Who turns me into a BIRD
It’s a Mesmer and no cure. Just have to wait it out.
In the middle of a scrap. I get changed into a Mao bird.
That’s the Chinese for you
It has happened a few times and I was wonder who has a spell to do that and is there a cure?Thank You
hahaha I take it you’re new to the game. Say hello to your friendly mesmers, the class that will absolutely kitten you as a warrior
Turning people into a Tuna is even more fun.
hahaha I take it you’re new to the game. Say hello to your friendly mesmers, the class that will absolutely kitten you as a warrior
Haven’t had this happen to me yet ;p
hahaha I take it you’re new to the game. Say hello to your friendly mesmers, the class that will absolutely kitten you as a warrior
The last few days the spike in like 3-4 mesmers groups I’m running into is unbearable. Makes me want to pull my own teeth out.
op new to the game are we?
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
ive killed plenty of mes that moa me, while still moa’d lol
just have to look at what the skills do and use them correctly
People still use moa? el oh el
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
ive killed plenty of mes that moa me, while still moa’d lol
just have to look at what the skills do and use them correctly
If you want to practice this a bit, the mesmer NPC in the PvP lobby is a big fan of moa’ing opponents.
Help the good gameplay in my treat about Mesmer, plz
Good Mesmers don’t use MoA in WvW.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Hah, my necro was turned into a moa in WvW. I laughed so hard.
If you don’t like Moa then do a 180, hit #5, and take a breather while the mesmer has to try and chase you down. Moa used to be a pain because none of it’s abilities were any use. Now, as mentioned, you can do damage with it or just bug out. It’s great against the unsuspecting opponent. It’s a waste of an elite cooldown otherwise.