What I Plan on Running on 6/25

What I Plan on Running on 6/25

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Assuming the leaked notes are true (I’m leaning towards them being at least in part true) the games meta will drastically shift. With Berserker’s Power and Heightened Focus being turned into Grandmaster Traits if we want to run DPS we’re forced into 30 strength. That being said, I can’t say that you’ll have any sustain by doing that. Because Mace’s Skull Crack with a Sigli of Palatalization will give you up to 4 seconds of stun and with Cleansing Ire encouraging Burst skill use it may not be all doom and gloom (though the patch may very well put the final nail in the warrior coffin).


Replace Defense I with Cleansing Ire. This build won’t have massive DPS but as I stated earlier Skull Crack will be great for either baiting Stun Breakers (Although I’d be using Bulls or Shield Bash to try to do that first) and if they don’t you might as well get off a full 100b while they sit and watch.

Another build I could see myself running is something like this:


I still keep Leg Specialist on because it is still a good way to snare your foe, and with Hamstring being moved on to sword 1 you’ll be able to get that snare every 5 seconds.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

What I Plan on Running on 6/25

in Warrior

Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138



That’s what I plan to be running. Hoping Warrior’s Sprint + swiftness + BC will allow me to stay close to my target. I am grabbing DoTE in Discipline since it’s dropping to a Master trait. I figured I could definitely set up some stun/daze + Confusion locking action.

In Strength Tree I will be grabbing Physical Training for short CD on BC and more damage.

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

(edited by ArtemisEntreri.4138)

What I Plan on Running on 6/25

in Warrior

Posted by: Quetz.4389


The closest analogue we will have to the current 20/25/0/10/15 will be to simply move points from tactics to arms for 30/25/0/0/15.

You trade off empowered for stick and move and 15% on berserker’s power, so you actually gain on the %damage bonus.

You lose 9% crit and none of the adept discipline traits are really attractive, either a small reduction to signet of rage or a small boost to adrenaline generation from shout but none of them really stand out.

Same on the adept strength line, you can get dual wielding for a situation bonus damage boost but the rest of the adept strength talents are weak.

What I Plan on Running on 6/25

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


Honestly, the main build that got a lot better is killshot warrior

Run 30/0/0/10/30. That’s because destruction moved down, burst mastery gives extra damage on burst (not sure how much) and berserker power is now 15%. Also in tactics you can choose empower allies (150 power) or empowered (6% dmg)
