“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Why am i seeing less Warriors in pvp lately?
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
pshh warrior, so last fotm…
condi warrior was one of the easiest profs to play last season that could counter other meta builds aka tempest, chrono etc.
dh is the easiest prof to play this season, next season, it will be something else.
(edited by TheNickPrice.8457)
I think the risk reward curve is more tilted so less people favor the profession. I personally think a condi war and a power war go good together in solo que. Always good to have multiple types of pressure.
pshh warrior, so last fotm…
condi warrior was one of the easiest profs to play last season that could counter other meta builds aka tempest, chrono etc.
dh is the easiest prof to play this season, next season, it will be something else.
Hah got that right!
DH is the fotm at the moment.
In unranked arena i’m seeing mostly 1.thieves(they are everywhere), 2.necros(no idea why so many necros), 3.rangers, guardians, warriors, 4. elementalists, mesmers, 5. engineers, revenants.
pshh warrior, so last fotm…
condi warrior was one of the easiest profs to play last season that could counter other meta builds aka tempest, chrono etc.
dh is the easiest prof to play this season, next season, it will be something else.
Hah got that right!
DH is the fotm at the moment.
Warriors can beat DH’s, it woudl make sense to habve their number increases also.
Dh counters condi warrior and a necro does its job better cuz of engis function gyro
yeah but condi warrior is the only solution to play?
I think we need more rifles warrior ganking DH’s.
yeah but condi warrior is the only solution to play?
I think we need more rifles warrior ganking DH’s.
If it’s not “meta” on metabattle then 90% of the playerbase won’t play it.
yeah but condi warrior is the only solution to play?
I think we need more rifles warrior ganking DH’s.
I still play rifle warrior no matter what the meta is, i can beat DH sure.. not easy but possible..
But the MAJOR downside for playing rifle warrior is that you cant cap a point so well compared to guardian.. as a rifle warrior you have to play like a GS/LB ranger.. kiting etc.. so you lose the capture point, while guardians just spam traps and have more AOE stuff and rifle warrior is more 1v1 style.
Simple answer….warrior is not the easiest, most cheesy thing out there. yeah, if played well its strong, and its downright useful, but it’s not the easiest class to play. When the competition can just jump on a DH and face roll, why play warrior? when Engineer’s (not easiest to play either) has just as much if not more sustain with more team support and debatable better damage, and Mesmer’s can turn an entire party into roamers, why even bother playing a warrior?Necromancers can also perfrom the roll of a warrior while also providing more team support as well. So you are seeing Necros, Engy, DH, DH, DH, Elementalist, more than anything else. thief is still up there of course, but only about as much as warriors.
(edited by emkelly.2371)
yeah but condi warrior is the only solution to play?
I think we need more rifles warrior ganking DH’s.
the main issue with rifle warrior is that it counters dh but its very vulnerable to everyone else. it lacks sustain really bad. with mace if i play it right i can tank just as hard as a bad gaurdian and still take other the other 8 classes.
Part of it cuz of the novelty of last season died. The were FOTM last season and it died out. It is the same for DH, I used to see too many of them beginning of this season, but not as much now, and probably much less next season. Everyone seems to jump on the class that gets most recently buffed.
Aside from the FOTM dying out, while warrior is strong, the berserker elite has a weakness in the time build-up of rage, which impacts both damage and survivability. It is not a major issue with decent support, but can be in the lack of thereof. It is much safer to play DH, eng or Rev is solo que as power build. For condition, while warrior is definitely up there, necro is preferred due to aoe cleave.
I personally think because it’s kinda boring to play tbh, warriors are in a great spot not weak by any means and not cringe worthy strong either, really just feel that it’s boring to play compared to everything else.
I really enjoy gs/a-sh or m-sh zerker, u can go full glass with sig of might and melt any dh/mes/scrapper who dares to try to block you. It just comes down to player skill then, the reason u don’t see much of that (even on condi side) is because its much easier, and usually more efficient, to do so on other classes, it requires less input for equal or greater output. Warriors are still really strong, just not against certain comps, especially when dealing with premades.
A warrior cant beat a druid (except when they have no celestial avatar form, like the start of a match), thief, or rev, unless they crazy outplay them, likewise other warriors are very hard match ups.
Another thing to realize is warriors aren’t exactly great at large fights, with the amount of CC and blind thrown around, unless the warrior is under resistance with some serious stability stacks, it’s going to get eaten alive. And with the relevance of druids on side nodes, it makes for some difficult choices.
(edited by Vicariuz.1605)
I personally think because it’s kinda boring to play tbh, warriors are in a great spot not weak by any means and not cringe worthy strong either, really just feel that it’s boring to play compared to everything else.
well without 500 skills which have imortall engi,20 traps for imortall guard,10 heals for imortall druid,50 illusions spaming,2x moa casting mesmer,its rly ballanced class,so obviusly if you like to spam and you dont care about actual skill,than yes,its borring.
^a thousand times this.
I personally think because it’s kinda boring to play tbh, warriors are in a great spot not weak by any means and not cringe worthy strong either, really just feel that it’s boring to play compared to everything else.
well without 500 skills which have imortall engi,20 traps for imortall guard,10 heals for imortall druid,50 illusions spaming,2x moa casting mesmer,its rly ballanced class,so obviusly if you like to spam and you dont care about actual skill,than yes,its borring.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here….