hoping that “How to Fix Warrior” and “How to Fix Thief” appear there. What if War/Thief united for spamming the forums to fix us until Anet does it?

Edit: Sorry for disturbing the war forums. I’m just concerned and wanna help. We are both in need.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Obindo.6802


Anet killed the class.
Thats why you are not seeing many warriors.
Wvw is exactly the same…
Day after say you see less warriors playing.
I was a main warrior for 2 years.. but after so many nerfs they did.. and this last slap on the face with the “garbage spec”… made me finally decide to move on…
Im playing a herald…
And there is basically nothing i used to do as a warrior.. i cant so now..
And i can do more…
So expect even less warriors around..
The ones you are still seeing are the few stubborn who didnt move on yet.. but sooner or later they will reroll or just quit playing..

I’ll never quit warrior unless they give ud 10 sec cast 1 dmg hit, that when we use we kill ourselves. But that seems like aney logic so i guess I’ll quit it someday
Just play core warrior, never gets old

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


Anet killed the class.
Thats why you are not seeing many warriors.
Wvw is exactly the same…
Day after say you see less warriors playing.
I was a main warrior for 2 years.. but after so many nerfs they did.. and this last slap on the face with the “garbage spec”… made me finally decide to move on…
Im playing a herald…
And there is basically nothing i used to do as a warrior.. i cant so now..
And i can do more…
So expect even less warriors around..
The ones you are still seeing are the few stubborn who didnt move on yet.. but sooner or later they will reroll or just quit playing..

I’ll never quit warrior unless they give ud 10 sec cast 1 dmg hit, that when we use we kill ourselves. But that seems like aney logic so i guess I’ll quit it someday
Just play core warrior, never gets old

Actually.. it got old…
Everyone around us got something shiny and new to play with..and we have to stick with the old fur ball.
That is not fun.
That is not fair.
That is just plain stupid..
To make an elite spec relly on adrenaline when the adrenaline decay is absurd is just plain stupid.. to make so many mandatory traits on a class that there is no build diveraity available is also stupid..
And to call that class master of weapons and strenght and speed..

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: samo.1054


Actually.. it got old…
Everyone around us got something shiny and new to play with..and we have to stick with the old fur ball.
That is not fun.
That is not fair.
That is just plain stupid..
To make an elite spec relly on adrenaline when the adrenaline decay is absurd is just plain stupid.. to make so many mandatory traits on a class that there is no build diveraity available is also stupid..
And to call that class master of weapons and strenght and speed..

Amen brother.
Let me axe you a question. When you see patch notes in today’s patch and you see that nothing has changed (let’s face the truth here, they won’t make anything special for warrior in this patch, maybe they never will, because they don’t seem to understand the problem the class is facing) will you laugh or cry about it?

I’m not quite sure yet what I’m gonna do…

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


i do not expect anet to change warrior onTHIS update. i suspect ballance and bug fixes for the other specializations first.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Obindo.6802


Anet killed the class.
Thats why you are not seeing many warriors.
Wvw is exactly the same…
Day after say you see less warriors playing.
I was a main warrior for 2 years.. but after so many nerfs they did.. and this last slap on the face with the “garbage spec”… made me finally decide to move on…
Im playing a herald…
And there is basically nothing i used to do as a warrior.. i cant so now..
And i can do more…
So expect even less warriors around..
The ones you are still seeing are the few stubborn who didnt move on yet.. but sooner or later they will reroll or just quit playing..

I’ll never quit warrior unless they give ud 10 sec cast 1 dmg hit, that when we use we kill ourselves. But that seems like aney logic so i guess I’ll quit it someday
Just play core warrior, never gets old

Actually.. it got old…
Everyone around us got something shiny and new to play with..and we have to stick with the old fur ball.
That is not fun.
That is not fair.
That is just plain stupid..
To make an elite spec relly on adrenaline when the adrenaline decay is absurd is just plain stupid.. to make so many mandatory traits on a class that there is no build diveraity available is also stupid..
And to call that class master of weapons and strenght and speed..

Well, sorry I expressed myself wrong, I meant to have an I before the just play warrior. ^^. I mean it never gets old for me and thusly I still play it.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


for everyone saying the other elite specs would be op has clearly no idea about pvp balance. warrior and thief are just underperforming and they need buffs.
we have the most balanced game atm we ever had so far since every other classes are viable in competitive teams. you see no “must have” class stacking and every team runs a different comp. so pls don’t say the elite specs would be all “op” , it’s just the warrior who is up. fix warrior and thief and we have a super balanced meta with every class being perfectly viable in competitive plays.

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Obindo.6802


for everyone saying the other elite specs would be op has clearly no idea about pvp balance. warrior and thief are just underperforming and they need buffs.
we have the most balanced game atm we ever had so far since every other classes are viable in competitive teams. you see no “must have” class stacking and every team runs a different comp. so pls don’t say the elite specs would be all “op” , it’s just the warrior who is up. fix warrior and thief and we have a super balanced meta with every class being perfectly viable in competitive plays.

The thing is, from my epxerience, that for all theese classes (except warrior, thief and perhaps ele) running the elite specialization superior to not running the elite spec, and thusly overly powered, and ‘op’. Even if compared to other elite specs, when comparing to the core class, it’s much stronger. Thusly elite specializations have gotten the term of OP, even if it’s balance among the ‘op’. If u know what I mean, dunno how to explain what I think xdd

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


I play every class, there are no reroll or main another class thing to me.

My warrior is the warrior, no subtitle, to me there is only 2 options, keep my warrior or leave. I will keep an eye on the situation….

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


for everyone saying the other elite specs would be op has clearly no idea about pvp balance. warrior and thief are just underperforming and they need buffs.
we have the most balanced game atm we ever had so far since every other classes are viable in competitive teams. you see no “must have” class stacking and every team runs a different comp. so pls don’t say the elite specs would be all “op” , it’s just the warrior who is up. fix warrior and thief and we have a super balanced meta with every class being perfectly viable in competitive plays.

You have no idea what you are talking about if you think the game is currently balanced. What do you think balance is? Balance would be if each class had multiple viable builds and all stat blocks (amulets etc) had equally viable status.

The current meta has no room for anything aside from berserker or murader stats with the one exception of celestial elementalists. before the toughness nerf, before the might nerf, before condi cleanse nerf, and before the stab nerf the game was more balanced. Just because you can kill quickly now, does not mean the game is balanced. if anything it shows how broken the game is currently.

Balance would be if a fight between any two classes, on any viable build came down to a matter of skill. a fight between a warrior and mesmer played by players equally skilled in their class should be an interesting fight to see. But currently a fight between any two classes comes down to who can spike more damage, either through condi’s or direct damage faster.

Currently classes that have incredible staying power(IE Guardian, Mesmer, Engineer) have even more of an advantage because they can soak up damage, remove condis, or simply ignore damage while dishing it out.

You are correct, Warrior is under performing, but it is under performing because of the very game inbalance that you claim the game possesses. Thief is actually the most balanced thing out there fight now, but because the other classes are so overpowering you don’t notice.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Awaltir.5302


Wow so it makes double kill along with thief’s. Who will be next?!!!!?!?!?!??!?
On the serious note I also feel like warrior is very lacking because I didn’t play him often but compared how nice it was to play with this class now it just seem weak and slugish

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


for everyone saying the other elite specs would be op has clearly no idea about pvp balance. warrior and thief are just underperforming and they need buffs.
we have the most balanced game atm we ever had so far since every other classes are viable in competitive teams. you see no “must have” class stacking and every team runs a different comp. so pls don’t say the elite specs would be all “op” , it’s just the warrior who is up. fix warrior and thief and we have a super balanced meta with every class being perfectly viable in competitive plays.

You have no idea what you are talking about if you think the game is currently balanced. What do you think balance is? Balance would be if each class had multiple viable builds and all stat blocks (amulets etc) had equally viable status.

So in your opinion the last meta where you stacked eles, while some classes were completly excluded from competitve plays was more balanced?
Some previous metas where you stacked hambows and spirit rangers where more balanced?
The meta where you nearly oneshotted everything out of stealth while stacking cele eles and cele shoutbows was better?

You have no idea what balance is. There will always be one “best” build for each class while other builds are either trash or garbage. Was always that case will always be that case.
Compare the previous metas with the current meta and you will see how great it is atm.
Every team runs a different comp, there is no class stacking and every class is viable in competitive plays ( except warrior ofc)

Demanding that every build should be viable and every amulet equal/viable has nothing to do with balance – that’s pvp ingame communism

If you buff the warrior you willhave a totally balanced game.
If you nerf the all other classes because warrior players consider them op, you will have much more work and much less balance.

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


you misunderstand. I’m saying that the current meta is not balanced. Obviously there is no perfect world where everything i listed up there would be true. It’s a game. of course there is always one better option. The previous meta was more balanced because every class worked more or less like it was supposed to. Currently there is no reason to run anything aside marauders or berserker stats because sustain does not mean anything. this cripples the warrior, and makes otherwise perfectly functional classes look overpowered by comparison. What i was saying was that there was a time when you went into PvP with any class and had a viable option or two. now you only have one viable option, and of course warriors have none.

Celestial Shoutbow: Was never overpowered. and it was just one of many options for warrior. (I ran knights stats to be honest) sure we had condition cleanse. Sure, we had might stacking. We are warriors. we are supposed to be a front line fighters who wade through combat. We are suposed to be able to shrug off damage and resist conditions you would think you would know that from the HEAVY ARMOR!

Look, I’m not saying things were perfect back then. But making blanket changes to the game in order to fix problems that people had with one class or build only hurt balance. It completely crippled the warrior because everything they nerfed directly effected warriors. (unless you’d like to argue that, in which case i point to the numerous people who can back me up when i say, “yeah it did”)

Examples in order of nerf for your edification:

Stability: Immensely important for warriors to remain in effective range of 90% of their abilities as well as to pull of the combos required to stack might. This was not a major nerf and i could live with it. i actually liked the idea of the stability changes and understood them with the creation of resistance.

Might: One of the warriors three primary boons. (Might, Fury, Quickness) This change effectively crippled the warriors damage potential. while it did not kill the class it made it harder for them to remain functional.

Toughness: This literally only trully effected warriors. And here is why. EVERY other class has a solution to loosing the effectiveness of toughness. Guardians, enginiers, elementalists, each have walls of boons that can support them, Mesmers and thieves have stealth, and evasion. Rangers had range, evasion, regeneration, and protection. Warriors only had toughness. Thats the only thing we depended on for passive damage negation. I hear you starting to say “you have endure pain, and sheild” i said PASSIVE, those are active!

Condi Cleanse: Effectively caused warriors to be extremly susceptible to condition damage, which is unfortunate because without toughness warriors Beckham tissue paper.

I can point to a few more, but honestly if i have not made my point yet, you will never get it so i’ll just sum up.

the game is MORE imbalanced now then it was before the changes listed here. There were problems back then, and there always will be. But the problems now, though the effect warriors drastically go far beyond one class.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721



stoped reading when you said everything would play berzerk and marauder and sustain wouldn’t mean anything.
not much sense to argue with people who have no idea about the current state

Grimkram [sS]

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Arcade.8901



stoped reading when you said everything would play berzerk and marauder and sustain wouldn’t mean anything.
not much sense to argue with people who have no idea about the current state

I agree that 8/9 classes are present atm in competitive scene. But warriors won’t be there, maybe in a year… maybe.

But to be real, it’s new elite speccs and what you can build from it are balanced among each other, not the vanila speccs or builds which are not as nearly as good.

(edited by Arcade.8901)

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


Actually.. it got old…
Everyone around us got something shiny and new to play with..and we have to stick with the old fur ball.
That is not fun.
That is not fair.
That is just plain stupid..
To make an elite spec relly on adrenaline when the adrenaline decay is absurd is just plain stupid.. to make so many mandatory traits on a class that there is no build diveraity available is also stupid..
And to call that class master of weapons and strenght and speed..

Amen brother.
Let me axe you a question. When you see patch notes in today’s patch and you see that nothing has changed (let’s face the truth here, they won’t make anything special for warrior in this patch, maybe they never will, because they don’t seem to understand the problem the class is facing) will you laugh or cry about it?

I’m not quite sure yet what I’m gonna do…

I actually think that something is comming for warriors.. but it is a new nerf..
Not even kidding.. i really think they gonna toss in a new nerf in our faces disguised in between some random useless buffs..
Just wait and see…
The meta is clear by now:
Remove warriora from the scene completely.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Arcade.8901


I actually think that something is comming for warriors.. but it is a new nerf..
Not even kidding.. i really think they gonna toss in a new nerf in our faces disguised in between some random useless buffs..
Just wait and see…
The meta is clear by now:
Remove warriora from the scene completely.


At the one hand True Shot: Added unblockable as a skill fact. Because why the hell not.

On the other Berserker—King of Fires: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from functioning while in the downed state.

So yeah they buffed our downed state.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: yanoch.7051


I was about to open GW2. I started the launcher to check. I then saw the patch note. I laughed and stared Fallout 4 :P

Heiann – NSP

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Kalendraf.9521


11/17/2015 patch notes:


Berserker—King of Fires: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from functioning while in the downed state.

That’s it. One warrior update, and it’s only a bug fix for the downed state. Given that berserker will no doubt be in the downed state a lot, prioritizing ANet’s workload to address before any other warrior issues probably makes sense in a perverted logic kind of way.

Who knows, maybe it’s also a clue for their ultimate plans to fix warrior and berserker by augmenting the warrior’s downed skills. :p

HoD – [CV] Charter Vanguard

(edited by Kalendraf.9521)

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


Wasnt today.. but nerf is comming..
The random useless buff already came..
Now the next thing is a nerf..
Sit back and watch the show..

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


Rest in Peace my fellow warriors….No changes for us
23rd June 2015/23rd October 2015 – The patch(es) that killed warriors.

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – yaks-bend.enjin.com (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Arcade.8901


That’s it. One warrior update, and it’s only a bug fix for the downed state. Given that berserker will no doubt be in the downed state a lot, prioritizing ANet’s workload to address this probably makes sense in a perverted logic kind of way.

Who knows, maybe it’s also a clue for their ultimate plans to fix warrior and berserker by augmenting the warrior’s downed skills. :p

Well yeah, i can see the logic behind it, i mean it would be rather cool design for a warrior.

Like you start in downed state, but w/o bleeding out, we will have rather big health pool, we can throw rocks in flame, plus to that, Bandage gives better heal per second then any of other our heals, plus we have a hard CC with Throw the Hammer 900 range and 10 sec cool down, sounds OP.

On top of that we can move in downed state, and our butt is on fire, so we could,… well spread fires from the KING OF FIRES trait.

And basically if in downed state they would add Primal Rage utility skill i can see Berserker working and competitive.

Headbutt – due to our horizontal position we could ve strike with our head in most vital organs males have, so 100 % more damage to males.

Sundering Leap, just imagine, big fights going and someone in downed state just drops from the sky, if they would only add Knock back to it.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Hi, so in this patch basicaly i was HOPING to see some positive changes om warriors… none of that happened, all other classes had a lot of fixes but warriors only had a pathetic thing and i quote:

Berserker—King of Fires: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from functioning while in the downed state.

i wish i could express my hate in a more realistic way than this pathetic forum but i can’t sadly… what do u guys think about this patch, link is here :


Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Kalendraf.9521


we can throw rocks

Pretty much sums up the state of warrior/berserker at this point. The so-called masters of weaponry are left throwing rocks….

HoD – [CV] Charter Vanguard

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: ThomasKreshant.6572


I don’t know.. Looking at the other classes this was a tidy up the sounds/visual effects type of update as not really anything in this patch at all class balance wise.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Kalendraf.9521


HoD – [CV] Charter Vanguard

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Potato Slayer.3107

Potato Slayer.3107

What are warriors? Is that a new class?

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Koolaid.9152


Well time to join the DH and Rev bandwagon. Seriously though.. Oh you hear true shot is unlockable now? Or it was typo and meant deflecting shot is? Oh man oh man another buff!

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


At the end of the day, we all know that warriors need more than a few superficial fixes.

I don’t know if Anet is intending to fix things or not, but I do know for certain that they couldn’t have done what’s required by now even if they didn’t have the normal bugs from HoT, new game functionality and modes to work out, etc.

This stuff takes time, and we’re seriously going to need to chill out. The devs are certainly going to have more pressing things competing for their time right now than the state of warriors in competitive play.

That being said, if any Anet employees are reading this, you’d diffuse a fair amount of tension if you left a comment acknowledging that the player base sees a problem with warriors at the moment, and that you’ll be looking into it and working on a solution within some sort of reasonable timeline.

Something like this. Something like the Wolf….

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Clerical.3457


Well time to join the DH and Rev bandwagon. Seriously though.. Oh you hear true shot is unlockable now? Or it was typo and meant deflecting shot is? Oh man oh man another buff!

It was a typo and meant for deflecting shot

Distinction in Applied Lagging

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: grifflyman.8102


Warriors rely on the ability to tough damage while wading through combat unimpeded. Our main strengths are might, stability, and fury.

take a look at the past updates and you will see a trend that nerfs this. Starting with the stab nerf (which was not so bad) then might nerf, then toughness nerf, condi cleansing nerfs, then finally the addition of these new high damage elite specializations.

Everything that made a warrior useful has been nerfed into oblivion all because some zerker builds expected to be able to 100-0 us in one go and were in for a rude awakening when their normally 10k crit turned into a 4k crit.

These changes did not effect Guardian as bad because guardians have protection, aegis, and a multitude of ways to heal themselves. Sadly, it will be a very long time before you see warriors making a come back. I believe that anet will focus on trying to ballance the new elite specs before the ever try to fix the problems with the game that has nerfed warriors.

The sad truth is that Anet does not know how to balance this. if the reverse the toughness nerf they will be buffing not only warrior but guardians and rev who are already tanky enough. They cannot make blanket change to the game that will fix warrior for this reason. The only true way to fix the warrior is to redesign them, and that is a whole crap load of work.

If anet does want to fix the warrior, they have not made any mention of it in the forums. I have yet to see any response from any dev on the forums, and i doubt i will.

I haven’t been able to push through 10+ enemies since the stability changes. The amount of ranged pressure and conditions received before you even get into range to swing a hammer is ridiculous.

If you play WvW with pugs, you’re forced to use a ranged weapon otherwise you end up just standing around while the two groups pirate ship.

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Dseto.7689


Let’s put it this way, warriors have gotten such a bad deal from this expansion that Rytlock has abandoned the profession to become a Revenant

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Ven Zehn.6573

Ven Zehn.6573

I still roll around with my war everywhere, PvE is still cake even with full melee, PvP is a little tougher, I can’t go full zerk or anything, so end up doing a hybrid soldier’s build, which does quite well in Hot Join and Unranked.
For WvW….. stab gets strip instantly, there is so much dmg from physical and condi that you have to take 2 stances to counter both, and those don’t last long…. (in zerg fights) and most frontline wars are running melee/melee, so…. yea lol

Warriors Disappeared

in Warrior

Posted by: Zerikin.1593


Pretty much. Why take a warrior when you can bring a Revenant?