What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Seems the only way we get run buff is to slot warhorn in offhand. Ok, so that means I need range in 2nd slot

Talking mostly wpvp, but pve at times, which is best to use with it? Sword or Axe?

Or should I just get a full load of rune of centaur and use my heal to run around? (I know there are mesmer builds that run that)


What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Panzen.4625


I’m using a sword with it to jump around and stack bleeds on everything. Though that probably isn’t as effective. I also mainly PvE but for the little WvW I did it was pretty good (won 80% of 1v1 engagements, took out one and then got away in 2v1 etc and even the lost 1v1s I often bled them to death after I dropped).

Rune of the Centaur is probably wasted because with Signet of Rage + Warhorn you never stop running anyways (at least with some tactics and skilled WH).

The most powerful thing about warhorn is anyways dispelling movement impairing effects and some effects are pretty cool when converted to boons. I just wish that the dispelling effect and the conversion effect were in switched or 0.5 secs delayed. For example, sometimes you use 4 to get out of immobilize and you also have a burn or poison on you and it converts the immobilize instead of dispelling the immobilize and converting the burn/poison.

(edited by Panzen.4625)

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Ok Thanks Panzen.

Just feel like I give up a TON of dps by using warhorn (axe is really nice in that off hand slot). All just to run around faster.

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Alexander Dragonfang.1759

Alexander Dragonfang.1759


Warhorn is a Support off-hand, Mace is a defensive main-hand and defensive off-hand too. Having both you get a defensive bonus that allows you to buff/debuff for more time with the warhorn. (if you have it traited of course)

Now if you want to do dmg while still having that buff/debuff Axe is the way to go, that does damage while keeping mobility.

If you go sword, you get even higher mobility but the DPS goes down.

But i do insisnt, the Mace is the best weapon to have while using a Warhorn.

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


In PVE it wont matter but in WvW and SPvP I prefer 1H Sword. Condition damage isn’t mitigated and unless you’re in a premade you’re gonna have a very difficult time staying on target with Axe. Axe is only great if you can land the hits. With Sword you can drop heavy bleeds at a moderately quick pace. Plus, if you choose to offhand a sword you can apply heavy bleeding from a defensive reposte or a ranged throw. Throw in Call Owl and your opponent will begin to really feel the pressure. It will usually throw off even the most aggressive opponent.

But with Warhorn I prefer Sword. Relying on fast crits with Axe only works on slow or stupid players.

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: flyingspagmnstr.5283


why dont you just use elite signet for run speed? after various boon duration buffs, im only out for about 15 seconds out of every 60. then you have sword leap, or greatsword charge, etc to make up the difference

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lysico.4906


That is what I am trying now Flying..

I am going sword/sword (cond runes and stuff of course).. Just using the elite and dealing with being down a little on run speed.

Longbow can stop them (or gun if you care to use that for snare)..

So far not missing warhorn that much, but (big but) that warhorn buffs a ton of folks so might be valuable there.

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bytor.3826


Seems the only way we get run buff is to slot warhorn in offhand. Ok, so that means I need range in 2nd slot

I shiggy doo.

This is my signature. Marvel at its brilliance!

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: molepunch.5673


Sword for more mobility and Axe for dps. I suggest sword because engaging and disengaging is completely in your control. Be sure to trait Warhorn if you haven’t. Warhorn is a support weapon and I think Sword compelements well because you can help chase down, snare opponents defensively or offensively, or get to where your team needs you faster.

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


Axe offhand is really bad.. the #4 skill is pointles and the #5 skill does very low damage on a very high cooldown, it is only useful for getting adrenaline because it hits so often. Whirling axe is one of those skills that seem good, but are really bad in reality, in this case mostly because of its really low actual damage per second.

Axe/warhorn is infinitely better than axe/axe, you don’t lose any dps, since axe auto attack does more dps than whirling axe, and you gain a lot, especially with quick breathing, which turns warhorn into the best support weapon in the game.

Use axe or mace mainhand for pve, and use axe or sword for pvp, axe for damage and sword for mobility. If you have a condition build then obviously use sword over axe, along with longbow that’s quite nice, due to longbow burning damage.

I use rifle + axe/warhorn, I like how you can use axe #3 and rifle #2 to stack a ton of cripple (9 seconds) on a tough veteran mob and just kill it while it slowly inches toward you. By the time the cripple runs out, your can re-cripple for another 9 seconds, so you can kite any single mob around infinitely just backpeddling.

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Plague.5329


Eh, healing shouts with soldier runes (and SoR, which should be on your elite slot anyway) can do anything and more a Warhorn can. It’s not like a Warhorn does anything very useful. AoE swiftness? Vigor? You can trait it to remove a condition (2 every twenty seconds, I guess), but a healing shout build can remove twice that many and heal you in the process, and in the process grant might, fury and have a little utility to boot. The weakness it can apply is more like a sneeze, it lasts such a short amount of time. Using it as a switch weapon to remove conditions like cripple is so time consuming and awkward, it’s laughable.

Warhorn just isn’t a good weapon to begin with. At all. But if you must use it, and I assume you’re using it either in PvE or WvW, then I guess Sword, since you’re just using it for the mobility, and that’s it.

Personally, I think it has a use just in that you can open your inventory, switch it out of combat as you’re running from place to place, use Charge, then just switch it back out again. That’s all it’s really good for. You give up a LOT bringing a Warhorn into a fight, especially as a primary weapon. Even as a secondary set, you’re losing a lot of utility just so you can toot your horn and feel special every 20 seconds.

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: kitai.7638


@plague firstly you need to get the mechanics straight, warhorn when traited lowers its cooldown on both skills to 16 seconds, it also grants it the ability to CONVERT not remove conditions and the 4th skill cures chilled, crippled AND immobilised so using it with the healing shout build would allow you to remove the same number of conditions without using full soldier runes(actually it could remove more if your group got hit by cripple, immo and chill + others :P). This frees up space to do something else, like boon duration for full time vigor +swiftness or something, or you can use it with soldier runes to get even more condition removal . + if you have the empowered trait you get increased dmg from those 2 boons

@Lysico On topic, i am wondering what are you aiming for? are you really just gonna take warhorn just to run around? cuz if so thats kinda gonna be a waste of trait points and rune slots just to make it useful wouldnt it? if you really just wanna use it for running then just slot in the inventory, when you wanna run for a while swap it in and change your elite to signet of rage and just use both, i think you can achieve full time swiftness with those 2 as long as you spam warhorn once its off cooldown

(edited by kitai.7638)

What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


People always forget the debuff from “Call to Arms” when they discuss warhorn. It’s fantastic, causing 50% of non-critical enemy blows to be glancing ones while simultaneously doubling the amount of time it takes the enemy to regenerate endurance.
Glancing blows do half damage.

Personally, I run with axe & warhorn when dual-wielding as it allows for constant movement with fast, damaging attacks and massive group benefits.

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