Why Scholar Rune Eliticism for DPS?

Why Scholar Rune Eliticism for DPS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Silver.4798


There are elitists out there that swears by scholar runes to be out and out the best for DPS and you’re stupid if you don’t agree or don’t understand. Count me among those who feel stupid, why is this considered the best without question? You guys can probably explain this to me because there are a lot of choices that seem viable.

I run a 30/0/0/10/30 full zerker warrior, and I’m poor so I have all ruby orbs. Given that I run a zerker character that goes front line to melee things, I’ll be honest. I’m rarely (if ever) 90% or above in health, if I were to average a general boss fight my health will be above 90% maybe 10-20% of the entire duration of the fight.

Ruby orbs are what they are, uninteresting but brute force. 120 power +8% crit damage +84 prec (4% crit chance).

Scholar runes: 165 power, 8% crit damage, and an additional 10% damage if over 90% health.

Then there are various others like Pack, Wurm, Divinity, etc. I’ve been also wondering about Superior rune of Rage. While under the effects of fury (which is fairly easy to keep up between for great justice and signet of rage) that’s 15% crit damage (as opposed to 12% with 6 ruby and 8% with scholar).

I don’t know what the right answer is, or if there is a right answer. I just came into some gold recently but I’d rather not waste like 20+ gold for no reason. What are your opinions on this matter?

Why Scholar Rune Eliticism for DPS?

in Warrior

Posted by: jul.7602


It’s been calculated (by others) that you do more overall damage in scholars runes if you remain above 90% health for roughly, 65% of the fight that you would out dps somebody in ruby orbs.

However the highest DPS is technically ruby orbs+desperate power and we have seen this to great effect in a few Lupicus speed clears.

Why Scholar Rune Eliticism for DPS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Silver.4798


I don’t think I’m THAT terrible but it’s defn an anomaly for me to be above 90% health for more than half the fight in a general PUG. Maybe this calculation was done by a dedicated group that had someone providing constant regen or something…

Why Scholar Rune Eliticism for DPS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fade.1743


Actually…it’s 24% of the fight above 90%. I only run Scholars on my Ele since I can be at most ranges…warrior is just rubies.

Magichemist Zeke – Asura Elementalist [TC]
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”

Why Scholar Rune Eliticism for DPS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


There are lots of bosses where it’s easy to never get hit (if someone else has focus).

Why Scholar Rune Eliticism for DPS?

in Warrior

Posted by: Heiltdo.2891


Good theorycrafters will tell you to go for ruby orbs if you cannot afford scholar rune’s as it is the second best DPS option.

From my experience the new healing signet helps me stay above 90% HP a lot easier.

To me scholar runes were a learning experience, they required me to play better, be more combat aware and rewarded me for evading most attacks.

Don’t let players discourage you, if you find a group that wants you to ping great, wear your orbs with pride, we have all been there once.