What is the best warrior build so far?
There’s no real solid agreed upon build right now, but most run defense/discipline/berserker.
Personally, this is what I’ve been running lately and while I feel like it works well for a warrior build, I’m not convinced that warriors are really going to be great for the next season, even if they are viable.
(amulet is Destroyer’s, but it’s not available on the site yet).
This is what I’ve been running, it’s alright, but better than what we had before. I agree with Dahkeus, i’m also doubting the viability of warriors next season. Maybe Anet will do a small balance patch before the next season to help out, but that’s just being silly hopeful. c:
I’m having a lot of luck with this:
Depending on comp of the other team I use Cleansing Ire or Rousing Resilience.
EDIT: updated to new sigils
(edited by Dristig.9678)
I still run my pre-patch build (Condi/Sw-Ma*Ma-Sh): http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRApe8ZnMdAtkiVhA+kCEliFjADZEsC+AGBgNYO7t4ucbuA-TpRHABBcCAG4BAE8RAo+yAAcQAMf/BA
In sPvP after I tested a ton of builds, power based warrior still appears to be outclassed by revenant.
But condi has a chance to be good. What is for sure you have to take defense because it is broken as hell. If you are condi, discipline and berserker are also obligatory.
(Arms would be good for a mercenary build if you had more power damage on your condi sets but it is too low to be worth investing in crits.
Strength is good for a power gs build, but I still prefer disc and berserker.
Tactics is good for support only.)
Then if you want to be good at duels you also have to take Longbow or Sword mainhand(only take sword if you are condi) because LB always procs your Adrenal Health and Cleansing Ire, and Sword has a much greater chance to do so than all the other weapons out there because it consist of multiple attacks and only landing 1 will suffice at proccing these traits. If you miss your f1 that often means you die because you miss out on 7.5k heal over 15s (heals more than healing signet every sec) and the condi cleanse. Signet of Might: if you have a ranged weapon it is a must have as literally everyone has blocks/projectile hate since HoT. I like it on melee build as well, you wouldn’t be able to touch a DH without this.
What I found best is this condi build(condi war > power war):
Variants: Dead or Alive, smoldering sigil, leeching(it is bugged atm so Energy is better(gives 25 endurance now)), dolyak signet
6k+ PvP games
(edited by Kicker.8203)
Variants: Dead or Alive, balthazar rune + smoldering sigil changed to leeching(it is bugged atm so Energy is better(gives 25 endurance now)), dolyak signet
Is sigil of leeching bugged? in what way?
And i agree im finding the sword/torch mace/shield to be the build im most effective with at the moment. For some reason im not liking Longbow these days compared to when i ran it with Hambow and Shoutbow back in the day.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
(edited by Spartacus.3192)
The leech effect itself is bugged and only heals but deals no dmg. also affects vamp runes and scavenger runes.
6k+ PvP games
Based on my observation:
The easiest of the good builds to play will be a longbow/ sword/torch condi build with rousing resilience, brawler’s recovery, burst mastery, endure pain. Berserker line seems like you want to recharge it as fast as possible. Take the 10s stun break, zerker stance, and balance stance probably. Heal signet.
I am sure someone pretty much listed this build above.
I will return on power warrior closer to season 3 and see if it is still any good.
Then if you want to be good at duels you also have to take Longbow or Sword mainhand(only take sword if you are condi)
1h sword works well for power builds when paired with the right weapons. Final Thrust is still a hard hitting pure power attack and Flaming Flurry also hits hard without any condi damage, even if it’s still not what you’ll usually want to be spending your adrenal on.
Based on my observation:
The easiest of the good builds to play will be a longbow/ sword/torch condi build with rousing resilience, brawler’s recovery, burst mastery, endure pain. Berserker line seems like you want to recharge it as fast as possible. Take the 10s stun break, zerker stance, and balance stance probably. Heal signet.
I am sure someone pretty much listed this build above.
I will return on power warrior closer to season 3 and see if it is still any good.
I stopped using rousing resilence and prefer Cleansing Ire. In Berserk Mode it makes you condi immune due to the incredibly low CD of burst skills. And with more warriors in the game and most going condi, bringing more condi cleansing i find to be more useful than the extra toughness and heals.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Based on my observation:
The easiest of the good builds to play will be a longbow/ sword/torch condi build with rousing resilience, brawler’s recovery, burst mastery, endure pain. Berserker line seems like you want to recharge it as fast as possible. Take the 10s stun break, zerker stance, and balance stance probably. Heal signet.
I am sure someone pretty much listed this build above.
I will return on power warrior closer to season 3 and see if it is still any good.
I stopped using rousing resilence and prefer Cleansing Ire. In Berserk Mode it makes you condi immune due to the incredibly low CD of burst skills. And with more warriors in the game and most going condi, bringing more condi cleansing i find to be more useful than the extra toughness and heals.
I would agree here, but if everyone is running longbow and sword, then you would expect mostly burning. One condi spike would be handled by brawler’s recovery. But this would only be a meta, vs meta tactic if that becomes the build.
Still need more time for the dust to settle and the bugs to all get fixed.
Based on my observation:
The easiest of the good builds to play will be a longbow/ sword/torch condi build with rousing resilience, brawler’s recovery, burst mastery, endure pain. Berserker line seems like you want to recharge it as fast as possible. Take the 10s stun break, zerker stance, and balance stance probably. Heal signet.
I am sure someone pretty much listed this build above.
I will return on power warrior closer to season 3 and see if it is still any good.
I stopped using rousing resilence and prefer Cleansing Ire. In Berserk Mode it makes you condi immune due to the incredibly low CD of burst skills. And with more warriors in the game and most going condi, bringing more condi cleansing i find to be more useful than the extra toughness and heals.
I would agree here, but if everyone is running longbow and sword, then you would expect mostly burning. One condi spike would be handled by brawler’s recovery. But this would only be a meta, vs meta tactic if that becomes the build.
Still need more time for the dust to settle and the bugs to all get fixed.
I also prefer eternal champion vs King of Fires even for my condi build since i dont want to get CC bursted by say a Scrapper or Druid (they have quite a lot of interupts). Especially if i dont run rousing resilience. Even when i did run rousing resilience i found eternal champion to better since i dont exactly want to be continually stunned. With rousing resilience you really only want to be stunned once every 7 to 10 seconds so that your stun break is available.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Flaming Flurry also hits hard without any condi damage, even if it’s still not what you’ll usually want to be spending your adrenal on.
Well maybe it is still worth to take sword as a power warrior. The physical dmg Flaming Flurry deals is negligible and the burning is much less as if u were running condi but still has the highest base dmg among the condis. Bow doesn’t have the best primal burst either so there’s that too.
If I used F. Flurry as power I’d definitely cancel the skill out as soon as i get my trait procs and start using other skills(even autoattack is better)
I’d try this with Demolisher’s Amulet, maybe Marauder’s. Strong sustain and damage, great mobility.
Variants: dolyak signet, blood reaction trait, sigils like intelligence. If the opponents have a lot of stability it might be worth to replace elite with signet of rage, and take a different rune like Scrapper.
Paralyzation sigil: 30% stun duration applies to taunt too!
Instead of fire sigil I like taking blood on most classes but on warrior you are capable of gaining up to 5 additional adrenaline on hit. So with both sigils proccig technically you can gain 7 adrenaline instead of 1. Blood gives 0 adren cause it is lifesteal.
Edit: Updated the build. Actually all kind of power warrior is way under the meta builds so this isn’t too good either.
6k+ PvP games
(edited by Kicker.8203)
Flaming Flurry also hits hard without any condi damage, even if it’s still not what you’ll usually want to be spending your adrenal on.
Well maybe it is still worth to take sword as a power warrior. The physical dmg Flaming Flurry deals is negligible and the burning is much less as if u were running condi but still has the highest base dmg among the condis. Bow doesn’t have the best primal burst either so there’s that too.
If I used F. Flurry as power I’d definitely cancel the skill out as soon as i get my trait procs and start using other skills(even autoattack is better)I’d try this with Demolisher’s Amulet, maybe Marauder’s. Strong sustain and damage, great mobility.
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR8ejMdQZIWFC2dAnIWqCs3Rbr91q0Did5AkCQDIAA-TZBFAB3v/wCHBAGOIAA8AAE4CAAAVariants: pack runes, dolyak signet, perhaps headbutt, blood reaction trait, sigils like intelligence or paralyzation(30% stun duration applies to taunt too!)
Instead of fire sigil I like taking blood on most classes but on warrior you are capable of gaining up to 5 additional adrenaline on hit. So with both sigils proccig technically you can gain 7 adrenaline instead of 1. Blood gives 0 adren cause it is lifesteal.
I don’t want to sound negative, as I can acknowledge the state warrior is in so far is a step up. My issue is warrior still seems to “suck.”
Revenant is still a better power option, after trying out the condi builds it actually does solid damage with decent survivability if played right, the problem? I’m a mesmer/warrior main and my chrono simply does it’s job better in pretty much every way if you break it down.
-Very similar condi burst and healing
-much better mobility, 25% movement speed, blink, portal, etc.
-Headbutt stuns for a few seconds, moa disables a player for 10 seconds
-Takes about half the effort to get the same job done and better
I love chrono, this isnt about bashing on chrono/mesmer, but chrono right now feels very fluid and mobile, warrior feels slower and generally clunky when you compare them. pretty much just waiting to trigger RR which is a neat concept but feels like a downgrade.
Maybe someone will find out something very OP with warrior, thats what I hope lol or at least good enough for the meta. Something to give warrior a more complete concept, I feel like theres potential there.
Well mesmer is the most broken class for sure but that’s what they will nerf next. Even if they postpone that in tourneys we might see warriors now as only 1 of each class is allowed. It would require more testing to find out how good warrior is ATM so I can’t say anything for certain.
6k+ PvP games
Flaming Flurry also hits hard without any condi damage, even if it’s still not what you’ll usually want to be spending your adrenal on.
Well maybe it is still worth to take sword as a power warrior. The physical dmg Flaming Flurry deals is negligible and the burning is much less as if u were running condi but still has the highest base dmg among the condis. Bow doesn’t have the best primal burst either so there’s that too.
If I used F. Flurry as power I’d definitely cancel the skill out as soon as i get my trait procs and start using other skills(even autoattack is better)I’d try this with Demolisher’s Amulet, maybe Marauder’s. Strong sustain and damage, great mobility.
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR8ejMdQZIWFC2dAnIWqCs3Rbr91q0Did5AkCQDIAA-TZBFAB3v/wCHBAGOIAA8AAE4CAAAVariants: pack runes, dolyak signet, perhaps headbutt, blood reaction trait, sigils like intelligence or paralyzation(30% stun duration applies to taunt too!)
Instead of fire sigil I like taking blood on most classes but on warrior you are capable of gaining up to 5 additional adrenaline on hit. So with both sigils proccig technically you can gain 7 adrenaline instead of 1. Blood gives 0 adren cause it is lifesteal.
Yea, that’s really not all that different from what I posted, but looks solid for the most part (tip: forget Sigil of Energy exists. It’s crap now). I still prefer A/S with S/M since I think the strong access to stuns/CC is what makes a warrior worth playing, but if you do run sword as power, you definitely need cleave on your second weapon set, which leaves axe or GS.
I still love my past Valkzerker Build. It’s a bit different for trait lines as it uses arms, defence, berserker. The synergy of traits is amazing, the amulet provides a lot of sustain, and the whole thing dishes out some great burst damage given you use it properly outside of burst skills
What I’m thinking of doing is swapping away from the double sig of might unblockables, dropping arms for strength, and taking stomp with the new Demolisher ammy
1050 Power
1050 Precision
560 Ferocity
560 Toughness
It’s less HP’s for more sustained damage. With the new regen values there’s more room to play around with things. The build will still play the same, though the loss of those signets will surely be felt (including the lower CD healing sig as that resistance is a life saver on condi bomb and disengages). Finally stomp is for a bit more in combat mobility and interrupt/team support. Also to pursue staff wielding Chrono’s with their kittenty stun breaks XD. Even under this build, id still consider sig of might. Here’s the build
Yea, that’s really not all that different from what I posted, but looks solid for the most part (tip: forget Sigil of Energy exists. It’s crap now). I still prefer A/S with S/M since I think the strong access to stuns/CC is what makes a warrior worth playing, but if you do run sword as power, you definitely need cleave on your second weapon set, which leaves axe or GS.
Well there are multiple differences. I’d never use mace offhand for example. GS >>>> axe/mace (tip: if read my first post in this thread you’d know that Energy sigil gives 25 endurance instead of vigor now.)
6k+ PvP games
While im enjoying playing warrior lately and have been trying lots of different builds, power, condi, LB, Non LB builds, what i’m realising is that most builds are pretty selfish.
For eg, i love playing Sword/Torch Mace/Shield. However it has to be the MOST selfish build ever. Its a great dueling build and does a lot of hybrid DPS but when i look at end game stats, there is no team healing, no conditions removed from allies and no boons applied to allies. I provide team value by bursting down enemies but thats it.
Unless i go shoutbow i feel that a Revenant or Scrapper can do our job better. Rev provides boons and some healing from staff 4. Scrapper brings a lot of team healing, boons, condi clear and CC etc while still putting out decent dps.
Has anyone come up with a good build that you feel can help carry a team or at least help a team while still doing decent dps?
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Yea, that’s really not all that different from what I posted, but looks solid for the most part (tip: forget Sigil of Energy exists. It’s crap now). I still prefer A/S with S/M since I think the strong access to stuns/CC is what makes a warrior worth playing, but if you do run sword as power, you definitely need cleave on your second weapon set, which leaves axe or GS.
Well there are multiple differences. I’d never use mace offhand for example. GS >>>> axe/mace (tip: if read my first post in this thread you’d know that Energy sigil gives 25 endurance instead of vigor now.)
You mean sword/mace? Cuz I didn’t say anything about axe mace. If that’s your opinion, feel free to stick with it. Hell, I wouldn’t run Axe/Mace either. There’s a specific reason I’m using Axe/Shield with Sword/Mace together and not some other combination of weapons. And if I was running GS, then there wouldn’t be much reason to run sword main hand since you’d have mobility covered with greatsword. The whole reason behind running sword mainhand is to get mobility along with greater access to stuns than you’d get with a GS build.
With our new mesmer overlords, I’ve found that heavy stuns are one of the few counters a warrior brings to the table. At least until Hammer gets changed to be anything more than a shadow of its former self.
And unless there’s some undocumented bug with sigil of energy, it still gives vigor and not a static amount of endurance since the Jan patch. Maybe you’re thinking of the functionality this sigil has outside of PvP?
I feel like the build Tarcis posted, which was around and used before, with some minor changes based on preference is the way to go. LB is a must imo because you are guaranteed the adrenal health procs. That’s the main thing that has a chance of making warriors viable the extra sustain from adrenal health.
LB is a must imo because you are guaranteed the adrenal health procs.
No its not a must.
Its not 2014 here, we have berserker now and we also have allot more adrenaline gain these days.
I can spam a burst every 3 sec in berserkmode and between that you have headbutt to go try again.. Adrenal health is 15sec active so thats MORE then enough time to land a burst skill NOmather what weapon.
I feel like the build Tarcis posted, which was around and used before, with some minor changes based on preference is the way to go. LB is a must imo because you are guaranteed the adrenal health procs. That’s the main thing that has a chance of making warriors viable the extra sustain from adrenal health.
Longbow is not a must by any means. I have absolutely no problem on my sword/torch mace/shield build proccing Adrenal Health.
Sword F1 burst is ranged (or use sword 2 leap into sword F1) and i use sigil of hydromancy on my mace which helps a lot to land Mace F1. (or use shield bash into mace F1)
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I feel like the build Tarcis posted, which was around and used before, with some minor changes based on preference is the way to go. LB is a must imo because you are guaranteed the adrenal health procs. That’s the main thing that has a chance of making warriors viable the extra sustain from adrenal health.
Longbow is not a must by any means. I have absolutely no problem on my sword/torch mace/shield build proccing Adrenal Health.
Sword F1 burst is ranged (or use sword 2 leap into sword F1) and i use sigil of hydromancy on my mace which helps a lot to land Mace F1. (or use shield bash into mace F1)
Yea, the sword burst is a pretty reliable option since channels and isn’t countered by a single blind or short evade.
Sig of Might also allows power builds to be more reliable on landing burst.
LB is a must imo because you are guaranteed the adrenal health procs.
No its not a must.
Its not 2014 here, we have berserker now and we also have allot more adrenaline gain these days.
Well if you want to be able duel a Revenant, a Scrapper, a Thief or DH, a LB or a sword mainhand is a must. In teamfighting/certain 1v1 matchups you are fine without using these weapons if you have GS or maybe Hammer.
I can spam a burst every 3 sec in berserkmode and between that you have headbutt to go try again.. Adrenal health is 15sec active so thats MORE then enough time to land a burst skill NOmather what weapon.
Who cares if you would eventually land your primal burst? You miss it 2 times and you are dead because you get no healing or condi cleanse. Let’s not forget you don’t start a fight with full adrenaline you also have to build it up to enter berserker mode while having no regen from this trait. This ~500hp per sec is what defines warrior sustain.
6k+ PvP games
LB is a must imo because you are guaranteed the adrenal health procs.
No its not a must.
Its not 2014 here, we have berserker now and we also have allot more adrenaline gain these days.
Well if you want to be able duel a Revenant, a Scrapper, a Thief or DH, a LB or a sword mainhand is a must. In teamfighting/certain 1v1 matchups you are fine without using these weapons if you have GS or maybe Hammer.
I can spam a burst every 3 sec in berserkmode and between that you have headbutt to go try again.. Adrenal health is 15sec active so thats MORE then enough time to land a burst skill NOmather what weapon.
Who cares if you would eventually land your primal burst? You miss it 2 times and you are dead because you get no healing or condi cleanse. Let’s not forget you don’t start a fight with full adrenaline you also have to build it up to enter berserker mode while having no regen from this trait. This ~500hp per sec is what defines warrior sustain.
You have allot to learn.
Go ahead use longbow if you like it or think its a must.
That doesnt mean there are no warriors that could do perfect fine if not better without longbow. (or even sword)
But use what you prefer and like the most. Warriors have allot of options
(edited by nicknamenick.2437)
Remember adrenal health only stacks to 3 so you only have to burst every 15 seconds to get its full effect. Bursting more than that doesn’t help that trait. would help if you are using cleansing ire I suppose though.
The buff only stacks to three but it refreshes when you burst. So if you have 2 seconds remaining.ing and you burst it will reset to 15secs.
Also my vote for top build is probably burnbow. But I’ve been enjoying.g my hybrid build be cause it’s so fun
(edited by emkelly.2371)
The buff only stacks to three but it refreshes when you burst. So if you have 2 seconds remaining.ing and you burst it will reset to 15secs.
Also my vote for top build is probably burnbow. But I’ve been enjoying.g my hybrid build be cause it’s so fun
Refreshing the buff does not do anything if you refresh it faster. That was my point. If you burst 10 seconds later or 15 seconds later, there is no discontinuity in the adren health effect.
The buff only stacks to three but it refreshes when you burst. So if you have 2 seconds remaining.ing and you burst it will reset to 15secs.
Also my vote for top build is probably burnbow. But I’ve been enjoying.g my hybrid build be cause it’s so fun
Refreshing the buff does not do anything if you refresh it faster. That was my point. If you burst 10 seconds later or 15 seconds later, there is no discontinuity in the adren health effect.
^ This
You only need to land your burst once every 15 sec….It doesnt stack in duration.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
This support build seems pretty good with a team that focuses a target.
In unranked this isn’t good because people don’t listen.
Has anyone tried something like this?
Condi clear, heal, and tons of CC.
6k+ PvP games
This support build seems pretty good with a team that focuses a target.
In unranked this isn’t good because people don’t listen.
Has anyone tried something like this?
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRBMdlG2JPHQnHYlHgZIARpY5KwSWBZtSASAIBUAeHtp2VLA-TZBCwAR3f4bZgLHEAKnAAAPBAACondi clear, heal, and tons of CC.
That build would be okay 3 years ago
I can tell warrior is not your main hehe.
Does nobody run Gunflame any more?
I am still using it and having a blast in WvW; I’ve hardly noticed any change in the “gunflame” part and the Adrenal health boost is awesome sauce. And when the melee happens, I whip out my GS and start flailing away with excellent survivability.
It still seems like a good balanced build for transitioning between kite and melee. What am I missing here?
I like playing double melee, Sword/Torch, Mace/Shield, Mercenary Amulet, Balthazar or Krait Runes.
Its an awesome hybrid damage dealer (my damage dealt is always about 50% power 50% condi).
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Does nobody run Gunflame any more?
I am still using it and having a blast in WvW; I’ve hardly noticed any change in the “gunflame” part and the Adrenal health boost is awesome sauce. And when the melee happens, I whip out my GS and start flailing away with excellent survivability.
It still seems like a good balanced build for transitioning between kite and melee. What am I missing here?
There was a 20% damage nerf on gunflame, and it doesn’t hit people twice anymore. c:
This support build seems pretty good with a team that focuses a target.
In unranked this isn’t good because people don’t listen.
Has anyone tried something like this?
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRBMdlG2JPHQnHYlHgZIARpY5KwSWBZtSASAIBUAeHtp2VLA-TZBCwAR3f4bZgLHEAKnAAAPBAACondi clear, heal, and tons of CC.
That build would be okay 3 years ago
I can tell warrior is not your main hehe.
Lol shut up you played rifle without berserker before the nerf and centar runes. GG
6k+ PvP games
This support build seems pretty good with a team that focuses a target.
In unranked this isn’t good because people don’t listen.
Has anyone tried something like this?
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRBMdlG2JPHQnHYlHgZIARpY5KwSWBZtSASAIBUAeHtp2VLA-TZBCwAR3f4bZgLHEAKnAAAPBAACondi clear, heal, and tons of CC.
That build would be okay 3 years ago
I can tell warrior is not your main hehe.Lol shut up you played rifle without berserker before the nerf and centar runes. GG
Lol did not mean to offend a kid, sorry.
Yeah I did test that build and it was far better than a 3year old build you just came up with lol.