Why are warriors still trash?
For pvp warriors just need some way to survive. All they have is stances which is only short duration. With the bezerker stance change its even worse cause boon strip removes resistance and then condi eats u alive
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend
Warriors are still trash because besides burst skill most of all of warrior weapon skills are trash and I don’t mean they don’t do dammage. I mean thats all they do and only a couple of them do good dammage. The rest either just do low dammage, and they’re slow or don’t work right at even doing damage or closing gaps.
The issue isn’t dammage the issue is asside from a couple non burst skills warriors skills in general are garbage compared to what other classes got.
Last issue is the sustain is not there besides 4 secs of endure pain and a shield blob that is useless half the time do to unblockables.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
For pvp warriors just need some way to survive. All they have is stances which is only short duration. With the bezerker stance change its even worse cause boon strip removes resistance and then condi eats u alive
Only for 3s or less, provided your opponent gets lucky and actually strips the resistance.
I was discussing this with an experienced condi reaper who I absolutely wrecked today, and his opinion was the old version of the stance at least required some skill from the warrior (use it before the burst, don’t waste it, use your time well) vs the new version which was basically “fire and forget” to enjoy your new, longer immunity, which any monkey could pull of.
Stripping resistance from among the other boons is already random. Doing it every 3s would be like winning the boon strip lottery.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
I’ve crossed some pro dueling warriors that could decimate anyone who crossed them. But other than that warriors are easy to take down from any class I play, mainly core guardian. However unlike the core guardian warriors can probably be saved with a bit of trait revision, guards core trait lines are just way out of whack.
it’s a highly telegraphed class with awful sustain
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
it’s a highly telegraphed class with awful sustain
and weak skills
Until stability makes a comeback, warriors will suffer as they are primarily a melee based class and the CC is currently out of control.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
While this patch they can at least do something, I’m disappointed. People have made suggestions into oblivion, even Tarcis went as far as to say stances should become F skills, pretty much all the core issues were ignored.
What they did with rifle was great, I want more of that. Damage can be decent, but it still comes down theres just better options. Revenant is warrior 2.0, it does almost everything you’d want warrior to do and more. All the warrior players are still having to take the SAME traits and stances leaving very little room for improvement. Stances have become such a staple they should be F skills as they’re required to have even remotely any survivability.
Warrior could’ve had once niche, using berserkers stance to counter reapers as being immune to condis for that long is a great skill, but no, they made it a boon and gave reapers even more boon corrupts so it’s barely usable.
I don’t think warriors are trash per say. I think the elite specs are just overpowered in comparison to core specs for the most part and it hasn’t kept up the pace. Since Berserker isn’t a massive upgrade over core warrior (other than Gun flame gimmick), that is probably why you feel it is trash.
As far as Post-HoT : Boon corrupt is rampant now when necros were overbuffed. Warriors shouldn’t have been given even more boons for reapers to corrupt. A warrior should be able to engage a similar skilled necro without melting to stacks of boon-corrupted conditions. Also since there’s no stance recharge reduction (only a duration increase), they could lower the stance recharge a bit (15-30%).
For example , to increase warrior sustain with conditions flying everywhere as well as boon corrupts/removals:
- Dogged March (trait), instead of regeneration it could have been given a heal similar to Adrenal Health / Rousing Resilience (i.e. not dependent on boons) … because regeneration boon corrupts to poison , see rapid regen on scrapper
- Eternal Champion (trait) could have fear duration -50% (stability corrupts to fear)
- “Shrug it off” (trait) should be reworked to trigger on 2 or more conditions, remove bleed and/or chill every time, or have the recharge lowered. It is a much weaker trait compared to Empower Allies in this condition heavy meta.
- “Shake it off” could remove bleed or weakness every time , at 20 recharge (traited) removing 1 condition unless you use trooper runes is not a make or break utility skill : this can be slightly weaker than Shrug it off , since Shrug it off isn’t player controlled but it still needs to be worthy of a skill slot
- Savage Instinct (trait) could remove chill every time, on top of the 1 condition , to make Berserk mode thematically more resistant to chills
- Signet of Stamina (cure all conditions , skill) could have reduced base recharge to 35-40 seconds : Signet Mastery is in the Arms line
- Berserker Stance (condition resistance via resistance) could have a slight recharge decrease , especially since it doesn’t break stun : perhaps also block projectiles or immune to chill
- Balanced stance & Last stand (personal stability) could have a recharge decrease to 25-35s
- Mending could have common spammy damage conditions removed (burning/bleeding/poison) on top of the 3 conditions removed
- Dolyak Signet (Personal stability in exchange for 180 toughness) could have reduced base recharge to 45 seconds
- Determined revival: have it so you don’t take any bleed/poison/burn/torment/confusion condition damage for at least 2 seconds
- Thick skin: instead of > 90% , > 75% , or something like -20% damage from 3+ stacks of bleeding while chilled
- Endure Pain: ignore bleeding (maybe)
- Fatal Frenzy : 1.5 or 2 seconds superspeed instead of 3 second swiftness so it can’t be boon corrupted
- Restorative Strength: cure weakness
- Powerful synergy… it’s just wow…what were they thinking…
edit: @ Yashuoa , Empower allies / Phalanx strength are core traits for many warriors. So they do have a power buff for other players. Also they have banner.
In your backline: Elementalist+Mesmer+Necromancer
(edited by Infusion.7149)
Warriors are not in a great spot. One of the main reasons is I think, because in their dps build, they dont bring anything to a group apart from dps and cc.
That is an issue, because the other classes do bring team wanted tools to the group in their dps build, apart from dmg and cc.
Mesmer, +1 function, portal and boon removal (latter if power mess).
Daredevil, unblockable elite if venom share, otherwise impact strike to skip downed state, +1 function, superior mobility, stealth.
Scrapper, heal, condi cleanse, stealth, revealed.
Herald, if Mallyx, resistance, boon removal, 50% increased boon duration, various boons. If Power herald, protection, fury, might, regen, revealed, 50% boon duration increase.
Dragonhunter, protection, aegis, condi cleanse, heals.
Reaper, boon corrupt, condition transfer, condition cleanse.
Warriors should be able to provide some wanted team tools in their dps build.
It doesnt have to be a lot. Some are more supportive classes than others.
It just has to be enough.
Something fitting that warriors can bring:
-Power and condi dmg reductions for the group.
-Boon increases.
Such things can be added to existing spells and traits that we already pick in dps builds.
Rousing resilience.
On top of what it does for the warrior, it could also provide x to the group for the same duration. That x can be a certain amount of toughness or other reduction vs power dmg for the group for example.