Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: aaakm.4290


some people think that warriors are way too strong (over powered)
but in the other hand most warrior players noticed how stupid is the warriors chance of doing any thing.
1- high health and toughness.
2- easy to play in PvE.
3- a lot of weapon choices.

1- shut down easily since he lacks mobility.
2- can be dragged like an animal in pvp (he can’t reach you or run away from you)
3- building Adrenaline feels useless since it can only be spent to use their burst attack i believe Adrenaline should be more than that, it should add some thing to the warrior like more damage less toughness, more move speed, doing actions faster.

and at the end the only thing that needs a nerf on the warrior is the hammer in pvp.

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Black Teagan.9215

Black Teagan.9215

They need a nerf in the deffense.
A class with so many hardcounters and very strong heals isnt good for this game or the balance.

And yes, I think its better, the burstskill of the hammer should daze and not stun the victims.

Caleb Ferendir
-Charr Thief-
It’s good to be bad!

(edited by Black Teagan.9215)

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cheeks.5243


some people think that warriors are way too strong (over powered)
but in the other hand most warrior players noticed how stupid is the warriors chance of doing any thing.
1- high health and toughness.
2- easy to play in PvE.
3- a lot of weapon choices.

1- shut down easily since he lacks mobility.
2- can be dragged like an animal in pvp (he can’t reach you or run away from you)
3- building Adrenaline feels useless since it can only be spent to use their burst attack i believe Adrenaline should be more than that, it should add some thing to the warrior like more damage less toughness, more move speed, doing actions faster.

and at the end the only thing that needs a nerf on the warrior is the hammer in pvp.

“Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.” – ArenaNet

1. Warriors do not lack mobility.
2. L2stability and root your enemies.
3. adrenaline adds health regen traited, while its not much, the more you have makes your F1 skills more powerful and effective.

They nerf warrior more and more every patch, they do not need to be nerfed. People need to learn how to play against them.

Your Pal Kor-Warrior-[ZoS] Zealots of Shiverpeak

~i like Butts~

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rym.1469


Warrior, same as Ranger has to be remade. Currently, both classes in particular builds are too easy to pick and play, they lack depth. Bringing Warrior to a skill floor of, for example, basic elementalist would drasticlly reduce number of fotm rollers, same like Ranger.
For Warrior, giving it like couple decisions to make – e.g. Two burst skills to choose from – one defensive, another offensive would make nerfs unecessary because Warrior wouldn’t be able to run in some kind of god-mode for couple seconds and still output same high damage.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


some people understand that warriors are way too strong (over powered)
but in the other hand most warrior players noticed how stupid OP the warrior is but refuse to listen to reason

1- high health and toughness.
2- easy to play in PvE/PvP
3- a lot of weapon choices.
4- Lots of Mobility
5-Copious amount of gap closers/movement skills to both engage or run from combat
7-Easy access to CC immunity/ Condi cleanse

1- Everyone knows you need to be nerfed.
2- Most heavy armor is kinda ugly.

and at the end the only thing that needs a nerf on the warrior is everything.


Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


some people understand that warriors are way too strong (over powered)
but in the other hand most warrior players noticed how stupid OP the warrior is but refuse to listen to reason

1- high health and toughness.
2- easy to play in PvE/PvP
3- a lot of weapon choices.
4- Lots of Mobility
5-Copious amount of gap closers/movement skills to both engage or run from combat
7-Easy access to CC immunity/ Condi cleanse

1- Everyone knows you need to be nerfed.
2- Most heavy armor is kinda ugly.

and at the end the only thing that needs a nerf on the warrior is everything.


Is your sole purpose in life to cry how OP warriors are on the forum?

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: bwillb.2165


1- shut down easily since he lacks mobility.

Wait, what? Warriors are the most mobile class there is… Between multiple leaps and charges and a low cooldown snare removal and swiftness buff on the warhorn, they’re more mobile than thieves. And with a sword they can root their targets better than thieves.

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


some people think that warriors are way too strong (over powered)
but in the other hand most warrior players noticed how stupid is the warriors chance of doing any thing.
1- high health and toughness.
2- easy to play in PvE.
3- a lot of weapon choices.

1- shut down easily since he lacks mobility.
2- can be dragged like an animal in pvp (he can’t reach you or run away from you)
3- building Adrenaline feels useless since it can only be spent to use their burst attack i believe Adrenaline should be more than that, it should add some thing to the warrior like more damage less toughness, more move speed, doing actions faster.

and at the end the only thing that needs a nerf on the warrior is the hammer in pvp.

“Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.” – ArenaNet

1. Warriors do not lack mobility.
2. L2stability and root your enemies.
3. adrenaline adds health regen traited, while its not much, the more you have makes your F1 skills more powerful and effective.

They nerf warrior more and more every patch, they do not need to be nerfed. People need to learn how to play against them.

2.Stability doesn’t counter cripple, chill or root. Rooting enemies: It is a condition, necro can devour it for more health (but also uses the healing skill), it can also be transfered by necro or mesmer, thief can just roll to get unrooted, engi also might have something… Guardian has aegis and blind (but so far I think root works best againts them), ranger can transfer the condi on pet (looses condi cleananse for cd duration). On elementalist, some can clean it easily but in my experience it is good way to make elementalist stop.
3. Agreed

If you don’t want to get bored by my text read only the blacked text and near them.

OP, what if adrenaline would grant % dmg reduction? Not huge but some, using burst would be something to think twice. Loosing dmg reduction + regen would hurt.

I like to pvp a lot, mainly on WvW arena as it doesn’t restrict builds like mists does. Every single Class has their own good builds.
I find Bunker condi engi the most OP duelist atm.
Second is a good necro. Much chill much devouring conditions much cripple much ranged autoattack with poison such wow.
third would be PU mesmer (long and boring fight).
Even thieves can be hard to duel with if it’s experienced player. If not then it might be shameful fight for bouth of the fighters.
Sword ranger is awesome opponent to duel against as it punishes for mistakes and isn’t OP, also takes some time to actually defeat it.
Guardian can do amazing dmg while being defensive as hell, really need to focus on the fight to win good guardians.
Elementalist is someone which forces u to focus on their skills and rotations if you want to win, very punishing for those who doesn’t know what to dodge or what to interupt.

Warrior had hammer nerfed, and it shows. Nerf worked. I would like to see rifle reworked and mace mainhand to be changed to something else. I find it a bit boring weapon on mainhand. But then again it’s not about what I think.

Would be nice if Longbow Ranger would get a buff. It should deal tons of dmg as the ranger itself is a weak when it comes to close combat if not specked tanky. I mean weaker than most of the classes.

Power and hybrid mesmers seems to be just fine, power engis are just fine, d/d and s/d eles are strong, and I like it even if I don’t own one, Guardian is strong, rangers needs certain spec to be good, Once again I want to repeat: Buff ranger, Thieves should just stay in shadows and stop one hit 1-2KO me while I have 28k hp and 3300armour… (steal + backstab). Some thieves needs to learn how to play their class and stop shaming their kind. Thief isn’t hard to play. Warriors are strong but can be also easily defeated no matter how skillful warrior is, all u need is bunker condi engi OR a necro(necro as long as the warrior uses healing signet).

Anyways back to subject, Warrior needs buffing on some areas and nerfing in other areas. It isn’t like warrior needs to be only buffed or only nerfed.

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

(edited by Nuorus.8415)

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Randal.1084



1. At the person saying they are too easy and need to be made harder: Nothing in this game is hard other than putting up with other players sometimes!

2. At the people who say they need nerfed or buffed: All classes have their strengths and weaknesses. Also everyone likes to play different so what needs a nerf for one player may need a buff for another because it is not the way he likes to play. ( I personally like to play a ranger melee on cliffs just to see if I can keep myself from leaping off the edge. It adds an actual challenge to the game.)

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: wyther.8372


Look, the warrior is a superb class. The main problem is the people who play it. Let’s be honest every bad player wants an easy class to play. Warrior, right now, is the king. When you see someone who really is good, you are like kitten this class is way OP.

The warrior problem is the bad players, even on an excellent class, might jump up to average at best. Those types of players get allured to a class thinking they will be able to do everything, but in reality, they are still bad. Just bad on a good class instead of bad on a bad class, which does make a huge difference. However, they wanted to be great, not average. The good players remain on their normal or preferred class, so the remaining weaker classes look good, because (for the most part) only the good players are still playing the inferior classes and haven’t rolled the OP class.

The number of warriors should tell you how OP they are. In fact, the relative strength of a class is always shown in a WvW setting. The best classes/builds always have the most people running them.

So to sum up, bads will be bads, even on OP classes and that is the warriors problem.

Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Look, the warrior is a superb class. The main problem is the people who play it. Let’s be honest every bad player wants an easy class to play. Warrior, right now, is the king. When you see someone who really is good, you are like kitten this class is way OP.

The warrior problem is the bad players, even on an excellent class, might jump up to average at best. Those types of players get allured to a class thinking they will be able to do everything, but in reality, they are still bad. Just bad on a good class instead of bad on a bad class, which does make a huge difference. However, they wanted to be great, not average. The good players remain on their normal or preferred class, so the remaining weaker classes look good, because (for the most part) only the good players are still playing the inferior classes and haven’t rolled the OP class.

The number of warriors should tell you how OP they are. In fact, the relative strength of a class is always shown in a WvW setting. The best classes/builds always have the most people running them.

So to sum up, bads will be bads, even on OP classes and that is the warriors problem.

If you are saying that Warrior is not really OP but it is just too easy for bads to do well with then I agree. From what I have seen, good warriors vs good players (builds) of other classes is pretty well balanced (still needs a few tweaks but the class is in a good place.). The problem is that a bad warrior can be almost as good as a good warrior. The view from a less skilled player from any class is the Warriors are OP cause they can’t tell a bad one from a good one.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


Look, the warrior is a superb class. The main problem is the people who play it. Let’s be honest every bad player wants an easy class to play. Warrior, right now, is the king. When you see someone who really is good, you are like kitten this class is way OP.

The warrior problem is the bad players, even on an excellent class, might jump up to average at best. Those types of players get allured to a class thinking they will be able to do everything, but in reality, they are still bad. Just bad on a good class instead of bad on a bad class, which does make a huge difference. However, they wanted to be great, not average. The good players remain on their normal or preferred class, so the remaining weaker classes look good, because (for the most part) only the good players are still playing the inferior classes and haven’t rolled the OP class.

The number of warriors should tell you how OP they are. In fact, the relative strength of a class is always shown in a WvW setting. The best classes/builds always have the most people running them.

So to sum up, bads will be bads, even on OP classes and that is the warriors problem.

so if Engi wins equally good warrior without loosing even half of his hp the engi is god class? God as it defeated overpowered equal skilled opponent.

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: wyther.8372


A warrior should never lose to an engi, because they should always be able to get away. Hence, me saying bad players are still bad on a great class.

You can’t fix horrible play, not even with a great class, because those who are not skilled will still make horrible mistakes. For the engi to win the engi had to be good and the warrior a bad player. The warrior can, without a question, easily out distance the engi without a problem. Equal skill the engi should have died, or if not, the warrior should have made it away.

Gilkin – Ex Commander for ET server

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

A warrior should never lose to an engi, because they should always be able to get away. Hence, me saying bad players are still bad on a great class.

You can’t fix horrible play, not even with a great class, because those who are not skilled will still make horrible mistakes. For the engi to win the engi had to be good and the warrior a bad player. The warrior can, without a question, easily out distance the engi without a problem. Equal skill the engi should have died, or if not, the warrior should have made it away.

The point of the game is to fight the enemy and kill them, not run away. When a skilled Engi fights a skilled Warrior it basically comes down to builds, which is the counter to the other?

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


A warrior should never lose to an engi, because they should always be able to get away. Hence, me saying bad players are still bad on a great class.

You can’t fix horrible play, not even with a great class, because those who are not skilled will still make horrible mistakes. For the engi to win the engi had to be good and the warrior a bad player. The warrior can, without a question, easily out distance the engi without a problem. Equal skill the engi should have died, or if not, the warrior should have made it away.

It is not a warrior if it runs away, it’s a thief in disguise.

Dueling in WvW arena and the rules doesn’t even allow you to run away. Dueling itself doesn’t allow anyone to run too far. You just don’t get it. There is strong builds on every single class but you deny them, you want to nerf warrior to the state it was first half year or so, seen as free kill. You want to nerf the sustain we asked since the release of the game and which is needed for the class without any dirty tricks.

Also seems like you know nothing about condi bunker engi.

Edit: For example of bunker condi engi who can play search “gw2 wolfineer” on youtube. He is one of the people who duels in the arena with us. He also makes videos. I also make videos but those are outdated. Haven’t done any for like half a year.

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…

(edited by Nuorus.8415)

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Warrior is an easy class to learn but a hard class to master. Problem is that tons of players are casuals and not really good at this game. So they lack the skill to defeat a warrior. At that level of play, the warrior will have an advantage, because he is easy to learn. And thus these players feel being wronged.

But if we look at high skill play, the warrior lacks a lot. Not saying he is UP, but definitely not OP either. Classes that should beat a warrior at all times are still: thief/mesmer/necro.

High telegraphed skills and yes, still his vulnerability to chill and slows (kiting) aka conditions can rip any warrior build apart. The only weapon that reliably removes condis on a warrior is the longbow. All the other weapons burst skills should be dodged (which is easy) and the warrior will budge underneath the conditions.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Stogzlol.4795


Why do warriors assume people can’t defeat warriors because they are on the forums trying to address a blatant issue: Healing Signet.

As a full zerker ele it’s hard to burst a warrior though healing signet. Is it impossible? No. But my mistakes result in 1/3 or more of my health gone because of a single attack hitting me. One stun from hammer without a major cool down is death.

Warriors have too much healing without the loss of damage suffered by other classes. Warriors should not be able to run knights or soliders and maintain a high level of dps.

Warrior feels like its in a good place because you’re only looking out the window, not in it. I have over 1000 hours on warrior and plain and simple, it’s too easy and basic to challenge the player. That’s ultimately why I stopped playing it.

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Warriors have too much healing without the loss of damage suffered by other classes. Warriors should not be able to run knights or soliders and maintain a high level of dps.

Kinights and Soldiers…high level DPS? lol

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Shoryuken.9435


People choose warrior over most pics in PvE because they are easy to play, per say. So it’s a lower risk getting a person that messes things up if you do so. Compared to profs like thief which is harder to master =/= higher risk of getting a person that messes things up.

Still not a good enough reason to nerf something. Better if they look at the profs that are "weaker " instead. Nerfing gives bad reputation sense it’s more or less a last resort of sorts.

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: phillip.6821


Warriors need nerfing in pvp…. I Like playing with them in pve but MY GOD! WARRIORS ARE TO OVERPOWERED IN PVP! I already L2p all the classes, I like to know my prey in order to kill it… but right now warriors make my stomach sick… This is bull**** Anet….

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nutshel.7264


Warriors have too much healing without the loss of damage suffered by other classes. Warriors should not be able to run knights or soliders and maintain a high level of dps.

that’s the issue, it feels like they are running knights and soldiers because of how though they are… yet they are running zerker hence the damage

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

People choose warrior over most pics in PvE because they are easy to play, per say. So it’s a lower risk getting a person that messes things up if you do so. Compared to profs like thief which is harder to master =/= higher risk of getting a person that messes things up.

Still not a good enough reason to nerf something. Better if they look at the profs that are "weaker " instead. Nerfing gives bad reputation sense it’s more or less a last resort of sorts.

I picked Warrior not because it was easy. It definitely wasn’t the first 8 months of the game (non PvE). I picked Warrior because I like the in your face melee combat style that solves problems with a brutal hit to the face. Thieves have had some of the easiest faceroll builds since launch (non pve of course). The problem right now is that Warriors are good in every content of the game where as other professions are only good in certain aspects. People crying that warriors can tank like a god and still do amazing DPS don’t know what amazing DPS is. Sure we have great middle ground and can get a decent amount of both but traited full tank we can’t tank as much as a Guardian, or a good DD Ele, or Engineer, or a well built Mesmer. Going full zerk we can good amazing damage but we die just as easily as many other class (with the exception of eles, a zerk ele dies way too quick). What I see is a lot of people who refused to modify their builds and playstyles after Warriors were buffed and changed the meta. Now they cry nerf. I know that at least 4 other professions have a build the can wipe any warrior build. They just can’t wipe all warrior builds with a single build and they refuse to accept that. I know my warrior is super strong versus most condition builds (except condition Engi, they have too much CC), it is decent versus some power builds but totally gets kitten d by DP thieves, PU Mesmers, Condition Engis. To me that seems balanced, you are able to kill some easily but you also have counters to your build.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

(edited by Julie Yann.5379)

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


some people understand that warriors are way too strong (over powered)
but in the other hand most warrior players noticed how stupid OP the warrior is but refuse to listen to reason

1- high health and toughness.
2- easy to play in PvE/PvP
3- a lot of weapon choices.
4- Lots of Mobility
5-Copious amount of gap closers/movement skills to both engage or run from combat
7-Easy access to CC immunity/ Condi cleanse

1- Everyone knows you need to be nerfed.
2- Most heavy armor is kinda ugly.

and at the end the only thing that needs a nerf on the warrior is everything.


Is your sole purpose in life to cry how OP warriors are on the forum?

Yeah It’s not an exciting life but it’s mine.

Since they took away the wvw match up threads I haven’t had much else to do on the forums.

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fuji.6284


Warriors are extremely good at closing gaps between them and an enemy. Once that gap is closed, widening it is a completely different story for them.

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kuro Kami.8436

Kuro Kami.8436

Children QQ’ing. Get better. If not, quit and play another game. Simple as that.

Warriors: nerf ? or buff ? or even remake ?

in Warrior

Posted by: MidnightSun.7964


In my opinion, so I might be way off the mark, people that complain are looking at it from a PvE perspective. Just like in the beginning of GW1, the game was balanced around PvP. It came much later when ANet started making a PvE and a PvP version of skills.

Also, this is a much different team that’s working on GW2 than the original. A lot of the original team is no longer with the company and/or created their own companies, i.e. Undead Labs.

Just my opinion, so if I’m off the mark sorry for my blabbering :P

<insert something witty>