What do you enjoy about warrior?
Crush my enemies. See them driven before me. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
I started on warrior, and I fell in love with it during beta. Sadly, it’s a low skill cap, but it made getting into GW2 easy.
While I appreciate Warrior’s wide array of weapon choices, that choice is an illusion for everything but FG/PS + Bow/Rifle. Hm. :\ Warrior Hammer was my first love, and it’s gotten better after Defiance changed, but it just doesn’t do enough at end-game.
Warhorn was another one. Before Traits 3.0, I used the trait lines for +30% boon duration and puttered across the map with 100% Swiftness uptime. Banners meant I could offer some pretty awesome, steady support.
..All that got nerfed into the ground.
Of course, “main” for me is a silly concept. :P I play whoever’s at the end of my character list and haven’t used in a while. I see my “main” about twice a month now. XD
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Crush my enemies. See them driven before me. Hear the lamentations of their women.
“This answers my question.”
I actually found Warrior to be incredibly boring in the first year of the game… I always found myself playing other game’s “Warriors”, and I wanted a different approach with GW2… Honestly the only reason I made my Warrior was to be a giant bad looking mfer… But then I gave it “the ol’ college try”, and it quickly became my main, and has been ever since.
I think my favorite part of the Warrior has always been the skills we have… granted they aren’t all that great anymore, but they are still fun skills to me. And on top of that, the skills aren’t the easiest to land in PvP either. People constantly talk about the low skill cap for Warriors, and I can see why people would say that… but ironically enough, it’s the finesse of playing a Warrior that makes it so fun, and challenging to play.
I don’t remember where I read this quote, but I 100% agree with it… It went something like: “Warrior is the only profession you can lose to and know it was b/c you were outplayed.” Even though I don’t like the place Warriors are in right now in PvP, I do enjoy this side of things. There’s no better feeling than being the underdog and coming out on top… and right now… That’s what being a Warrior is all about for me.
(edited by Mashedwarf.8235)
I love that Anet made the class suck so much that it made it VERY easy to quit the game, and their continued desire to keep it garbage keeps me from coming back.
I still love my warrior, and don’t plan on changing mains anytime soon.
However, I’m going to have to disagree with you in that warrior is simple/boring. Sure it’s easy to pick up and play but at a higher level of skill it comes down to knowing when and how to land your burst, animation cancelling, reading/knowing your opponent, watching their dodges and buffs so that you can land your highly telegraphed attacks, knowing how to use your mobility to be able to win fights you’d otherwise lose in an upfront melee battle (reapers for example) timing of your cooldowns, among many other things. This makes warrior fun to me, both in theme and playstyle (power warrior.. Not a fan of condi).
This game has changed a lot over the years and it seems anets direction is heading towards passive play rewarding players who do very little yet reap high rewards. There are probably the vast majority of people who are happy with the current state of the game, no dungeons, low risk/high reward builds/gameplay, boring borderlands in WvW, unfixed traitlines across many classes, the constant nerfing/buffing of classes making the game change so radically you can rarely learn to love what they are introducing or being slowly confined into a handful of optimal builds per class at best…. sigh I could go on. I may be the minority in my opinion but Guild Wars 2 has been my favourite game for years (played since day one) but these days I often find myself looking for and hoping for something new. I’m hoping Crowfall 2 will be my replacement to what Guild Wars used to be.
Sorry for the rant that went slowly off topic… But I hope a dev reads this, and it inspires them to change things.
I love using a sword/shield in games and while i can do that on my guardian (or a chronomancer…) it just doesn’t make me feel as “savage” and strong. The guardian is leaning more towards magics while warriors go for raw strength. They dont shoot magical sword projectiles,their cuts bleed the foes.
I understand that while they use lots of weapons,most of their skills are raw and dont do much except dmg the opponent.
Another reason why i enjoy is that it allows me to play a tall strong norn (some people prefer charr) with the biggest and largest weapons in the game and the ability to leap into the fray,dealing dmg all around myself and even if i fall, i get to rise up several times and come out victorious filled with blood of my enemies….i mean… the warrior is the only class that lets me make a almost invincible killing machine.
Lots of base hp and armor that can be further improved with stats, lots of sustain with self healing, condi clense, empowering himself and others around him, the ability to defy pain and death numerous time (a set up i made that is extremely fun)
One Charr, his armor, his weapons, his guts and no magic. Pretty much wanted to play a warrior since I saw the early teaser trailers.
Doesn’t matter if I play any of the other classes in PvP or PvE due to the meta or due to balance. Warriors will always be my favorite.
I like the way how warrior was mosty in the bad spot Lights. Most of the time people thought warrior was weak and cheap. Low skill cap for beginners. And all that. And that was great for me, cause in WvW, were I roam, i started to see from the beginning till now, that people underestimate warrior. Cause they were used to, that warrior was weak, easy target. Noobclass. So when you pown them with warrior people get insane. Super mad. You see thiefs trying to sneek on you, approaching you with to many convidence, like hé has you already in the pocket, and suddenly Im dancing on his corps while receiving qq massages from my enemys. I mean, only that already is fun! Roaming, is what I like most. When I have a 1v1, it triggers reallife adrenaline. As long as I can gain the real life adrenaline boost from it, I keep it playing.
W v W-r o a m e r
I think it’s my favourite class to play (but not favoured, if you know what I mean). I came up with really well done build and with high toughness, some vitality and even crits in hand, I do enjoy playing him. It’s really reliable class. I choose him for toughest jobs :P
agreed I like warrior I don’t think ‘easy’ is the same as ‘simple’. You wouldn’t add a laser targeting system to a tennis racket even if it could be tuned for tennis balls….
there is the possibility of using the toughness and sitting at the back of a zerg/team, but no-one chooses warrior for this "I’d like a massive hammer HAHAH’- oh to hide behind, at the back? (no, they choose ele) its just part of the learning curve and when you do work your way to the front smash and crash, it’s not possible to go back.
Warrior was my first love in not just GW1 or even gaming but in all areas of fiction. My favorite fictionacharacters were all larger than life champions of strength and power: Thor, Hercules, Gilgamesh, Bhima, Sun Wukong, Goku, Hulk, Superman, Might Guy, Alex Louis Armstrong, etc.
Now with regards to GW2 I agree with the earlier assessments that being currently underpowered in the game makes winning with warriors that much more rewarding compared to other classes: namely DH and Reaper. I also concur that the warrior’s simplicity is their complexity; we have to be far more measured and calculating with our skills and positioning because of our limited options with respect to other classes.
Finally, I’ll also add that despite it’s performance flaws Arenanet has done a good job of capturing and distilling the essence of what makes warriors fun, especially the constant swapping of weapons and burst skills. It may be for naught but I’ll continue to hold a candle for my favorite class and hope for their rise to glory in the future.
+gear, as we have less choice in skills so sigils and runes become more important. I must have tried every sigil going with most of the runes to match my playstyle. Alot of it is feel people can say you can’t tell you +-200 toughness passed 3K because of diminishing returns. I can certainly feel it and If I’m not careful I’m toast or I feel like a god, overplay and = toast again. I think we enjoy the game more than alot of other professions. In my WvW guild (sadly gone) the warriors had the shiniest armour competition. Genius, it’s not enough to run screaming into the enemy lines you need to be lit up like a xmas tree first. Can’t see the prissy guardians doing that (our closest cousins) I discount revs as they seem to believe the game owes them the world.
The good thing about warriors these days is that they can cut their teeth on other professions, they become better players in the process.
I personally love the skill rotations on Warrior. There’s a sort of “zen” medium to be found in the heat of battle on them, especially in PvP. Trying to stay aggressive at the right times but then pull back to calmness and preparedness adds a dynamic that makes playing the profession very satisfying.
i like warrior because is the only class that cant spam. The more you spam your skills, the less you hit and you quick end not having any skill to use.
You need instead to watch carefull to opponent, bait, use the right skill at the right moment. Warrior is fun, and even if is underperforming, i have much more satisfaction when i hit with warrior than when i win with revenant.
I like almost everything about it, even that it’s considered UP. Challenge, right?
I also like that condition warrior is probably the weakest of all classes in GW2.
GW2 as a whole is just very disappointing since HoT.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
I like how active, exciting, and mean it feels. The most fun I’ve ever had in this game was on a shout-heal warrior before that build was gutted.
Running around with 15-20 and pushing into larger numbers with Earthshaker and Savage Leap, doing your best to lock anyone down for a bomb, feels great. I don’t get that same feeling on Guard or Rev.
“It’s time to Rim Ram their Jim Jams.”
I’d say warriors are the ideal for melee combat. Relying on your timing, your counters, you movement above all else to win the fight. And with good usage of those, you can deal with those who, ability-wise, should be superior to you.
Always love taking out meta classes on my war, it’s a lot more satisfying, knowing you brought your knife to a gunfight, and won:D
I am Rayn Mael!!!!!
Mashing people’s faces in with pure manly damage. It’s a refreshing playstyle compared to my months playing my engineer or guard
Winning against a far superior class and laughing as they get mad.
Winning a fight fairly. No stealth, no aoe, no stupid cc attacks (invisible or ranged kitten), no teleportation, no magic, in your face with melee weapons NOT ranged weapons, direct attacks, no crazy dodging, no stupid condition spammage, no KITTEN DAMAGE.
ALL DIRECT DAMAGE. You can see every attack I throw at you just from the movement of my character’s arms. There is no deception, incessant kiting, hit and run, hit and run then ooc cause why not, or other kitten tactics. It is timing and skill that determine my victory over my enemies. When they die, they have nothing to complain about except their own ineptitude.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
(edited by Cerby.1069)
I enjoy telling them to switch to a better class. See them driven before me. Hear the lamentations in the forums.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Well I’m Rayn Mael, and I’ve played warrior for 3 years, had its ups and downs, but I mainly pvp, so it’s a tough lyfe right, but today I won a 2v1 vs a DH and Rev. Went on a 16 game win streak, saph tier2. Also I enjoy beating people and reminding them I’m playing a warrior.
I like that playing war is actually challenging. I also like to rekt ppl and remind them I’m a warrior. Much sastify.