Warriors need serious fixes now!

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Ronnie.3948


What the hell is wrong with Bolas and Bull Charge?! Many times it just seem to pass right through the enemy without doing anything at all.

Warrior needs to be fixed in so many ways…. Useless burst skills.. 3% burst damage for 30 on discipline trait.. Revive bonus for tactics? That is like crap bonus. I don’t play Warrior to become a revive bot. And those problems with bolas/bull charge… Oh and rush too.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: capuchinseven.8395


Compared to some class issues those are really not anything to get so worked up over, we could use some fixes but Rangers are in a far worse place.


The bravest animal in the land is Captain Beaky and his band.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Levian.6742


Or Necro, don’t forget us. Oh and I hear the Engineer is in a bad spot. Oh wait, Ele’s actually have some big bugs too.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Geewoody.2017


400 bonus toughness while ressing someone is a “crap bonus.” 5 roamers can almost get my HP bar to 75% in the time it takes me to res someone! It should be 9001 toughness.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: vorpal.1497


Yeah bolas are pretty terrible (like how they can’t function in the Z plane, only X/Y… so if you and your target on are a hill… “welp”). Overall though I think warrior is pretty solid, and somewhat misunderstood.

I think the biggest problems right now are with other classes, namely guardian and elementalist extreme tank/condition removal. Mainly elementalist though, since they also have amazing escape capability. Oh and thief underwater is broken with that permanent evasion thing, although it makes them immobile and useless, it can still mean they prevent a point from capping for a very long time.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


Yeah, 8k kill shots on 3300 armor should not happen.

Fix that please.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (http://bit.ly/12RNvtK)
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Kevlar Eater.1985

Kevlar Eater.1985

15k Hundred Blades, heavy damage and long range on a rifle (oh, and unlike the engineer, it can actually aim properly), heavy armor and endless love from the devs?

Meanwhile engineers/mesmers/necros/rangers are a in a bad spot with the former two getting worse in every patch while the latter two are almost literally ignored and when spoken to, are lied to.

This just makes me sick.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

They need to be made viable again in PvP. Hardly anyone rolls with a warrior in the group anymore.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

15k Hundred Blades, heavy damage and long range on a rifle (oh, and unlike the engineer, it can actually aim properly), heavy armor and endless love from the devs?

Meanwhile engineers/mesmers/necros/rangers are a in a bad spot with the former two getting worse in every patch while the latter two are almost literally ignored and when spoken to, are lied to.

This just makes me sick.

Necros and mesmers are in a very good spot. Mesmer has the best elite in the game, and is one of the strongest 1v1 classes and Necro is the best bunker buster in the game. Both classes are required on any PvP team, unlike the warrior (which can only fill a melee burst role in PvP, and even there he is outclassed by the thief).

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

rangers may have some sizable bugs but they are so much tougher then they used to be. I think they are good for a while.

Warrior is pretty solid. The learning curve in the game is kind of broken in that it isnt much fun and leaves me feeling powerless which is true but its me not the class.

Best thing for that is to make your own videos and watch how you play. that is golden training.

So far that i have played… necros are the most wonky in skills and such. some of their skills are so pigeon holed that they do nothing in common situations or are slow enough that they do nothing in their areas of use. eh… i like the necro anyway.

warrior is a pretty cool class. lots of utility and flow between skills.
bolos… well yeah some skills do suck and could use something to make them a little more attractive but they are not broken in themselves. other classes have the same issues with obstructions and what not.

i am not sure why that getting the classes right is always a backseat to getting content but there it is. happy wintersday!

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Geewoody.2017


Why do people think rifles are overpowered? Is there some joke I’m missing out on?

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: RollingBob.8502


I can’t comment on the others but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the burst, you have a choice of whether to use it all at once or save it up and milk it. You can trait towards saving it or rebuilding it super fast. You can choose a weapon that sucks it dry in one use or one that milks it.

Imagine that, they force you to choose a strategy instead of making you choose one set standard tactic. And each one has gasp drawbacks and advantages depending on the situation!

That is not broken, that is genius. If you can’t run with that maybe a guard is more your style? They don’t have to choose, the class basically has built in training wheels.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: ODB.6891


I can’t comment on the others but there is absolutely nothing wrong with the burst, you have a choice of whether to use it all at once or save it up and milk it. You can trait towards saving it or rebuilding it super fast. You can choose a weapon that sucks it dry in one use or one that milks it.

Imagine that, they force you to choose a strategy instead of making you choose one set standard tactic. And each one has gasp drawbacks and advantages depending on the situation!

That is not broken, that is genius. If you can’t run with that maybe a guard is more your style? They don’t have to choose, the class basically has built in training wheels.

I would agree, that in general, warrior burst skills are decent. Most have a secondary effect besides direct damage. The exceptions are eviscerate and kill shot. Kill shot holds its own because it actually does enough damage to not require a secondary effect. Eviscerate is another story however.

Eviscerate has been getting its damage whittled down since beta apparently and the fairly recent nerf to the discipline burst damage bonus has only added to marginalizing of eviscerate. Its at the point now that you are better off just using auto attack instead of so called burst if you are using axe main hand. I think that is a problem. That’s like a guardian not using any virtues because he is better off without them. The burst mechanic is a core mechanic to the warrior class. Its like death shroud for a necro…its meant to be used, not ignored.

They need to give eviscerate a bonus effect too if they want the damage to be trash like it is now. I would prefer a defensive effect like protection after using eviscerate, a heal after using it, or weakness on the target.

The nerf to the discipline bonus needs to be revisited. I don’t think even ANET can disagree that 3% for 30 trait points is ridiculous. If they hate that bonus effect to burst damage so much, they need to change it to a different bonus…one that they are willing to give a decent return for trait point investment in.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Ronnie.3948


Does ANET actually browse these forums and look at all these problems we posted? I wonder..

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

Why do people think rifles are overpowered? Is there some joke I’m missing out on?

Rifle is totally underpowered. People just look at killshot numbers.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Rhinzual.7861


Does ANET actually browse these forums and look at all these problems we posted? I wonder..

I’d rather ANet ignore warriors for the time being and focus on classes that need it, like Ranger and Engineer.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: aNTarTis.2561


what warriors needs is that Anet kick out some developers and hire new ones.

Commander of [XO] Xtreme Online – www.xogamers.com

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Im sure they think the rifle is OP when people spec hard into it and do 7k plus damage to multiple targets with killshot.
but… thats typical of these kinds of things.

wait until we get stealth of some kind… did i mention that i hate the way stealth works in due to the way targeting and culling works
he is my 1 second stealth that makes you lose target on me and you can not even see I am an enemy for another second after I leave stealth.. that loss of target is more painful than the stealth.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Crunchy Gremlin.5798

Im sure they think the rifle is OP when people spec hard into it and do 7k plus damage to multiple targets with killshot.
but… thats typical of these kinds of things.

wait until we get stealth of some kind… did i mention that i hate the way stealth works in due to the way targeting and culling works
he is my 1 second stealth that makes you lose target on me and you can not even see I am an enemy for another second after I leave stealth.. that loss of target is more painful than the stealth.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: binidj.5734


OP clearly needs to go play another profession for a bit to find out what “need” actually means. I’d suggest Engineer, Necromancer, or Ranger.

Glad to be [Grey] – http://thegrey.enjin.com/home
Piken Square

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Sure warrior is quite okey.. Only thing i would want to see changed is the burst mechanic.. Give more choices.. For example give 2-3 stances to choose from instead, either buffing offense with Fury and might, defense with regen and protection or a life-leeche stance where you steal health with each sucessfull attack for a short duration.. Best would be 2 stances + the current One.. Would give more diversity and become abit more complex and situational..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: aNTarTis.2561


if this game had less condition damage and more traditional hit, would be great. Now is the dearrea war

Commander of [XO] Xtreme Online – www.xogamers.com

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: James Seth Lynch.2647

James Seth Lynch.2647

Why do people think rifles are overpowered? Is there some joke I’m missing out on?

People hate big numbers. Bursts skills a very similar to the notorious Rogue from WoW and thus…people complain.

The rifle is actually needs some work. Such as making Brutal shot actually do something useful other then lower your DPS.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: azmodeus.3409


i want bulls cloak skill.

…really give stealth ability to all classes or drop it all together.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Gadrak.6851


15k Hundred Blades, heavy damage and long range on a rifle (oh, and unlike the engineer, it can actually aim properly), heavy armor and endless love from the devs?

Meanwhile engineers/mesmers/necros/rangers are a in a bad spot with the former two getting worse in every patch while the latter two are almost literally ignored and when spoken to, are lied to.

This just makes me sick.

endless love from devs?,wai what?,as far as i know we just got some bug fixes here and there,not that much,then engineers are some of the best point defenders in the game,rangers got a lot better in the previous patch,necros as well,and MESMERS in a

bad spot?,oh you know they are like the must have class in every comp of Tpvp,poor guys they must be such in a bad spot

yes you are sick,your brain must be affect by some sort of heavy disease,because you cant possibly be kittening about a class,that it’s never to be found in tPvP and that is asking only for bug fixes.

Warriors need serious fixes now!

in Warrior

Posted by: Sablin.8071


What is all this kittenedness about Rangers needing help? I have a Ranger and on my warrior, (decent) Rangers are dangerous. They might need some bug fixes, as all classes probably do, but as far as capability they are fine, and comparatively speaking, better than the warrior.