Warriors looking for dungeon tank/support builds

Warriors looking for dungeon tank/support builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Wobels.1679


So i lvled a warrior i been runing shout healing and going to share some info to help others out in looking to do the same. if you want to coach me on some things i may have missed im always open to making the build better. as i said its for tanking/supporting

Axe/shield and Bow sigil of blood in axe sigil of life in shield and what ever you feel fits for the bow

Arms V rendering strikes
Defense II turtles defense IX Shield master XI Defy Pain
Tactics VI Empoered VII Lung capacity XII Vigourus shouts

Clerics gear power/toughness/healing power
Saphire jewlery power/toughness/healing power

5 Healing signet i know it does less healing but the regen is very very nice in the long run it heals more.
6-8 Shout on my mark, for great justice, shake it off
9 battle standard for raising allys that happen to fall

So thats it really i run with the axe cause it benefits best from power sense all the gear gives power it just makes sense does decent dps as well. the shield i love using it for interupts shield bash and of course for blocking when things get hairy. the bow is my range/aoe weapon it does decent for both cases just all around the gun is of course better for single target but i find i just like keeping the bow on an not worrying about aoe encounters either. just use your shouts smart dont spam them all the time save shake it off for those annoying knock downs use the other 2 for group healing or just more dps. it is a solid dungeon running build that supports by heals vulnerability stacking and interupts also being able to take a beating and rezzing downed players wile not losing dps.

Warriors looking for dungeon tank/support builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Wiexlon.9750


Hey Wobels, get off my toon, you kitten spy! This is currently my exact build. Same order of shouts and everything. I had been using GS and ranged builds lately, but I keep going back to this. I thoroughly enjoy the in-your-face survival style. The damage is definitely a bit lacking and shield CD’s are still too long imo, but it really is a fun build.

I do keep a mace handy for extra turtling when needed, but primarily run with an axe. I generally have a longbow on weapon swap. It’s a great opener with F1, weap swap, shield bash. The cleric’s gear is a great supplement to the regens and shout heals. Having the ability to effectively switch to a hammer for lockdown situations is also very appealing about this build.

Warriors looking for dungeon tank/support builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Wobels.1679


Yea the only way i like to play is in your face smashing style i hate ranged.. anyways its a solid build i like it. Glad somone else backs it up

Warriors looking for dungeon tank/support builds

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


You’ve got fury and 100 precision right? That’s like what… 30% crit chance? The sigil of blood is pretty low cooldown iirc, are you sure a 30% chance of happening on 30% of attacks isn’t wasting it?

Warriors looking for dungeon tank/support builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Wobels.1679


yea its about 30% crit chance and no i see it proc all the time. no need for crazy precision it still procs.

Warriors looking for dungeon tank/support builds

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


It’s not that I doubt it would proc, just whether it’s working as well as it can. I believe it has a 2 second cooldown, so ideally it’s one you’d want to be activating a lot to really reach its potential. Though I guess I was mainly thinking of one large, tough target. If you mainly want the healing for hitting through multiple mobs with each swing it might not matter much.

Warriors looking for dungeon tank/support builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Wiexlon.9750


The sigil is more of an afterthought of the build. The build definitely isn’t designed for survival via leaching, moreover survival through damage negation. The leaching plays a nice supporting role though. Unfortunately, this build doesn’t have the room to maximize crit procs and achieve its design. The build relies on Avoidance>Toughness>=Shout Heals>Blocking>Regens to negate incoming damage.