On my phone so forgive me for the spelling errors, I’m a war main who got to legend solo/duo playing staff rev mostly. Unlike what certain class forums may make you believe rev is still god tier at what it does which is to be a mobile bruiser that can +1 worse than a thief but has a far better matchup in 1v1s almost all around. I would love to see war be molded into that role as it already has the mobility and damage to be an effective roaming bruiser and it would be balanced in theory by not offering the utility of mesmer(if shatter mesmers were buffed) or the mobility of thief. Right now what I see in these forums are a lot of good suggestions for making war an all around more versatile and enjoyable profession but lets face it we need to have atleast one viable build before we can fix the rest of the war problems in pvp and its looking to me that making stances and GS even better (they are already near mandatory as is) is our best shot right now. My suggestion that has probably been mentioned in the forums before is to make 100 blades a non-stationary skill and make defiant stance our go to heal (base heal buffs or something) as it encourages more skilled play from both the opponents and the war. 100b can be easily interrupted anyways with all the cc elites brings so it would be much better in +1 when cc is set up than in duels and opponents should be punished for letting it ride. I can’t see how making the skill mobile would be a problem.
If balance stays the way it is right now Rev and Scrapper will push warr out of the meta because they fill the exact same role but do it far better; at least shatter mesmer, as undepowered as it is, brings portal and moa to the table and even thieves before the last balance patch had their decap potential; we have nothing unique to bring to the table and rampage isn’t as good as moa to warrant that uniqueness. Sorry for the long post and no tldr but i hope the devs can balance war around a bruiser role rather than being balanced around elites such as rampage/banner.
Well. Is anyone on par with revs?? Revs are and will always be the god tier until the new expac. And as far as warrior and engi are concerned , altought we offer nothing to our team, that match all come down to skills. I might be wrong though.
Well. Is anyone on par with revs?? Revs are and will always be the god tier until the new expac. And as far as warrior and engi are concerned , altought we offer nothing to our team, that match all come down to skills. I might be wrong though.
Well I would argue that Scrapper, thief, druid and necro are all on par with revenants overall and bring things that rev dont and vice versa.
Well. Is anyone on par with revs?? Revs are and will always be the god tier until the new expac. And as far as warrior and engi are concerned , altought we offer nothing to our team, that match all come down to skills. I might be wrong though.