[SOL] Sanctum of Legends; ‘The Forgotten’ ~Eredon 4 Life~
Warriors go down so easy...
[SOL] Sanctum of Legends; ‘The Forgotten’ ~Eredon 4 Life~
Lol Sovereign.1093. I guess what you say is true if we all stay at range and never close gap to melee range or never allow a gap to be closed on us.
Build of course also plays a big part with how fast we die. I have played that tanky style, do not like it, but have played it.
I have been playing warrior since beta. I know this class very well and have tried many, many builds. Can we do damage, certainly! We can definitely hurt people when we get amongst them. However unlike other classes we can not stay long, we can not get rid of our conditions fast enough and we have very little protection versus CC’s.
We are waaay past the L2p stage. Our success and our demise are all in the hands of A-net now.
Mind you my warrior is my only character and i have no intention of playing any other class. So hey, what do i know!
I don’t know what you know. But maybe that’s your own personal encounter depending on the situation your character is in. I’m mostly in wvw, so what I experience is based on that.
So far, I don’t feel I fall down as easily or more easily than other classes. I’ve played other classes as well, especially mesmer, ranger, and guardian. It’s just that a warrior has its place in the battlefield where other classes has their own.
Always Loyal
Lol Sovereign.1093. I guess what you say is true if we all stay at range and never close gap to melee range or never allow a gap to be closed on us.
Build of course also plays a big part with how fast we die. I have played that tanky style, do not like it, but have played it.
I have been playing warrior since beta. I know this class very well and have tried many, many builds. Can we do damage, certainly! We can definitely hurt people when we get amongst them. However unlike other classes we can not stay long, we can not get rid of our conditions fast enough and we have very little protection versus CC’s.
We are waaay past the L2p stage. Our success and our demise are all in the hands of A-net now.
Mind you my warrior is my only character and i have no intention of playing any other class. So hey, what do i know!
I don’t know what you know.
But maybe that’s your own personal encounter depending on the situation your character is in. I’m mostly in wvw, so what I experience is based on that.
So far, I don’t feel I fall down as easily or more easily than other classes. I’ve played other classes as well, especially mesmer, ranger, and guardian. It’s just that a warrior has its place in the battlefield where other classes has their own.
We have no sustain, and the Norn racials are really the only good ones.
Dash forward, knocking down anyone trying to catch you, amazing for running away!
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
Thank you Jzaku, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that after reading Ninetails comment. It simply must be an oblivious PvE comment. If you’re a warrior still using the Greatsword then the legitimacy of your post goes into the toilet. I think even at my skill level with warrior I could roflstomp you into the ground, duel me and let’s see how this is a l2p problem.
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
why do people try and romanticize the warrior so much? I seriously just dont get it. Every other class has more effective/passive ways to remove conditions, stronger heals, better utils (have yet to hear any positives on kick and stomp) and frankly the only thing good about our “control” on a hammer is earthshaker since backbreaker is outclassed by every skill in the game with a knockdown and staggering blow is actually the worst attack cross every class in the entire game. The mace is no better having the crappiest auto attack ever, our burst skills for the most part suck, and we have to rely on teammates more than any other class in the entire game. If you are one positive warrior in a sea of unhappy warriors then you are 1 of 2 things. 1 you think dying is helping your team or 2 you have a very good team…
why do people try and romanticize the warrior so much? I seriously just dont get it. Every other class has more effective/passive ways to remove conditions, stronger heals, better utils (have yet to hear any positives on kick and stomp) and frankly the only thing good about our “control” on a hammer is earthshaker since backbreaker is outclassed by every skill in the game with a knockdown and staggering blow is actually the worst attack cross every class in the entire game. The mace is no better having the crappiest auto attack ever, our burst skills for the most part suck, and we have to rely on teammates more than any other class in the entire game. If you are one positive warrior in a sea of unhappy warriors then you are 1 of 2 things. 1 you think dying is helping your team or 2 you have a very good team…
This isn’t really true if you take a mesmer which is considered one of the strongest classes. The condition removal isn’t great all.
You have null field on a 36 sec cd. (traited) in a field that pulses. Signet of stamina is better. Null field does remove boons from the other enemy but just based on condi it doesn’t beat sig of stamina, other options are arcane thievery, mantra of resolve.
You can go 30 points into the vitality tree and remove a condition on shatter but you have to chose that or shatters heal a small amount (which is a pretty decent sustain)
Finally you have remove a condition when you heal (1)
There are other classes with it better with better passive condi removal but there are others with about the same if not worse.
why do people try and romanticize the warrior so much? I seriously just dont get it. Every other class has more effective/passive ways to remove conditions, stronger heals, better utils (have yet to hear any positives on kick and stomp) and frankly the only thing good about our “control” on a hammer is earthshaker since backbreaker is outclassed by every skill in the game with a knockdown and staggering blow is actually the worst attack cross every class in the entire game. The mace is no better having the crappiest auto attack ever, our burst skills for the most part suck, and we have to rely on teammates more than any other class in the entire game. If you are one positive warrior in a sea of unhappy warriors then you are 1 of 2 things. 1 you think dying is helping your team or 2 you have a very good team…
This isn’t really true if you take a mesmer which is considered one of the strongest classes. The condition removal isn’t great all.
You have null field on a 36 sec cd. (traited) in a field that pulses. Signet of stamina is better. Null field does remove boons from the other enemy but just based on condi it doesn’t beat sig of stamina, other options are arcane thievery, mantra of resolve.
You can go 30 points into the vitality tree and remove a condition on shatter but you have to chose that or shatters heal a small amount (which is a pretty decent sustain)
Finally you have remove a condition when you heal (1)
There are other classes with it better with better passive condi removal but there are others with about the same if not worse.
Null Field CONSTANTLY removes conditions and is a combo field… One of the best combo fields in the game.
Just saying ours is better just says you really don’t know how to play this game.
LOL null field is incredible! Burst any bunker after dropping that and they’ll keel over… But yes their condition removal is almost as subpar as ours. But they excel in every single other aspect to the point that they are the most OP class. Only strong condition damage professions – Engie/necro/thieves have any chance at dropping an experienced Mesmer. It is their one and only weakness. Even then the Mesmer will still probably win.
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
I agree Warrior downed state skills lack anything truly useful. Warrior needs more ability to rally.
I don’t think you have a basic grasp of how conditions are applied or removed and how null field is greater than signet of stamina in everyway possible.
Null field gives multiple cleanses over a period of time that lets you stay in the fight.
Signet of stamina lets you wipe conditions but in no way gives you the protection that null field does to actually stay in the fight.
If warriors had the damage they did in beta you might have an argument but you don’t. You have to wait till your loaded up with conditions taking the ramp up damage then your cleansed but then what happens you still get loaded up again. Signet of Stamina is a horrible utility that doesn’t fit the current warrior gameplay.
Saying Mesmer’s are weak to conditions is like saying the class is weak against damage it’s absurd and a non argument.
If you would of read past the 1st sentence of the post you replied to when you entered this thread you wouldn’t make such idiotic blanket statement in the 1st place.
In closing you really don’t even have a decent understanding of general game mechanics or how the game is played let alone knowing how abilities are used through the game if they’re actually used at all.
I eagerly await your response or an apology for lying so badly
Holy crap you really edited your post since I was writing my response lol wtf dude
Oh bundy, your rants always deliver xD
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
heh? I edited the post because it was a part response to you and the other guy talking about null field as a combo field.
Blah blah is what your post says.
I am comparing straight up removal. As in conditions gone!! As in not on you anymore.
Elementary terms lets say null field pulses 1 time every second. So every pulse it removes a condition. So lets say I have 20 conditions on me (not that many in game but this is for your benefit) That means in 20 secs those conditions will be gone. If 10 stacks of bleeding, 8 stacks of confusion are last to be removed hmmmm.
Now I have those same 20 conditions on me I pop signet of stamina all 20 are gone. What is hard to understand?
Also if I don’t have a basic grasp of how conditions are applied and removed please tell me how? I know how it works but you just made a blanket statement something you accused me of by saying signet of stamina is better than null field.
I can say you like to overreact on the forums and attack people calling them idiotic 9stated in this thread) question their intelligence (2 posts above) when you disagree with someone. Which would be my opinion cause you do it often. Its easy to get a post removed by you (see I did a Albundy). For the life of me I don’t know why you can’t leave those kind of comments out and just reply you know to what I said all your OPINIONS of the poster are irreleveant but continue. I know where the flag is and it works on you often rofl.
My post only referred to the condition removal. Not the combo finishers and team utility just condition removal.
So you can stop trying to make it seem like I was comparing the utilities full fleshed out features vs signet of stamina which I was not. Endurance regen vs enemy boon removal vs combo fields depends on builds and profession.
I posted only in response to the fact that he said other classes have better passive condition removal than us which is not necessarily true. I then replied with mesmers don’t really have good condition removal. It doesn’t matter how powerful you feel the class is vs warrior.
In terms of condition removal mesmers is comparable to a warrior period. Their best passive removal trait is 30 points in inspiration to remove a condition when you use a shatter skill. The second best condition removal passive is remove a condition when you heal. There are not alot of builds that go 30 points into inspiration because 30 points in illusions is very desirable for illusionary persona. 20 points is very desirable in dueling for clone on dodge. That leaves you with 20 points left over.
You run glamour spec you don’t go 30 points into inspiration you go 20.
When I am on my mesmer and I am running glamour spec I have null field and feedback. Know what those are for? Offense, my condition removal is then remove 1, ONE, UNO condition on heal. Your second option is mantra of resolve to remove 2 condition with no cast time once loaded. That cast time is 3 1/4 secs. (that sounds awesome to you I bet plenty of time to load up 3 1/4 sec cd to remove a whole 2 conditions)
Mesmers condition removal is not that good at all. The class is strong the condition removal for that class is not. To your point about staying in the fight etc and you have to wait to get loaded up. Mesmer is in the same boat fighting a necro you don’’t throw down null field cause you know its conditions in there thats dumb. You still have to wait to use it same with sig of stamina.
The best condi removal is passive repeatable condition removal on the level of thieves, elementalists, guardians. Mesmers are definitely not on that list along with warriors.
KK now we can get back on track jeez! People take things to seriously over dem internets. Im rightz your wrongz YO!! Wtf rofl.
(edited by oZii.2864)
WoW warrior foruns all over again with guild wars 2 written over it p.p!
welp post got deleted again guess I will summarize.
Awww I was doing something away from the computer and didn’t get to see the unedited version of your last post boooooo.
I’m happy that you evened up your post count so it’s now 2 to 2. Two post you actually were able to convey your thoughts without having to go back and edit and well two mulligans I guess.
My posts before this one refutes everything you say again and I would advise you too reread it. Since you didn’t bring any new arguments to the discussion I can only come to the conclusion you like to argue for the sake of arguing even when proven wrong.
I didn’t say this in the post that got deleted but I just wanted to thank you for coming forward as the person who flags my post as offensive it really is sad to not know who your accuser is. I would also like to apologize even though I find your post highly inaccurate and wrong I accept your opinion to it. Don’t worry I’m not offended and would never think of reporting someone for things said over the internet.
I agree with Albundy, Nullfield is definitly better than signet of stamina just for the fact it periodicaly removes conditions. By doing this, you make condition builds that relies a lot on bleedings like warriors and Rangers useless sinds those are cleared every couple of seconds and nullify the intensity for a while drasticaly reducing the DPS of those builds for your teammates and on top of that, it is a combo field!
While on the other hand you have signet of stamina wich only purge once every condition but at the cost of 50% stamina regen, that’s about 6 dodges you won’t be able to do during those 45sec of cooldown.
Edit : I don’t know how I did this, but I posted this part of my post on the wrong thread. New link :
(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)
welp post got deleted again guess I will summarize.
Awww I was doing something away from the computer and didn’t get to see the unedited version of your last post boooooo.
I’m happy that you evened up your post count so it’s now 2 to 2. Two post you actually were able to convey your thoughts without having to go back and edit and well two mulligans I guess.
My posts before this one refutes everything you say again and I would advise you too reread it. Since you didn’t bring any new arguments to the discussion I can only come to the conclusion you like to argue for the sake of arguing even when proven wrong.
I didn’t say this in the post that got deleted but I just wanted to thank you for coming forward as the person who flags my post as offensive it really is sad to not know who your accuser is. I would also like to apologize even though I find your post highly inaccurate and wrong I accept your opinion to it. Don’t worry I’m not offended and would never think of reporting someone for things said over the internet.
This is how internet friendships are formed! I am so happy me and Al agree.
FWIW I only reported 1 post by you. As the above shows you are capable of posts that don’t have content attacking the poster.
Also it isn’t about being offended at all it many of your posts are simply ad hominem when you disagree. Then somewhere in your posts is a semi coherent counter argument. The other stuff directed at the person does nothing but detract from what the discussion is really about. Disagreeing is ok and nothing is wrong with that but all your additives are well trashy.
Null Field is also an AOE, so it helps everyone in the field, since it works like walls do, it has no limit to how many people it can cure.
- Constantly removes conditions.
- Can also do tons of damage.
- Can be extended.
- Can have its cool-down reduced.
- Has a low cast time AND cool-down.
- Very useful for allies, terrible against enemies especially when traited.
Signet of Stamina:
- Cures all conditions, however since everyone puts them on you so fast, you just get more on you immediately, now your left with no utility slot for 45 seconds.
- Does not help your team.
- Cannot be traited to be more useful when used.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
Null Field is also an AOE, so it helps everyone in the field, since it works like walls do, it has no limit to how many people it can cure.
- Constantly removes conditions.
- Can also do tons of damage.
- Can be extended.
- Can have its cool-down reduced.
- Has a low cast time AND cool-down.
- Very useful for allies, terrible against enemies especially when traited.Signet of Stamina:
- Cures all conditions, however since everyone puts them on you so fast, you just get more on you immediately, now your left with no utility slot for 45 seconds.- Does not help your team.
- Cannot be traited to be more useful when used.
I have a mesmer at 80 my actual first character and I don’t feel like when I compare mesmers condition removal to my thief that it is awesome. Null field is ok it isn’t great signet of stamina is ok it isnt great. I do feel like signet of stamina is better for condi removal.
Null field and signet of stamina have the same cooldown.
Null field is stationary meaning you have to be in that circle to get the effect signet of stamina is not. If you are trying to flee from a fight signet of stamina > null field despite all it’s lovely side effects. Especially when combined with stability there is nothing they can do to stop you from popping it.
Guys, I have read all the pros and cons arguments here. So let me ask you something. Are you having fun?
Because that is what it matters for me. As example I played lock in wow and man, we suffered some bad patches in which we were the worse. Same thing here, the only thing that we need [warriors] is some love. Anet does not know how to give us that yet, but eventually it will come.
If I would give an advice would be that warrior movement skills are not affect by conditions. Ofc it could/should be a trait. That would be enough, imagine all our movement skills running through like other classes.
Last but not least, people should stop crying all the time, it is not perfect?! NO IT IS NOT! Eventually it will get better. AND IF DOES NOT GET BETTER? Then suckitup or play another class. PERIOD!
I personnaly enjoy my Warrior a lot even if I’m not one of those build that can take 3 to 4 people together in a row. I’m a Glasscanon putting a huge amount of pressure with my high average damage from both conditions and critical rating and I can realy punish those whishing to get close to me with a lot of push backs and confusions.
Yeah i’m pretty much on the same level as a Berserker geared character, a free kill when I get focussed, but that amount of pressure makes every fight with my Warrior very “kitten” fun to play!
(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)
I wish women would go down this easy…
Looks like another one of my post got deleted from when Ozii started in with the whine about Null Field and Signet of Stamina.
Here’s another edit so the thread makes a lil more sense. Post started after Daecollo’s response to Ozzi.
Wow saying signet of stamina is better condi removal than null field is just wrong.
Signet is a single use condition wipe for just the warrior
Null fields aoe condi removal works on other allies.
So one of the strongest classes in the game should get better condition removal I don’t even understand the point your trying to make.
What an absolutely silly thing to say. Obviously you didn’t even read the 2nd sentence or maybe you did and didn’t even understand the post you were replying to?
And that’s just ridiculous saying Mesmer’s have it the same or worse. I’m sure everyone would love to welcome you back to reality.
This thread is a mess. OP is probably talking about warriors in the context of PvP and then some guy comes in with PvE analogies and then another with WvW zerging, someone else with WvW roaming, and then we’re back to PvP again.
really bad engineer
This thread is a mess. OP is probably talking about warriors in the context of PvP and then some guy comes in with PvE analogies and then another with WvW zerging, someone else with WvW roaming, and then we’re back to PvP again.
That’s what happens when you try to talk about pvp warrior anywhere but the pvp forums
Just a whole bunch of dumb people who can’t read for kitten posting their walls of text of uneducated opinions, sometimes on the entirely wrong topic
This thread is a mess. OP is probably talking about warriors in the context of PvP and then some guy comes in with PvE analogies and then another with WvW zerging, someone else with WvW roaming, and then we’re back to PvP again.
That’s what happens when you try to talk about pvp warrior anywhere but the pvp forums
Just a whole bunch of dumb people who can’t read for kitten posting their walls of text of uneducated opinions, sometimes on the entirely wrong topic
Was it ever mentioned that this was a s/Pvp post? There was a good assumption it was about pvp in general and Warrior surviability but if you read the top comments they all had a fairly good place in this topic.
So, instead of calling out people for beeing uneducated and dumb, why don’t you start by reading your own post and take your own advice into consideration.
Thank you for your comprehention!
This thread is a mess. OP is probably talking about warriors in the context of PvP and then some guy comes in with PvE analogies and then another with WvW zerging, someone else with WvW roaming, and then we’re back to PvP again.
That’s what happens when you try to talk about pvp warrior anywhere but the pvp forums
Just a whole bunch of dumb people who can’t read for kitten posting their walls of text of uneducated opinions, sometimes on the entirely wrong topic
Was it ever mentioned that this was a s/Pvp post? There was a good assumption it was about pvp in general and Warrior surviability but if you read the top comments they all had a fairly good place in this topic.
So, instead of calling out people for beeing uneducated and dumb, why don’t you start by reading your own post and take your own advice into consideration.
Thank you for your comprehention!
>Actually needing to “build for sustain” in anything PvE related
Thank you for proving my point entirely.
I would suppose WvW is marginally acceptable but really all you’re doing there is either zerging, being zerged, or roaming around looking for 2v1 situations so your actual build doesn’t really matter.
Heh? Al why so mad. Me saying signet of stamina is better condition removal than signet if stamina is my opinion. Not a bold face lie hyperbole much rofl.
I have 3 level 80’s Mesmer, thief and warrior. My comment is opinion a lie would be stating the opposite of fact.
Y so hung up on me editing my post? Take chill pill you take this stuff to serious. The edit post is next to the report button. I can edit my post and stated why I edited the post. You don’t have justify your forum posting behavior to me won’t change my opinion.
Post got deleted again lol. Reposting another edited version.
Also I’ve never really agreed with anything you’ve said in this thread Ozzi. I think you have a very hard time understanding the words of the English language and that has led us down this road.
I think it’s very unfortunate that we live in such a politically correct world that people can’t be called out for their lies even on the internet.
When I was replying to one of your posts in the course of 30 seconds you edited your post so drastically the post shrank by more than half. I feel it’s very disingenuous of you to take the moral high ground when that post had the same ad hominem you say is not needed.
And then in your reply to Daecollo you bring up stability to get signet of stamina off which has no bearing on your original lie that signet of stamina is greater than null field for just condition removal which it is not.
Please reread this
don’t think you have a basic grasp of how conditions are applied or removed and how null field is greater than signet of stamina in everyway possible.
Null field gives multiple cleanses over a period of time that lets you stay in the fight.
Signet of stamina lets you wipe conditions but in no way gives you the protection that null field does to actually stay in the fight.
If warriors had the damage they did in beta you might have an argument but you don’t. You have to wait till your loaded up with conditions taking the ramp up damage then your cleansed but then what happens you still get loaded up again. Signet of Stamina is a horrible utility that doesn’t fit the current warrior gameplay.
Saying Mesmer’s are weak to conditions is like saying the class is weak against damage it’s absurd and a non argument.
If you would of read past the 1st sentence of the post you replied to when you entered this thread you wouldn’t make such blanket statement in the 1st place.
In closing you really don’t even have a decent understanding of general game mechanics or how the game is played let alone knowing how abilities are used through the game if they’re actually used at all.
I eagerly await your response or an apology for lying so badly
I think I can help you out with some definitions though.
Fact = something that actually exists; reality; truth
Opinion = personal view: the view somebody takes about an issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment
At this point I think you just enjoy trolling the warrior forums. Maybe you should take some deep breaths and maybe stop running to the mods everytime I respond to you.
>Actually needing to “build for sustain” in anything PvE related
Thank you for proving my point entirely. .
How do I prove your post entirely??? There was never a topic to start off, no argumentation, what so ever. So people started to talk about things they beleived was the points of the OP and they have tried to have a mature conversation while giving their point of vue (with a couple of exceptions of course). And you came by and posted the following message :
Additionally, I would like to request that people in this thread stop being pants-on-head kitten because this is clearly a S/TPvP thread and bringing up WvW and PvE(especially so) is completely out of point.
Now you completly switched one side of the moon and took the other by saying : “I’m right” (no arguments) and tell this is “more” (“>” I guess) a PVE related post on building warriors for sustain (sustain DPS, Healing, Control? Again not a single argument or explanation?) while you said the complete opposite previously…
So sinds you are in the rightrous place and know what you are talking about, would you mind to clarify everything you said previously, in plain English, and give a single and proper oppinion of your point?
Thank you very much!
(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)
The best thing I ever did for my warrior is I made him a Chef and like that, I got him to feed his own weaknesses out of the window. But still, if you play and die a lot then it’s not your warrior who is making the mistakes.
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: http://tinyurl.com/oht3e9z
Lol wall of text lol. Give it up your reaching now lol.
So me saying signet of stamina is better condition removal than null field is not my opinion? Rofl you got to be kidding me. This is to rich lol.
Meh /ignored Al to keep the conversation on track. You have a problem pm me. Ps I am not the person that keeps reporting you. If I was I wouldn’t have a problem saying it.
Goodnight Sweet Prince
Only problem with the warrior is that it only has 1 viable build in WvW and forces people to play it. This being shout/heal.
Not talking about tpvp/spvp ofcourse, we have tons of problems there.
WvW is something totally different than tpvp/spvp.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
I never bothered with shout/heal in WvW and feel my build is very successful. I’m really looking forward to this patch too.
I’ve been absolutely amazed at how useless my warrior really is… I’ve played guard/eng/mes and can be quite useful.
I recognize that people are quick to cry balance issue when its something small, but I have NEVER played a class (on any game) so weak and useless as my gw2 warrior. Most balance issues can be fixed with just a small tweak here or there. Warrior needs a complete overhaul imo. Its a bummer too because it was my first roll and I did enjoy leveling it, but endgame I have no use for him, he’s worthless in ALL scenarios.