What weapon to go with GS?

What weapon to go with GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Equilibriator.8741


i use rifle and love it, in pve

What weapon to go with GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: boumz.9851



axe / mace – if you want to stack some vulnerability, knockdown on mace, axechain also has great dps

Longbow – great for stacking might and ranged dps. to the limit gives you full adrenaline(and 5 might with restorative strength), drop both banners in the firefields since they are blast finishers, using 3 on longbow for another blast finisher, if you are quick enough you can grab 1 banner and use 5 again, thats another blast finisher, signet of rage gives you and your party another 5 might with ps traited.


Rifle – great for wearing down people, greatsword helps you get some distance with rush and whirlwind, people will usually get impatient by chasing you around and do mistakes, a well timed bullscharge can allow you a nice killshort or 100b

Axe / shield – probably my favorite setup, autochain hits superhard and takes care fo illusions, just like 2 and adds some vulnerability, i usually open a fight by using bladetrail, switching weapons before it hits the target and use 3 on my axe, with air / fire procs it can already put your target down to 60%~ hp. shield in the offhand is really handy, either reflect enemy ranged burst, like ranger lb 2, lichform, rifle on engi, or use it to reflect hunter’s shot to gain stealth, giving you a nice eviscerate setup,4 is pretty self explanatory, a short stun to setup eviscerate, proc ranger / warriors passive stability trait.

Hammer: Hammer is insane, but more of a teamfight weapon, plus it swings pretty slow and the animations are pretty obvious,i usually just hit 2 on people to apply weakness so i can trade hits and follow up with autochain till they waste dodges or preemptive stability skills, after that the real burst can begin

sword/x: great against mobile enemies like thieves or mesmers, you can alawys catch up to people with savage leap or use your f1 to immobilize them, its superuseful against mesmers after they use blink, they can stealth up but will probably be in the same spot so sword f1 into 100b is a great setup, kind of unreliable though since there is some weird delay when you change weapons and go into 100blades

mace / shield: high lockdown against single targets, most important thing is to follow up the short daze of mace (3) with a skullcrack. note that 2 on mace can reflect projectiles if you trait shieldmaster.

What weapon to go with GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

If ur going gs I would assume u r in dps gear in which case the lb trait is not worth taking

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

What weapon to go with GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: boumz.9851


yeah you should probably replace defense with tactics and pick skills 3 3 3, all of them are self explanatory.

What weapon to go with GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


How do i go about stacking might with longbow? I didn’t find any traits for that

strength sigil. at the start of a fight use your signet for full adrenaline, F1, drop banner, drop banner,

What weapon to go with GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: boumz.9851


How do i go about stacking might with longbow? I didn’t find any traits for that

To the limit
longbow 3
pickup banner 5
sigil of rage

What weapon to go with GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: RedDeadFred.1256


How do i go about stacking might with longbow? I didn’t find any traits for that

Your F1 ability is a fire field. Use any blast finishers inside this to stack might. It’s not really a trait thing for LB. Stacking might in traits comes from the might on crit with GS.

What weapon to go with GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


Is LB3 a fire field or just a blast finisher?

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

What weapon to go with GS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nimarrodd.7823


LB3, Arcing Arrow, is merely a blast finisher. Need the bow’s burst skill (Combustive Shot) or another source for a fire field.