Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


I feel that as a master or weapons, there’s no reason why warriors should not have access to this weapon.

1. Conditions: if there’s one thing that wars lack in besides bunker builds it’s haveing easy access to conditions that benefit from +condi dmg. If you made both skills cause burning (maybe have one be a short range blowtorch skill like offhand pistol for engis and have one be a line combo field) it would be possible for a Sword/Torch with a longbow to keep consistent burn on foes in addition to bleed. Bleed or burning alone is just to easy for foes to remove but if you were able to keep both up there would be an actual reason to make a build around conditions and not just have it as a side perk to berserker builds.

2. Warriors are weapon masters: so why is a item that isn’t really magical like a torch out of our reach? Ele’s get all the elements and engis get all those bundles so why not allow warriors to use a few more weapons (maybe even pistols). It also be a good chance to maybe replace some of the currently lack-luster perks with something more useful.

3. Another Combo Field for warriors: currently the longbows burst skill is the only combo field warriors have access to. Most other classes have several fields they can combo with themselves to get the bonus damage but warriors have no real incentive to use bows in PvP atm.

I understand that there would be some problems with implementing this change, however I know there will be further content updates in the future that may make this possible.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Nah its gonna look weird..

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: Vahn.9728


If my warrior could use torches, I’d listen to “Riders of Doom” and run around pretending I’m torching some hovels…

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: Tommytoons.2481


I think we are good with what we have.

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: Phoenixlord.7015


great axe should come first…

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: Plague.5329


The only weapon I can’t see a Warrior using is staff, focus and scepter. Torch makes just as much sense as a Warhorn does. It’d probably have a couple more useful skills, too. Although, knowing GW2 skills, it’d probably just be something that causes one-target burning and then something that blinds in a cone, or something dull and apprehensively designed.

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: Varyag.3751



great axe should come first…

Torch and pistol would be easier to add, because the animations and models already exist. But nobody is seeing any new weapon categories until an expansion which is at least nine months away – there are too many bugs to fix.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: Bish.8627


Apart from a needed tweak to some of the lesser used weapon combo’s, adding pistols would be beneficial, very much so to say axe. Would not disagree with tourch, played condition build for months, very fun, but always felt we lacked in application of conditions sometimes.

My dream though, you know those irritating risen putrifiers? Yeah the ones that after shouting “DEATH….GOOD” they pull you across the map to them? Replace the axes current 3 skill with that please, call it Axe chain or Axe pull or something, but it makes a lot more sense to a set that has go gap closing, and its snare is a bit weak.

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex Sanchez.6792

Alex Sanchez.6792

Leave it for expansions, my friend.

Why I would like to see Warriors able to use Torches

in Warrior

Posted by: sotkap.2045


I feel that as a master or weapons, there’s no reason why warriors should not have access to this weapon.

1. Conditions: if there’s one thing that wars lack in besides bunker builds it’s haveing easy access to conditions that benefit from +condi dmg. If you made both skills cause burning (maybe have one be a short range blowtorch skill like offhand pistol for engis and have one be a line combo field) it would be possible for a Sword/Torch with a longbow to keep consistent burn on foes in addition to bleed. Bleed or burning alone is just to easy for foes to remove but if you were able to keep both up there would be an actual reason to make a build around conditions and not just have it as a side perk to berserker builds.

2. Warriors are weapon masters: so why is a item that isn’t really magical like a torch out of our reach? Ele’s get all the elements and engis get all those bundles so why not allow warriors to use a few more weapons (maybe even pistols). It also be a good chance to maybe replace some of the currently lack-luster perks with something more useful.

3. Another Combo Field for warriors: currently the longbows burst skill is the only combo field warriors have access to. Most other classes have several fields they can combo with themselves to get the bonus damage but warriors have no real incentive to use bows in PvP atm.

I understand that there would be some problems with implementing this change, however I know there will be further content updates in the future that may make this possible.

Totally agree with you!It would be really nice to have some more options for condition dmg and some combo fields…

P . M . A