Weird Sword Animation
It looks like my Charr is doing an overhand chop to the head that mysteriously results in my opponent being crippled, so yeah, it looks “strange” in that regard.
Well the cripple on the last hit of the chain was added after launch. Probably why.
Final Thrust was the last hit of Sword Auto Attack chain and Hamstring (the cripple AA) was a skill in the place of the current Final Thrust, they switched places.
I know it replaced final thrust, I still think it looks weird
it was a thrust animation+ special effect
but they changed the animation to swing
but kept the special effect. so
and they also didn’t give final thrust the special effect it had when its on auto attack, so it looks doll and borng.
final thrust got the special that it had in gw1, way better than what it was when it was an AA…