What is wrong whit this???????
I tried to replicate the build in HoTM with sinister amulet and and rage runes.
All in all the DPS for a hybrid build is pretty solid. I swapped to sword/torch for a variant and it still played fairly well against golems, but against live players it got eaten alive due to no condition removal. However in the PvE context conditions aren’t a huge issue unless you get Mai.
To be honest this build would be far more effective at fractals 75+ where enemy toughness and health pools become insanely high and power/crit build become near useless in terms of DPS.
The issue I would have with it personally as a team contributor would be that it is an entirely selfish build. Try not to take the term selfish personally, just in terms of that it offers very little to the group. On the long standing warrior dungeon meta build it offers large cleave, high vulnerability stacks, and for the most obvious part large amounts of might stacking via Phalanx strength. The current meta also allows for banners for group DPS maximising and battle standard for group revive in wipe situations.
I could see this build be enjoyable for solo play (although the lack of swiftness would annoy me.) But for fractals many teams look for group dynamic over individual excellence. It is not uncommon in the warrior community for many players to 2 or 3 sets of gear for different situations.
I personally have a condition set, an ascended set for fractals and a WvW set. All of which I use for whatever game mode I am planning on playing today.
It’s solid hybrid DPS build, but not very team orientated a side from the group fury boon. Maybe add banners. It will lower your persona DPS quite a bit, but will help appease teams that want more team dynamic.
I don’t see anything inherently wrong with it, but you went into a group situation where a warrior has amazing group buff skills called banners. You took no banners at all, which might’ve been the issue? I didn’t always use banners myself though, but some people could be anal about it.
You went into a team, offering nothing except that one shout to help your party out and of course your dps.
Thanks for the replay,
In groups I take one or two banners. (Depending on the group)
With two Ele’s, you often have more than enough Might. The Tempest-ele gives almost everytime Might.
Have a combination of weapons: two axes -axe whit sword, greatsword – longbow, sword – warnhorn – longbow
How about the fact that you are going condi hybrid while using a Longbow as your only source of condi? Or the fact that your build doesn’t offer anything to a group in terms of buffs?
If you want condi hybrid, you should go with Sword.
Warriors are buff bots with decent dps. If you wanted to play a dps class you should’ve picked ranger or something.
Warriors are buff bots with decent dps. If you wanted to play a dps class you should’ve picked ranger or something.
Err not really. Rangers picked for frost spirit and spotter not its dps. Don’t get me wrong our dps isn’t terrible. But if it wasn’t for those two things theyd just slot another revenant.