What to do with my build!?

What to do with my build!?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kyle.7908


So I am currently torn with if i shoudl stay with my current build or not. I’m running Axe/Warhorn and longbow.. I thought that it was going to be awesome for WvWvW .. and it is.. but there is one thing im lacking and that is damage. the Warhorn is absolutely amazing for getting around. I love how i can speed everyone up around me, but at the same time.. i find myself doing next to no damage. Also the Longbow isnt bad but.. as everyone says the damage kinda sucks, but the versatility is great.

It’s nice having the Warhorn to get people around as well as it is nice having the longbow to hti multiple targets and get the distance in those stalemates seen all over WvWvW..

My question is, is there a better alternative. Should i get rid of the Warhorn ?.. and do some other build.. if so what?… I liek being different so the whole greatsword thing is not going to work. But i did sword and axe that was cool.. but was lacking the support. I really want to keep a ranged weapon for the battles on the keeps and such. I would think it would be very boring for someone to just sit there while there is a keep siege.

I was just wondering if you guys had any ideas that woudl help me out. Thanks

What to do with my build!?

in Warrior

Posted by: Khalous.7430


If your damage sucks, take a look at the armor you are wearing. The warhorn is an offhand slot, and while some offhands do have damage abilities, none can compare to the consistent damage of the axe in the main slot, both for #1 and the burst ability. The longbow is a great burst weapon at short/medium range. I have burst other warriors with it for upwards of 6k on the #3 ability, and immob is always better than another cripple.

The warhorn gives you more than just swiftness, it gives you vigor, which will allow you to dodge twice as often. Bind dodge to an easy key, and start avoiding that damage when your stances are down.

Get yourself up to 40-50% passive crit, 40-50% crit damage, and somewhere close to 3k attack and the whole world will open up.

As for putting on a second melee set… go for it. A good warrior has his bags filled with extra weapons. When you get to a siege, throw on a longbow. Skirmishing in between or inside keeps? Go double melee set all the way. Nothing makes the low level chaff break more quickly than getting in their face.

What to do with my build!?

in Warrior

Posted by: kyokara.1867


I use dual axes in PvE, use sword/warhorn for getting around in WvW, and for WvW battles use rifle at range. In keep defense I take out my longbow (I carry almost all weapons a warrior can use lol). In other words, adapt to the situation by using the most effective weapon. Longbow shines in keep defense because you can aoe the door, rifle shines in ranged fight (unless it’s a huge zerg and everyone is bunched together – which happens often) because it dishes out a lot of damage. The only weapon I don’t use is the greatsword. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

80 Warrior
2 Mesmer (sPvP only)

What to do with my build!?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kyle.7908


The only issue i have with always having different sets of Weapons is I was always under the impression your traits woudl limit that. Is there a build that you guys recommend to do all of the above?

What to do with my build!?

in Warrior

Posted by: kyokara.1867


I guess that depends on your point of view, as your traits don’t limit your weapons as much as they augment them (though bow really benefits from the 1200 range trait), but if you are for example in keep defense no matter how many traits you have that augment rifle the longbow will still be better in that situation, and even if you still have no traits for bow you’ll still do fine.

80 Warrior
2 Mesmer (sPvP only)

What to do with my build!?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nakaa.6304


If your damage sucks, take a look at the armor you are wearing.
Get yourself up to 40-50% passive crit, 40-50% crit damage, and somewhere close to 3k attack and the whole world will open up.

Hi i would like to know with what armor and traits you get this stats and with what amount off toughness?
With Berzerker Jewels and Knightgear i get 2.6k dmg and 32/70 crit. The dmg in wvw with axe is still meh. 1.2k toughness doesnt feel very tough.