Where are the Epic Looking Axes???
i like the godskull axe, only axe i found to match my primaval armor
I do agree that some of the axe skins are lacking. The guild axe doesn’t look half bad though, and its 20s to transmute on top of whatever.
There are a couple of dungeon axes that might fit your taste (I like the CoF axe personally), check them out at the vendors over near the pvp gates in Lion’s Arch.
There is a rather large database of the axes that you can browse.
Check out Corrupted Skeggox. It’s expensive to put together (requires a Weaponsmith to craft it and about 8g worth of mats as of last week,) but it looks rather impressive. In fact, the base exotic used to craft it looks pretty good itself, and might be preferred by players who don’t enjoy glowy effects on their weapons.
I use that in my MH and a Lion’s Arch cultural in my OH. The latter goes great with my current dye job.
While these are some good skins have you seen the size of them on your character. That to me seems to be the biggest issue is the scale of the weapon. I like to have some of my axes have an intimidating size. I enjoy variance in weapons and for the most part it seems axes got looked over in the variance department.
ANet is waiting for Two-handed Axe to release before giving us the good stuff
ANet is waiting for Two-handed Axe to release before giving us the good stuff
Haha… Axes are great they just made them all the size of hatchets. If we don’t let them know that size DOES matter even with normal axes, they just might make two handers look the size of what a Imposing sized 1 hander should look.
I suppose “epic looking” is subjective but I’ve found quite a few cool looking axes from Karma vendors from certain factions.
I think the Lion’s Guard axe looks pretty spiffy. I really like the Vigil axe too. Some people might think it looks plain, but I think it has a very classic look to it.
I agree that axes seem to be a bit on the small size. Half the time I can’t even see my axe because it’s clipping into the giant metal skirt model that anet likes to use (that’s another story).