Whirling Axe Healing
It is indeed. WA is a rapid AOE attack – the star combo of max potential of on-crit heal food. Note this is MAX stars alligned heal – you have to crit AND have the heal trigger.
So WA does 15 attacks, and can hit up to 5 people.
Omnomberry Pie/Ghost:
325 (level 80) heal per x 15 × 5 = 24,375 max potential heal.
Sigil of blood:
Cooldown only allows it to trigger once from your WA – so 453.
There are others, but they all have cooldowns as well.
So your answer – YES you can potentially get fully healed off one Whirling Axe with ONLY omnomberry ghost pie/ghost. Wouldn’t bother with heal sigils as food is 100x better for healing and sigils have better potential for damage than food. Note, though, that this is assuming that every hit crits, and you get lucky on your 66% chance. Offhand axe pretty much assures perma-fury (so 20% crit chance), so it really is a match made in heaven for self-sustaining just off the food.
Remember that you’ll only average 66% of that if you have 100% crit. Then you have to count that each target counts for 1/5 of the heal. So most of the time you only see a small fraction of that heal potential.
(edited by Drawing Guy.3701)
They assume they’re hitting max targets, all the time.
Do you even lift, bro?
But remember, if your in full zerkers you can and will probably get one-shot by a thief.
Well, my friend, my answer may have been made outdated today:
Anet:Food items that give special bonuses upon a critical hit now have an internal cooldown before they can produce the special bonus again.
Depending on this cooldown, WA may lose half if not 99% of it’s healing power. Mixed opinion of this – the no cooldown was admittedly a bit kitten, as it was a win button for anyone with rapid attacks… but it looks like we’re losing our warriors only real option to face-tank. Time to trait for dodging or get a Guardian. :p
Forget about it, leach food was nerfed.
Worthless build, no longer viable.
Yeah. Anyone have suggestions on respeccing and regearing crit warriors in the least painful way possible? Need my last dungeon run for the monthly with our guild group tonight and my Warrior is suddenly non-viable in current form.
Yeah. Anyone have suggestions on respeccing and regearing crit warriors in the least painful way possible? Need my last dungeon run for the monthly with our guild group tonight and my Warrior is suddenly non-viable in current form.
Going to have to reroll to Guardian.
Oh no I copied this build from someone and now it’s been nerfed, and I need someone to give me another build because I can’t go out and come up with one on my own!
I swear, people just expect things to be handed to them just for showing up.
Oh no I copied this build from someone and now it’s been nerfed, and I need someone to give me another build because I can’t go out and come up with one on my own!
I swear, people just expect things to be handed to them just for showing up.
Many many builds besides Whirling Axes were nerfed to the ground, from every class.
To be honest, I found the food to be a bit OP. Any class with rapid fire/aoe weapons had a win button with this as they could just spam powerful heals. The fact you could pull numbers like what I showed in my answer post shows how broken this was, and Warrior was not the only class that could do this. Their ‘nerf’ was to add a 1 sec cool down… and to be honest, this is much more balanced imo. You still get consistent heals without win buttons, but it’s now a game of actual CC, dodging, and food choice rather than a single (as pie/ghost are the same thing) food option so powerful everyone used it.
“1-Second Internal Cooldown” this means it can only proc once, then wait 2 seconds, then it can proc again.
What it should be:
“Can heal 5 times every 1 second.” this means it can heal 5 times, if you don’t heal enough, it refreshes the charges and you can heal 5 times again, this nerfs overpowered moves like Whirling Axe, but makes other things that procced from it almost no change.
This makes the builds before viable, while nerfing the overpowered things.
That is what I think should happen.
I ran COF today and these changes made things a little tougher, but not horrible. I don’t run a Zerker build though, I mix in Knights and have good toughness, but Whirling Axe was my ‘get outta jail free’ card and that basically no longer exists. For regular auto attacks, I still seemed to get my heals from Omnomberry Bar.
In the end, I’ll likely change up my build, I was running Sword/Axe due to my preferences in skills and the ability to heal with Whirling Axe. Now that they have made that non viable, I’ll just grab a Great Sword and join the masses.