Warriors in WvW and in general

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


I am big fan of the WvW scene and I tend to centre my builds around that. I use rifle/longbow combination as melee doesn’t seem to be that great in WvW unless facing very small crowds of people.

Already a level 80 warrior with full exotics as well, I have tried many different builds but I am not sure what would be best in WvW as many of them seem to fall short and be lackluster.

Our utility skills are very bland to say the least and dont do that much in the way of contributing to WvW. Most of our utility skills are pretty much self-target, lack excitement and are pretty one-dimensional.

For Great Justice is a very nice skill for WvW, but I think Banners are just really lame. Shouts are really lame as well, the heals aren’t that great and investing 30 into tactics while shouts take over 2/3 major trait choices is a heavy price to pay. Most of our shouts suck without having these additional effects and even with the Shout removes condition from that one rune, it still seems pretty mediocre.

Fear Me could have been a nice skill, doesn’t seem to fear a lot of people or for very long either but I would never use this skill because the cooldown is way too long. On my Mark could have been nice too, but it applies 10 stacks of vulnerability to a single target, whoop-dee-do.

Most of our utility skills do only one thing, i.e stability for 10 seconds, fury for 10 seconds, etc. Our traits don’t really help much in that either

Why can’t warriors have any cool skills like Guardians, Necros, Elementalists? Guardians have. I.E guardians can gain all buffs for 10 seconds and can summon weapons, etc

Warriors are supposed to be a tanky and durable class, yet we have nothing that gives us protection buffs, retaliation, it is starting to seem like glass cannon is the way to go. And honestly, we are not that tanky if we stack toughness and vit with some condition removal spells and stability.

Warriors I think lack a whole lot of crowd control. We lack stuns, knockdowns, AoE debuffs, status effects like chill, confuse, etc.

When I picked warrior I envisioned a class that was tanky DPS that could get in close and cause crowd control havoc while being a decent enough support. Warriors are definitely missing something in their character design. We lack a role in this game and in WvW. Guardians can support and tank better then us as well as be CC , Thieves, Rangers and Elementalists can put out more DPS, we lack support (I don’t really count stupid banners).

Warriors seem like the jack of all trades class, we can do most things ok but nothing exceptionally well. This game to me doesn’t really favour having balance builds so that is kind of bad. They seem very boring to me as well, I am quite disappointed as I love the Warrior type class in other games. The lack of melee viability in WvW is also what bothers me too. Warriors are supposed to be a class that gets in the thick of things and use their melee expertise to wreak havoc on the battlefield. That is what makes a warrior a warrior, but instead we are forced to use ranged weapons.

We have high base health yes, we wear heavy armor yes but our lack of survivability buffs is what hurt us. Endure Pain is like 3 seconds and really is kind of useless. We will go down as easy as many of the supposedly squishier classes because we lack the intangibles when it comes to surviving.

I will probably reroll Guardian as they have a very unique skill set combined with their traits. IMO they are a very well designed class, as well as Necros and Mesmers

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Acidbaron.6724


To be honest all i can say is, are we playing the same class.

Yes i have CC, my utility skills when build right in terms of gear and traits can do a lot for the team.

I go with either a longbow, Hammer or a sword/horn + hammer. depending on group size.

You cannot be a tank and a dps class, you can at most push Tank and CC. This is not your WoW warrior or SWTOR assasin (which were grossly OP as i could tank 20 people with heals), you can soak damage but you cannot take all damage.

I really fully disagree with the idea we can’t do things well, warrior from the first day i picked it up was a class that to me seemed something that was easy to play but harder to fully master due to the amount of paths we can take and so spread ourselfs too thin across the board.

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Bambi Is Strong.6083

Bambi Is Strong.6083

Melee isn’t good in WvW? I just a GS and I 100B 20 people and 20 people die… trading 1 life for 20 sounds good to me

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Poizie.5187


i love my warrior…i find it fairly easy to get in kill quick and gtfo

variations of Poiz – Talons [BT] – Fort Aspenwood

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


I’ve had way more success going very tanky than going glass cannon. I run dual axes and either rifle or bow (usually more bow atm since its better at defense)

Knights gear, with 0/10/30/30/0 build gives so much survival its funny. I can often just run into the backline in huge fights, kill someone that’s low, flag them while everyones attacking me, and still run out and live. There is a huge psychological advantage to this also; people tend to retreat when they see someone going overly aggressive because they assume that they wouldn’t do that without a reason.

The damage is on the lowside though, but the survival more than makes up for it imo. Honestly though, you don’t need huge damage to take out cloth/leather users. The only time i feel my damage is lacking is when im facing another warrior or guardian.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Apos.5184


I personally went for longbow and got the tactics traits about it as well and I’m quite happy with the results.

The damage can’t be compared with rangers’ because we got much different playstyles and I think our AoE damage is far superior,not to mention that arcing arrow and combustive shot do tons of damage to rams,something that rangers can’t do. On the other hand,we don’t have the burst damage rangers have.

The only downside is that Dual Shot is currently bugged a little and it won’t auto attack when the target is above 900 range,even though it has 1200 range with the correct trait. I hope this gets fixed soon.

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


i am interested in knowing some of your traits in WvW and skill sets

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Knights + soldier runes.

Dual axes (sigil of blood) and Bow or rifle (5% damage sigil)

10% swiftness chance on crit
gain adren when hit
auto balance stance
auto endure pain
(if longbow: increase longbow range, if rifle: 1 sec immobilize on cripple)
shout cd reduction
shout heal

mending, shake it off, throw bolas, fear me, signet of rage.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Zotok.4869


I’m working on a carrion set currently and do plenty fine in WvW, your not meant as any one person to take on an entire army of other players. I got 30/30/0/0/10. switching between my magic find gear which I currently have with a great sword. traits are heals remove cc affects, second is power to vit, or adrenal power. master is berserker stance or w/e that gives you the Berserker when you get 5 might. Under Arms I got bleeds last 50% longer, 10% crit on sword and last trait is quickness at 25% health or w/e. 10 in discpline is usually melee weapons run faster. Adrenal heal, bulls charge, balanced stance, endurance signet and lastly the elite skill is usally signet of rage. I also switch between the falling damage reduction and stomp skill. That’s hilarious for defending gates. I’ve run full banner build as well and those help people quite a bit, especially the war banner when you rez a group of downed allies. I’ve also toyed with hammer build and longbow, shouts. They make a good difference if played right.

It mostly comes down to adapting to the situation you want to fulfill. Their is no spot on way to build any profession.

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: urzen.7096


I use condition damage and bleed duration, with dual swords (carrion), and all my traits set to help bleed. Then for utility, i have various things to immoblize others, build adreneline, and break stuns and block damage. I also use the elite staff skill for support, and a horn/sword combo as swap wep, for support.

I find I do very well, 1v1 or in a mob. I can get a lot of bleeds off in a short amount of time, leap at foes, slow them down, and then even if I die (often), so do they because theyre bleeding 1000dmg per sec. And then someone rezes me. Im simply not the leading charge. I run around in the middle or rear flank picking off side people or helping others.

Its really funny to be killed, and then rally because my bleeds take them down. Or we both die.

Sanctum of Rall

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


I’ve heard “I expected tanky” too many times. People envision a class that can stand and absorb damage, and they don’t realize that “tanky” in this game is using your weapons/utilities to maximize mitigation.

Mitigation isn’t about stacking dodge/block rating and hoping one procs. Mitigation in GW2 is about dodging at appropriate times, using defensive cooldowns properly, and understanding the situation you’re leaping into. Even then, you can still absorb plenty of damage specced/geared properly.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Paragonkid.4602


I’ve heard “I expected tanky” too many times. People envision a class that can stand and absorb damage, and they don’t realize that “tanky” in this game is using your weapons/utilities to maximize mitigation.

If so many people expect that, maybe they’re not the ones at fault here. Warrior heavy armor shouldn’t be just for show and maybe designing them to be fragile speedsters/glass cannons and poor at anything else wasn’t the right thing to do.

And ‘tanky’ isn’t running around trying not to get hit because you are made of glass. There is no ‘tanky’ in this game for Warriors and that is the problem.

Even then, you can still absorb plenty of damage specced/geared properly.

No, not really. And not much better than Warriors who didn’t gear/spec for that or even better than some characters of other professions who aren’t covered in heavy plate armor yet mitigate more damage and heal better because they actually get decent skills. Warriors may have higher numbers for stats, but those numbers are ultimately meaningless in practice.

Warriors in WvW and in general

in Warrior

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


@Paragonkid – Actually, nevermind. I had a response typed out, but a glimpse of the future led me to realize that future would be uninteresting and vacuous.

Go on about your life.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”