Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: Nekketsu.7084


I mean full dps build with berserker armor and trinkets.

Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643


Berserker adds damage, but mostly condi/hybrid…. where as (plz correct me if I’m wrong) a lot of what Harold does is add protection and healing…

…so your question doesn’t make much sense to me given that neither benefit efficiently from zerker armor and trinkets.


Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: Nusku.3941


in full zerker armor, warrior, but it depends on weapon and range.

Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


If both players execute perfectly and use best in slot everything, and use the same buffs, Rev is approximately 10% better dps.


Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


but much less sustain

Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


In PvE rev has much better healing than warrior? Not sure where “sustain” comes into the picture.


Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643


In PvE rev has much better healing than warrior? Not sure where “sustain” comes into the picture.

I’ve never calculated it out for the Rev… but for the Warrior:

At 0 healing power, with Healing Signet, 3x Adrenal Health, and Banner Regen:
=382+495+130= 1007 health per second.

At 1k healing power, with Healing Signet, 3x Adrenal Health, and Banner Regen:
=432+555+255= 1242 health per second.

And that doesn’t take into account possible shout heals or stun-break heals.

Does the Rev actually have better PvE heals? I’ve not bothered with the Rev much at all, so I honestly don’t know.


Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: Natar.3671


In PvE rev has much better healing than warrior? Not sure where “sustain” comes into the picture.

I’ve never calculated it out for the Rev… but for the Warrior:

At 0 healing power, with Healing Signet, 3x Adrenal Health, and Banner Regen:
=382+495+130= 1007 health per second.

At 1k healing power, with Healing Signet, 3x Adrenal Health, and Banner Regen:
=432+555+255= 1242 health per second.

And that doesn’t take into account possible shout heals or stun-break heals.

Does the Rev actually have better PvE heals? I’ve not bothered with the Rev much at all, so I honestly don’t know.


however OP said full dps and in full dps, berserkers will not be taking adrendal health or banner regen so ur point is kinda moot

Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643


In PvE rev has much better healing than warrior? Not sure where “sustain” comes into the picture.

I’ve never calculated it out for the Rev… but for the Warrior:

At 0 healing power, with Healing Signet, 3x Adrenal Health, and Banner Regen:
=382+495+130= 1007 health per second.

At 1k healing power, with Healing Signet, 3x Adrenal Health, and Banner Regen:
=432+555+255= 1242 health per second.

And that doesn’t take into account possible shout heals or stun-break heals.

Does the Rev actually have better PvE heals? I’ve not bothered with the Rev much at all, so I honestly don’t know.


however OP said full dps and in full dps, berserkers will not be taking adrendal health or banner regen so ur point is kinda moot

No, my point was off topic. There’s a difference. I was responding to NikeEU’s comment, not to the OP. That should have been obvious.

If a mod deletes it, then they can feel free to delete your response to my post and then this one as well. Whatevs.


(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)

Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


Does the Rev actually have better PvE heals? I’ve not bothered with the Rev much at all, so I honestly don’t know.


Yep. Rev has an instance cast Defiant Stance that lasts a second longer and has a 10 second shorter cool down. And then another heal on swap if that isn’t enough.


Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Does the Rev actually have better PvE heals? I’ve not bothered with the Rev much at all, so I honestly don’t know.


Yep. Rev has an instance cast Defiant Stance that lasts a second longer and has a 10 second shorter cool down. And then another heal on swap if that isn’t enough.

They also don’t have to worry about losing dps by not using their heal as part of their DPS rotation.

Which one has higher DPS? Berserker or Herald

in Warrior

Posted by: Eros.6801


I have both and here is what i think ( PvE )

Rev can have abit more dps than us but mostly just sword all the way which is pretty boring and they got nerfed a lot recently.

About Rev healing in PvE i have to say they are much better than us.
Assuming Jalis/Glint – they have 2 emergency heal and one of it can heal up to 100% with good timing.
Jalis – Vengenful Hammers if they take Assassin’s Annihilation ( Devastation ) and Invigorating Flow ( Invocation ) just pop it and run around target my gosh the heal is insane and funny thing is the more target they hit the more heal they get, no cd, energy based ( regen pretty fast ), instant use.

Us war in other hand have AH but required us to use burst, good sustains if use with signet but outside of that we only have 1 emergency heal, right now almost all war just stick with AH and seriously i dont see why we shouldnt use AH atleast in solo play.

If we take def trait we either give up our personal dps or weapon swap cd along with passive movespeed and without AH thing might just bad for us sometime…