What build do YOU currently use for WvW?

What build do YOU currently use for WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fames.2871


Hi all,

I’m leveling a warrior right now after a long break from the game. I tried a few builds while leveling up and right now I am using a condition-based build (0/30/10/8/10 at level 64) with sword/shield and longbow.

It obviously has been working out for leveling (anything works for leveling), but today I went out to do some WvW for the first time on my warrior and it was pretty frustrating. In the bunch of small fights (1v1s and 2v2s mostly) I’ve had I’ve been decimated in almost all of them – really only won one 1v1 and that was probably just beginner’s luck.

Being only 64 definitely had a factor but my build probably still contributed to the experience.

I would appreciate it if you all would share some tips, pointers, builds, gear choices etc that would help me start off with WvW when I finally get to 80.


What build do YOU currently use for WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: KarlusDavius.1024


I’m level 62 and I usually last in the front lines and be annoying enough to make a contribution.

Stick all the points you have into defence and another 20 into tactics. You want cleansing ire and defy pain (you can choose the first tier trait to your style.) in defence. You also want leg specialist and empowered in tactics.

Equip a hammer. Change your equipment to vitality and toughness. I take dolyak signet, fear me and whatever I feel would be good at the time for the last skill slot. Signet for elite for swiftness and boons for more damage.

Don’t dive in through the middle. Flank round and then jump in. Know when you pull away and when to reengage. Yeah being 80 will help however for now, this is working just fine.

Cmdr. Kiro Heimdahl
Far Shiverpeaks

What build do YOU currently use for WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: Pvt Frosty.6973

Pvt Frosty.6973

0 25 30 0 15, sword/shield – longbow is a great build for roaming around. I wouldnt worry about contribution too much. In a group i suggest to use healing shouts. once you get the points, go 0 0 30 30 0. Most warriors I know go 0 0 30 30 10. Defence is a brilliant traitline with great traits to help you survive in the heat of huge battles. Warhorn (buffed through tactics trait) and hammer can provide awesome utility to your teammates too

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What build do YOU currently use for WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fames.2871


I should have mentioned that I play solo most of the time and like to roam around – group play is not my cup of tea.

What build do YOU currently use for WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


I’ve been running a mainly power build: 30/0/25/0/15 GS+Sword/shield. High toughness and if you sit on your adrenaline your damage is quite good.


What build do YOU currently use for WvW?

in Warrior

Posted by: naphack.9346


currently experimenting with 0-20-30-10-10, using leg specialist and opportunist for perma-fury, so I can free up the elite for rezz banner.

Running Sword/Shield and Hammer for most of the battles.
Gear is full soldiers with cavalier’s trinkets and ruby jewels, haven’t decided on a decent set of runes yet.
I ran endure pain for some time but dropped it in favor of fear me due to fear me actually giving some breathing room and EP doing nothing against the huge bars of conditions, you typically attract by jumping in headfirst. Might try the new stomp these days tho. Other utilities pretty straightforward Balanced Stance+Signet of Stamina.

This build can dish out quite some cc and utility, but got no source of might stacks, so the damage is not quite where it could be.
Might on weaponswap sigils are a big no-no anyway, because for most of the part, you want to stay with the hammer and grab sw/sh only when it’s time to gtfo.
Anyway, maybe, I will find a decent source of might these days. Still having runes and food to toy with

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

(edited by naphack.9346)