Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
What’s with all the hate on warriors? I love my tank, i use it to solo Kholer. (Dont actually know if that’s an achievement or not, but I tried it the other day and was just like…. “Alrighty then”). I find a warrior’s best healing is its passive regen, if you’re looking to click something and see your health bar rapidly fill, you’re going to have a bad time.
It is not so much “hate” as it is “envy”.
Guardians are just far better tanks.
I too can tank Kholer without support, but a Guardian can do it semi-afk.
Ah. I mustn’t play with those sorts of guardians. They must be favouring DPS or something along those lines as most hits that would wipe half their health bar would barely dent mine, quickly regenning to full.
Whenever I hear “shout healing” and “I run clerics” I shudder at your 600 damage attacks and 1.1k crits with a GS.
All the GS shout heal builds I’ve seen do poor damage and sacrifice crit modifier for paltry healing and some toughness. Most builds I’ve seen don’t even take 20 points in Strength for 10% more greatsword damage and the extra 100 power in exchange for a couple of stacks of might that add like 5 power over the 100 power from strength, assuming you can keep them up 100% of the time (you won’t). All so they can blow their CDs healing for like 1.5k on characters with 15k-20k health.
Ditch the gimmicks and use a heal skill. You can mitigate enough with proper dodging, traits and skills to heal just fine with it and don’t need to cut 20%-40% of your DPS and spec deep into tactics for gimmicky shout heals that heal <5% of total health while locking all your skills and using your stun/break condition removal as a gimmick heal.
Joining a pug with multiple GS shout warriors makes me sad because their lower damage makes it take longer to kill things. Taking longer means more CDs are used, more incoming damage that needs to be mitigated, etc. If you can cut a boss fight by 30 seconds that is fewer big CDs you have to use and less time in the dungeon.
Nonlinear I have no clue why you have all the hate. Shouts whooping 2k heal has saved mine and allies lives numerous times, not to mention that it removes conditions (unless you’re not using Rune of the Soldier, then you’re not too bright). Shout warrior really shines in multiples or with squishies like a thief or two. You should learn to math better too. My heals are roughly 2k while a character has 16k-24k health so about a 20k average. That’s 10% which is much better than the <5% you quoted also along with that comes conditon removal also that can happen every 20 seconds and multiple times. So say roughly every 30 seconds you can heal 6k, while removing 4 conditions, granting might and fury and increasing damage done to whatever you’re attacking. Players keep using the you do less damage you don’t help argument but it’s flawed and a selfish way to look at it. As for other options you have 5 signets which is no where near as good in dungeons and what else?
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