Which exotic gear?

Which exotic gear?

in Warrior

Posted by: mobilejunkie.9260


So I am officially in love with this class and will be power levelling to 80 in the next few days.

In the interest of planning my time/gold I have been considering what gear to get. I want to get gear for ranged and melee dps builds.

Do I need separate armor sets for ranged and melee?
What gear should I be getting (e.g Knight’s, etc)?
How does crafted, dungeon and karma exotic armor compare with each other?

Thank you for your help!

Which exotic gear?

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


The stats of crafted and dungeon armor is the same. I think getting knights is a good start. You can always refine it later.


Which exotic gear?

in Warrior

Posted by: mobilejunkie.9260


Thanks for your response.

Do you think I need separate armor for ranged and melee?

Which exotic gear?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuorus.8415


personaly I have played with berserker gear for about 4months, 1 month with mix of valkyrie and berkserker. Now I have played for a month with a mix of knight/valkyrie/berserker.

Feel free to argue with me. You learn something every time and it develops your personality.

People seems using word “trolling” out of context way too often…