What if they added a 4th line?

What if they added a 4th line?

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


For the specialties?

Would it break the game? Do you guys think it would be too much? Or add a different level to gameplay depth.

Personally, I don’t like how the trait system is. I’d prefer to have access to all 5 lines at once, being able to pick things here or there and make more well rounded builds instead of being forced into “Metas”. Give us like 80 points to spend and bringing back ol trait system. They talk about build diversity, but that’s hilarious. There has never been build diversity.

So who would be on top?

I personally think Warrior would be pretty stupid, having access to str/disc/def and berserker. Most now are forced into Disc for movement+fast hands, and now Defense for AH trait. Leaving u with vanilla or zerker. Would pretty much be 30-50% dmg increase.

Then of course mesmers, druids, necros etc

This is meant to just be a gee whiz fun discussion.

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What if they added a 4th line?

in Warrior

Posted by: Razor.9872


In my opinion, I think it would greatly reduce build diversity. By being able to take more at once, there is less sacrifice/choice. Plus, this would only add to the power-creep. I think the concept is fun (maybe for an April-fools joke?) but in practice, it would be negative.

NSPride <3

What if they added a 4th line?

in Warrior

Posted by: Shinichi Megure.8061

Shinichi Megure.8061

well the best would be to have all trait lines open but only a limited number of points that you can spend on them, like the old system but instead of 3 you can spend the points on all lines

What if they added a 4th line?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


They explicitly moved away from the point-buy system
because it made game balance way more difficult. More combinations = more variables.

I actually prefer the new system, despite some of the limitations that come with it.

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What if they added a 4th line?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

They explicitly moved away from the point-buy system
because it made game balance way more difficult. More combinations = more variables.

I actually prefer the new system, despite some of the limitations that come with it.

It’s a fun system.

It also opened up diversity initially. What reduced diversity was something else (power creep more or less).

What if they added a 4th line?

in Warrior

Posted by: Chase.2798


I think this would make warrior even worse…just because then everyone else gets 4 too

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What if they added a 4th line?

in Warrior

Posted by: Hoaxintelligence.4628


I’d prefer to have access to all 5 lines at once, being able to pick things here or there

You mean, you only want to pick the most OP traits so you can be godlike Xd
Not gonna happen

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What if they added a 4th line?

in Warrior

Posted by: GuiserGaming.3605


I’d rather have it so they add a seperate trait line for your Elite Specializations. It annoys me that I cannot use my current build with the Berserker specialization due to the fact I would have to sacrifice a great amount of damage or survivability (Running Strength/Discipline/Defence.)

Same requirements, must be level 80 to unlock traitline, must spend 30 hero points to unlock, cannot swap out for any other trait line.

It feels like I’m missing out, as all the builds for Berserker specialization are either condi (I hate condi builds) or are really squishy. Adding the elite specialization as a seperate traitline is not only fair, as all professions would have access to this, but it would increase the limitations of builds for more variety.

EDIT: I’m aware this is what this thread is about, I’m just sharing my ideas with the community.

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(edited by GuiserGaming.3605)

What if they added a 4th line?

in Warrior

Posted by: eXruina.4956


A 4th trait line is appealing, definitely has its pros and cons..

I would really like to see some major changes/improvement to the more unused trait-lines/traits and skills.. that would definitely diversify build choices and roles.

The recent changes were great tho.. so I’m gonna be a happy panda til the next major changes.. (“(^____^)”)