Why are warriors the current FOTM in WvW?
Because Hammer Warriors are God Tier in WvW.
3-6 Hammer Warriors with Leg Specialist and Fear Me can CC an entire Zerg on their own. Then you add soldier runes and Healing Shouts, and your group of warriors can faceroll WvW as long as they work together and don’t do anything stupid. It’s insane.
Welcome to the meta of 4 months ago when that stuff worked. You must not fight good opponents, 3-6 hammer warriors are so easy to shut down.
This is somewhat true, Hammer Warriors are easy to shut down depending on what profession you are, but in my experience, stability really nulls the CC as well as stun breaks, and if you run condition removal even more so. Though Hammer Warrior still works well. I’ve 1 v 3 with my guardian against a group of warriors, and two of them were Hammers Warriors, with Axe and Shield/Dual Axe weapon swap and the other was I think Rifle and something else. Nonetheless i took all three of them and I was able to stomp the two hammer warriors since I’ve got some good and frequent stability skills,.and great sustain, paired with proper dodges.The other one escaped since he was pretty much bunker as well. Though main point is multiple hammer warriors are strong but can be shut down, when you’re speced right, and you’re smart when you’re playing..
Anything can be shut down with skill, except D/D elemental.
Equal skill, D/D simply wins out. It’s sad… I only play occasionally now and I do multiple classes for WvWvW… a couple I run with are amazing at duo and I would always be a support to them… except when I go D/D elemental… then they support me.
Not always, an equal skill D/D ele usually stalemates. If they can’t win, they’ll just run, and good luck catching that.
Why are we talking nonstop about Elementalists in the Warrior section? O.o
Not always, an equal skill D/D ele usually stalemates. If they can’t win, they’ll just run, and good luck catching that.
Not always, but most of the time.
The few times I played D/D, I only had problems with very good necros.
Guardians I didn’t even bother to look at lol
Why are we talking nonstop about Elementalists in the Warrior section? O.o
WvWvW talk in Warrior forum always leads to someone complaining about Warrior not being able to do much as other classes leads to someone talking about D/D ele
I’m guilty.
I still find warrior charming though its just got so much charisma for a class
I still find warrior charming though
its just got so much charisma for a class
You know, somehow I get the same feeling from it, I think. Despite some of the limitations, it’s by far the most enjoyable class for me to play. Any idea why that is?
Nope, honestly. Its the only class I have multiples of now.
You know, somehow I get the same feeling from it, I think. Despite some of the limitations, it’s by far the most enjoyable class for me to play. Any idea why that is?
Because it is ‘Straight to the point’. When you play the said ‘complex’ classes you tend to give value to a class that can charge in and slaughter opponents no questions asked and with the weapons of your choice. It is refreshing.
You know, somehow I get the same feeling from it, I think. Despite some of the limitations, it’s by far the most enjoyable class for me to play. Any idea why that is?
Because it is ‘Straight to the point’. When you play the said ‘complex’ classes you tend to give value to a class that can charge in and slaughter opponents no questions asked and with the weapons of your choice. It is refreshing.
That’s the exact reason why I don’t enjoy many classes in the game, especially the warrior. Just too simple and straightforward. I played warrior first back in octobre when I was a noob but now… hell no. I like something where I need a litlle more than 5 skills. (This is mainly for PvE talk)
Oh and that guy probably has multiple warriors cause they’re easy mode in PvE and to farm with. I know a guy in my guild with 4 warriors.
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist
Maybe the simplicity is part of it, but I was leaning more to the feel of the class. While there’s not as many buttons as an ele, the weapon abilities are fairly distinct, and typically have big impacts. It doesn’t usually feel “spammy” to me, which isn’t always the case with other classes.
Warriors are the FOTM, they are called D/D Elementalists. Last time I went to WvWvW I saw 4 of them together trashing people with perma knockdowns.
Didn’t bother reading most of the replies, so someone else probably said it already. It’s because warriors are easy-mode for 90% of the game.
High base health, ditto armour, ditto damage. Better ranged damage than the ranger, better melee damage than any other class.
There’s tonnes of room to make mistakes, and still not fail. Compared to the other classes, that’s a luxury.
Warriors are the FOTM, they are called D/D Elementalists. Last time I went to WvWvW I saw 4 of them together trashing people with perma knockdowns.
Honestly you could do that with 4 hammer warrior is do it much better just saying. If 3 or more people come charging in and your not dying or running 1 of 2 things just happened. Either you just ran into a bunch of upscales and they have no choice but to lose or you ran into a bunch of ‘scrubs" who have no idea how to play their class. There is nothing OP in WvW either you meet the zerg or you don’t.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
(edited by TheGuy.3568)
wow the 2 posts above me are so wrong it’s not even funny. you can do well in pve on any class once you figure out the general weaponsets and stats on gear. lol comparing bunker eles to hammer warriors such bad posts lol. lol There’s nothing op in wvw hahahahahaha seriously?
People always bringing up D/D eles and thinking they are the best 1v1 class, le sigh.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
wow the 2 posts above me are so wrong it’s not even funny. you can do well in pve on any class once you figure out the general weaponsets and stats on gear. lol comparing bunker eles to hammer warriors such bad posts lol. lol There’s nothing op in wvw hahahahahaha seriously?
In terms of knockdowns and CC 4 hammer warriors have more CC than 4 DD eles. Its a fact so……
There is nothing OP in WvW the entire place is unbalanced nerf one thing in WvW and basically you just say the rest is fine. Since the odd aren’t even, food is available and Zerg>All I don’t see a thing OP in WvW. You have players who know what they are doing and players who don’t it is as simple as that.
Whats was op in WvW? Culling! and that was about it.
The most winning strat in WvW is to stay with the zerg and AOE at range.
People always bringing up D/D eles and thinking they are the best 1v1 class, le sigh.
True strong but confusion mesmer might disagree (mesmer in general actually). P/D thief and D/P can be monsters also. Bunker Ranger can be pain. And guardian in general is good at 1v1. But 1v1 in Wv3 is pointless. Most smart player bring friends and have a much better and less frustrating time.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
(edited by TheGuy.3568)
Coming from the #1 WvW Server, Jade Quarry, I think I can lend a good opinion to this. I myself am just a player, non warrior for WvW but,
two of our really good commanders, are hammer warriors. Ive never seen anything like this, he will rush into a zerg, headfirst before even checking if there is players behind him and he doesnt die unless the entire team dies sooo it must be doing something right. Theres something epic too about going in headfirst to save your commander. Yes, i believe its gaining popularity
Coming from the #1 WvW Server, Jade Quarry, I think I can lend a good opinion to this. I myself am just a player, non warrior for WvW but,
two of our really good commanders, are hammer warriors. Ive never seen anything like this, he will rush into a zerg, headfirst before even checking if there is players behind him and he doesnt die unless the entire team dies sooo it must be doing something right. Theres something epic too about going in headfirst to save your commander. Yes, i believe its gaining popularity
That is because Warriors are completely reliant on others. They are a good Zerg class. Then again everyone is a good Zerg class.
Coming from the #1 WvW Server, Jade Quarry, I think I can lend a good opinion to this. I myself am just a player, non warrior for WvW but,
two of our really good commanders, are hammer warriors. Ive never seen anything like this, he will rush into a zerg, headfirst before even checking if there is players behind him and he doesnt die unless the entire team dies sooo it must be doing something right. Theres something epic too about going in headfirst to save your commander. Yes, i believe its gaining popularity
This is so true. I also think with the upcoming buffs that they will become even more FOTM.
Sorry, New here I was wondering where I could see Gw2 patch notes? I know there is an announcement forum, but I can’t seem to find anything.
Then again everyone is a good Zerg class.
Said no ranger ever.
What? Fotm? Is this serious? I see 10x more guardians and necros in most organized zergs.
Sorry, New here I was wondering where I could see Gw2 patch notes? I know there is an announcement forum, but I can’t seem to find anything.
The patch goes live on the 30th – Anet will post the notes sometime after the patch goes live. (Currently they put them up between 20 minutes to 6 hours afterward.)
Current speculation comes from the State of the Game webcast they do. They drop teasers about upcoming changes, and we work from there.
The upshot is that all the moaning (myself included) is typically overdone. Also, we’ve learned (the hard way) that the classes that get the most favourable treatment continue to get it.
Patch notes will be in the announcement section, and shortly thereafter, at the guild wars 2 wiki site.
Anet refuses to nerf warriors, only continually buff them. People know they are safe when playing warrior =)
Anet refuses to nerf warriors, only continually buff them. People know they are safe when playing warrior =)
Not true, warriors have recieved some of the biggest non-direct nerfs in the game so far.
Anet refuses to nerf warriors, only continually buff them. People know they are safe when playing warrior =)
Not true, warriors have recieved some of the biggest non-direct nerfs in the game so far.
Once you lose 40% of warrior damage for 45 seconds out of every 60, your range damage goes from strongest to pitiful, and they reduce you to one build, then nerf it to the ground, warriors have a basis to complain about nerfs. Till then, enjoy how good they’ve got it.
Anet refuses to nerf warriors, only continually buff them. People know they are safe when playing warrior =)
Not true, warriors have recieved some of the biggest non-direct nerfs in the game so far.
Once you lose 40% of warrior damage for 45 seconds out of every 60, your range damage goes from strongest to pitiful, and they reduce you to one build, then nerf it to the ground, warriors have a basis to complain about nerfs. Till then, enjoy how good they’ve got it.
Rangers have higher DPS then we do, if you take account there pets. Perhaps they should lower there DPS as well?
Anet refuses to nerf warriors, only continually buff them. People know they are safe when playing warrior =)
Not true, warriors have recieved some of the biggest non-direct nerfs in the game so far.
Once you lose 40% of warrior damage for 45 seconds out of every 60, your range damage goes from strongest to pitiful, and they reduce you to one build, then nerf it to the ground, warriors have a basis to complain about nerfs. Till then, enjoy how good they’ve got it.
Rangers have higher DPS then we do, if you take account there pets. Perhaps they should lower there DPS as well?
dude, what rock are you hiding under – with pets, rangers get normal damage. since the pets are generally dead or wandering about not attacking what rangers are targetting, their dps is 40% less than anybody elses.
If you’re complaining about the glassier pets (cats and birds) remember that to get the pets to hit that hard, they traited 30 into beast mastery, and 0 into their power spec. So the pet may be hitting for good numbers, but the ranger is doing no damage themselves.
This is not a good tradeoff when you consider that in wvw and dungeons, pets are dead most of the time.
Anet refuses to nerf warriors, only continually buff them. People know they are safe when playing warrior =)
Not true, warriors have recieved some of the biggest non-direct nerfs in the game so far.
Once you lose 40% of warrior damage for 45 seconds out of every 60, your range damage goes from strongest to pitiful, and they reduce you to one build, then nerf it to the ground, warriors have a basis to complain about nerfs. Till then, enjoy how good they’ve got it.
Rangers have higher DPS then we do, if you take account there pets. Perhaps they should lower there DPS as well?
dude, what rock are you hiding under – with pets, rangers get normal damage. since the pets are generally dead or wandering about not attacking what rangers are targetting, their dps is 40% less than anybody elses.
If you’re complaining about the glassier pets (cats and birds) remember that to get the pets to hit that hard, they traited 30 into beast mastery, and 0 into their power spec. So the pet may be hitting for good numbers, but the ranger is doing no damage themselves.
This is not a good tradeoff when you consider that in wvw and dungeons, pets are dead most of the time.
Bad rangers pets are dead, good rangers must manage there pets.
You’ve just described why your not doing good damage, letting old faithful die
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
Anet refuses to nerf warriors, only continually buff them. People know they are safe when playing warrior =)
Not true, warriors have recieved some of the biggest non-direct nerfs in the game so far.
Once you lose 40% of warrior damage for 45 seconds out of every 60, your range damage goes from strongest to pitiful, and they reduce you to one build, then nerf it to the ground, warriors have a basis to complain about nerfs. Till then, enjoy how good they’ve got it.
Rangers have higher DPS then we do, if you take account there pets. Perhaps they should lower there DPS as well?
dude, what rock are you hiding under – with pets, rangers get normal damage. since the pets are generally dead or wandering about not attacking what rangers are targetting, their dps is 40% less than anybody elses.
If you’re complaining about the glassier pets (cats and birds) remember that to get the pets to hit that hard, they traited 30 into beast mastery, and 0 into their power spec. So the pet may be hitting for good numbers, but the ranger is doing no damage themselves.
This is not a good tradeoff when you consider that in wvw and dungeons, pets are dead most of the time.
Bad rangers pets are dead, good rangers must manage there pets.
You’ve just described why your not doing good damage, letting old faithful die
Bad ranger’s pets are dead, good rangers manage their pets, right up till they get smoked by AoE or the AI sends them off to aggro something well outside range.
Either that, or every ranger ever to post on the forums is bad.
Warriors are FOTM because of big charr’s wielding swords! we look cool (even though im a hooman!)
i see more thieves and mesmers in wvw than any other class… its funny because they’re normally such bad players
… ive also seen an increase in the number of rangers… though cant say why
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
i see more thieves and mesmers in wvw than any other class… its funny because they’re normally such bad players
… ive also seen an increase in the number of rangers… though cant say why
Betcha the rangers are playing the kittenin build (all BM, all the time) or the massive regen bunker build. If they’re slinging bows, view ’em as a free kill.
i see more thieves and mesmers in wvw than any other class… its funny because they’re normally such bad players
… ive also seen an increase in the number of rangers… though cant say why
Betcha the rangers are playing the kittenin build (all BM, all the time) or the massive regen bunker build. If they’re slinging bows, view ’em as a free kill.
i mostly play my ranger in WvW, and laugh when someone views me as a ‘free kill’
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
Fotm? Tbh i’m seeing tons of warriors in WvW since betas. And they rock, since betas.
Builds kept changing and adapting (now Shout/Hammer + X/Horn is the one on the field), but War have always been there – in the fronline of the battle, crushing stuff.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
i mostly play my ranger in WvW, and laugh when someone views me as a ‘free kill’
Then good on you – you’ve found the magic stats to do damage that the other 99%+ of rangers, including everyone posting on the forums, hasn’t yet.
The sad truth is that warrior ranged damage is far superior to rangers, as is warrior/thief/guardian melee. The only thing we have going for us is a regen build that provides insane healing, or the beastmaster build. Or, you’re hiding behind a zerg, raining death on people who don’t even know you’re there.
If you were to play a bow ranger, and cross paths with a halfway competent thief or warrior, you are, indeed, a free kill. They can close to melee range long before there’s a hope of you dishing out enough damage to down them. (at least, anyone who has the wit to slow up a pet then close and kill will down you – I KNOW there’s a lot of witless wonders in wvwvw.)
I play in Sanctum or Rall, and a lot of the commanders I see are x/warhorn warriors, but majority of the players I see are mesmers, eles and thieves(specific to roaming groups), good amount of guardians and warriors, then a few necro, rangers and engis. There’s once I roamed with a pretty amazing engineer, but I see them very rarely. If I was going to consider the top prof I see in terms of numbers, I’d say mesmers, and that includes what I see from Jade Quarry(has very strong necros, and in good numbers as well) and Black Gate servers.
(edited by gfox.6501)
Ranger should not die to a warrior in 1v1 (except maybe a glass build). It happens, but it’s only going to be if the ranger makes some serious kiting mistakes or poor pet choices.
Ranger should not die to a warrior in 1v1 (except maybe a glass build). It happens, but it’s only going to be if the ranger makes some serious kiting mistakes or poor pet choices.
All things being equal, I agree with that statement. Both from a Ranger, and Warrior point of view.
Ranger should not die to a warrior in 1v1 (except maybe a glass build). It happens, but it’s only going to be if the ranger makes some serious kiting mistakes or poor pet choices.
All things being equal, I agree with that statement. Both from a Ranger, and Warrior point of view.
Playing both classes myself, I take the opposite side – cripple the pet, close on the ranger. (specifically bow wielding rangers.)
I’d guess about 60% of what I face for rangers in wvwvw right now are the shadowcat build, and once you can get ahead of the pet, it’s already over – they can’t evade enough to avoid being toast.
That regen bunker build is somewhat different – I try to spec balanced, and don’t have enough dps to keep them down before the zerg comes by and wipes me. (or him.)
Ranger should not die to a warrior in 1v1 (except maybe a glass build). It happens, but it’s only going to be if the ranger makes some serious kiting mistakes or poor pet choices.
All things being equal, I agree with that statement. Both from a Ranger, and Warrior point of view.
Playing both classes myself, I take the opposite side – cripple the pet, close on the ranger. (specifically bow wielding rangers.)
I’d guess about 60% of what I face for rangers in wvwvw right now are the shadowcat build, and once you can get ahead of the pet, it’s already over – they can’t evade enough to avoid being toast.
That regen bunker build is somewhat different – I try to spec balanced, and don’t have enough dps to keep them down before the zerg comes by and wipes me. (or him.)
I have no doubt you could beat my Ranger with your Warrior…and vive versa. Any high skilled player can beat me with any class. Some Warriors don’t even do any damage to me though. Some blow all their toys and get one burst. Just too many knockdowns to deal with with hyenas/Drakes….and that’s exactly what I found when I was playing my Warrior. Which is one of the reasons I use LB for Warrior to prevent that kiting.
i mostly play my ranger in WvW, and laugh when someone views me as a ‘free kill’
Then good on you – you’ve found the magic stats to do damage that the other 99%+ of rangers, including everyone posting on the forums, hasn’t yet.
The sad truth is that warrior ranged damage is far superior to rangers, as is warrior/thief/guardian melee. The only thing we have going for us is a regen build that provides insane healing, or the beastmaster build. Or, you’re hiding behind a zerg, raining death on people who don’t even know you’re there.
If you were to play a bow ranger, and cross paths with a halfway competent thief or warrior, you are, indeed, a free kill. They can close to melee range long before there’s a hope of you dishing out enough damage to down them. (at least, anyone who has the wit to slow up a pet then close and kill will down you – I KNOW there’s a lot of witless wonders in wvwvw.)
thats because half of ranger is in their pet; ranger isnt the king of ranged damage because part of them is often in melee
i play a GS/LB ranger mostly; GS auto evade tends to mess up thief tempo, counterattack when they’re in stealth, hilt bash to interrupt HiS, they’re panicking and about to try escaping? switch to LB>rapid fire, shadow refuge? barrage heavily punishes them for staying in it
half competent warr? melee warrs are screwed if they miss their CC (high endurance regen, LR, PBS, counter attack and hilt bash mean they hardly hit me), the only two skills a rifle warr has to be worried about is volley and killshot, both are easily avoidable (killshot is laughably obvious)… arcing arrow is easy to evade (even if pinned down counter attack or LR to mitigate it)
afaik rangers are a higher ‘pvp tier’ than both thieves and warrs (especially the latter)
Ranger should not die to a warrior in 1v1 (except maybe a glass build). It happens, but it’s only going to be if the ranger makes some serious kiting mistakes or poor pet choices.
All things being equal, I agree with that statement. Both from a Ranger, and Warrior point of view.
Playing both classes myself, I take the opposite side – cripple the pet, close on the ranger. (specifically bow wielding rangers.)
I’d guess about 60% of what I face for rangers in wvwvw right now are the shadowcat build, and once you can get ahead of the pet, it’s already over – they can’t evade enough to avoid being toast.
That regen bunker build is somewhat different – I try to spec balanced, and don’t have enough dps to keep them down before the zerg comes by and wipes me. (or him.)
you cripple their pet and close in?… they swap pets gaining quickness (both the pet and the ranger), hilt bash and maul your face.
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
(edited by Linguistically Inept.6583)
I play in Sanctum or Rall, and a lot of the commanders I see are x/warhorn warriors, but majority of the players I see are mesmers, eles and thieves(specific to roaming groups), good amount of guardians and warriors, then a few necro, rangers and engis. There’s once I roamed with a pretty amazing engineer, but I see them very rarely. If I was going to consider the top prof I see in terms of numbers, I’d say mesmers, and that includes what I see from Jade Quarry(has very strong necros, and in good numbers as well) and Black Gate servers.
I’d say this is true. When I say warriors are FOTM, I mean in zergs. Warriors do not roam as much.
I’d say this is true. When I say warriors are FOTM, I mean in zergs. Warriors do not roam as much.
I dunno, I WvW exclusively on my Warrior as a roamer (even though I do spvp and dungeons exclusively with my Elementalist). Maybe I’m a unique snowflake?
Warriors aren’t the current FotM in WvW, DD eles are, since they still haven’t been nerfed. If you’re noticing more Warriors it might be because the 100b roamers switched to Hammer zergbusters after the quickness change.
Pretty much this.
I play in Sanctum or Rall, and a lot of the commanders I see are x/warhorn warriors, but majority of the players I see are mesmers, eles and thieves(specific to roaming groups), good amount of guardians and warriors, then a few necro, rangers and engis. There’s once I roamed with a pretty amazing engineer, but I see them very rarely. If I was going to consider the top prof I see in terms of numbers, I’d say mesmers, and that includes what I see from Jade Quarry(has very strong necros, and in good numbers as well) and Black Gate servers.
I’d say this is true. When I say warriors are FOTM, I mean in zergs. Warriors do not roam as much.
Warriors aren’t that great of a roaming class. They have the best mobility, excluding elementalists, in and out of combat but pretty trash at 1v1’s especially since the quickness nerf. If you can’t insta-kill anyone with 100 blades, be ready to get kited to death and out sustained by every other class in the game since evades pretty much shut all your skills down.
Warriors always had the best mobility in the game (even better than thiefs and eles). Mobility is not the problem. The problem is kiting. Pretty much any profession can kite a warrior until he is dead. The good thing is:
There are a lot of bad players in WvW which means warriors are still able to roam pretty well.
I ended up becoming a FOTM warrior last week.
I started crafting one to 80 because it spoke to my ele side. With hammer and sword/warhorn, I have mobility, condition removals, and shout healing that rivals my s/d ele.
I can run in balls deep with my hammer, smash a few things, and then pop my shouts and escape with sword #2, just like I would with my cantrips and Ride the Lightning.
I ended up becoming a FOTM warrior last week.
I started crafting one to 80 because it spoke to my ele side. With hammer and sword/warhorn, I have mobility, condition removals, and shout healing that rivals my s/d ele.
I can run in balls deep with my hammer, smash a few things, and then pop my shouts and escape with sword #2, just like I would with my cantrips and Ride the Lightning.
Can’t wait till you get into actual wvw heheheh
Beast mode