Why do warriors suck so much?

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cappadocia.8674



They are inferior in survivability (to guardians), damage (to almost everyone else), buffing (to almost everyone else), and control (to almost everyone else)… you name it. Sure they can do these things (to a limited fashion) but overall they’re just terrible.

In dungeons they’re constantly overcome by status effects, their ranged options (the two they have) are passable at best, and they go down like flies while in melee even while spec’d for it.

In terms of complexity it’s really not all that. At all.

Is it necessary that Warriors be this awful so that other classes can just say “Hey, at least you’re not a warrior!”?

I’m really curious what the design philosophy behind warriors was because it seems like they’re the ugly middle children of most everything.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


This is sort of the opposite problem I have… I can create SO MUCH DAMAGE but nothing else. If applying lots of damage isn’t enough to solve the problem, I just die.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Noerknhar.3826


Okay, so you’re saying that you deal the highest damage in game, have the highest survivability (well okay, guardians…let’s not talk about them, it’s what they’re made for i guess), buffing and control and still say you’re going down like flies in dungeons?
Ever thought about it not being the classes but the player’s fault? No offense here, but i know warriors that don’t go down in dungeons that often. And by the way, their ranged options are pretty fair.

Enuerus Derune – Necromancer, Sylvari
[NO] ~ Ponys Will Never Die

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Veenix.5248


Yea, when my elementalist and engineer buddies and me feel alittle underpowered. We say “atleast we’re not warriors” and laugh.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: mbelcikuwh.1379


use : hammer-mace/shield
utility : kick,stomp,fear me

and you will get :
1. 3 CC skills + damaging
2. 5 CC skills + damaging also
3. 3 CC skills + damaging also

which gives you a total of : 11 skills that can be used for CC, damaging and defense mechanism all at the same time..even to a boss in dungeons

above are excluding of how we supposed to timed a right and efficient use of dodge,positioning ourselves behind obstacles or taking advantage of combo field to generate wide area of boons and conditions,allies or mobs…

if that is not enough,get a gear which suits best for which dungeons..because every dungeons requires different settings,coordination,use of skills which leads again to take an advantage of combo field

(edited by mbelcikuwh.1379)

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


I’m beginning to think Warriors are the most complex class, because no one seems to be able to play one.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: kyokara.1867


^True, true

Finishing up Deer rank in sPvP soon, but still haven’t lost to an ele. Think I’ve lost to an engi once. Fights with good mesmers/guardians last to the point that someone else comes and finishes the fight. And I’m not even that good of a player, I don’t do tournaments or pre-made groups etc. I guess if you come to war from playing a mes or a thief you will feel a bit disappointed though.

TL;DR l2p

80 Warrior
2 Mesmer (sPvP only)

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deria.9158


I played a necromancer before I switched to warrior. Let me tell you with complete honesty; the warrior is MUCH stronger than the necromancer (by far). I can’t claim to be an expert, yet, but so far I definitely don’t feel weak and as I get more and more traits I feel stronger all the time.

On the surface, the warrior profession seems straight-forward but it is deceptive. If you look carefully, and apply your traits correctly, you can achieve a number of different effective playstyles. A greatsword-warrior is pretty easy to counter (unless you are asleep) but most of the other builds are harder to deal with. Like any profession, though, it takes time to learn and become proficient.

I personally use sword/warhorn + rifle and I find it great fun. People are using hammer builds effectively too, though. People are using dual-axe builds successfully. At range, the longbow (ae) and the rifle (single-target) are both solid.

I won’t say warriors are the most powerful class, but they definitely aren’t the least powerful class either.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Plague.5329


Warriors are just the generic class. No advantages, no disadvantages exactly. This makes them fairly easy to use (and easy to impress morons with), but also makes them extremely irritating to play for someone with a lot of experience with the game. It also makes it difficult to win a 1v1 fight with one when playing against someone of equal experience and equipment, if your enemy is playing most other professions.

The best way to play a Warrior is usually as damage support, roaming and buffing stats, causing AoE conditions and such. Unfortunately these are just invisible numbers and not actual ways of physically controlling areas, which can leave this sort of playstyle feeling very vacant of fun, especially since some fights, you won’t get much XP (and certainly no loot) if you’ve been focusing solely on buffs / debuffs.

So, low ceiling, no downside, no upside. Just a vanilla profession with no real tricks up its sleeve. Catching one 1v1 in WvW, for example, is usually a pretty easy kill. Hence why if you play one in WvW and try to get to the main group, you’ll almost always see a Thief desperately sprinting after you, practically salivating for the chance to “earn” a couple of easy medals. Unless he’s a fool. Which many are.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


‘Jack of all trades, master of none.’ It does get a bit annoying sometimes.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: mbelcikuwh.1379


I won’t say warriors are the most powerful class, but they definitely aren’t the least powerful class either.

very true..

also i might add,a WEAK class is a class that don’t have flexibility,won’t adapt,can’t utilize their combos and certainly doesn’t care about what happens to their mates..this only leads to a single conclusion : a bad group played with a very bad players

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


I been doing 0/20/30/20/0 with warhorn/sword and rifle. I picked-up spiked armor, endure pain, bull charge, and healing signet. Stacking all carrion armor and jewels. For WvW, it is super fast and super easy. The condition damage destroys people, not sure why but it does. As long as you know what you are fighting and how to fight them, you win most fights because people can’t get away and you always can. For the most part, you just need to keep people at 1000-1200 range. Once bleeds are stacked, the combination of retaliation, bleeds, and healing you will win. Like I said, the key is knowing what you are fighting. Some classes you need to keep at range, others you need to know when to switch to sword or you eat reflection damage. Others like Mesmer, you have to hit and run. Remember, if they have bleeds on them, they will not get out of combat heals, you will. Warriors have the longest duration bleeds.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Leto.5642


They are inferior in survivability (to guardians), damage (to almost everyone else), buffing (to almost everyone else), and control (to almost everyone else)… you name it. Sure they can do these things (to a limited fashion) but overall they’re just terrible.
In dungeons they’re constantly overcome by status effects, their ranged options (the two they have) are passable at best, and they go down like flies while in melee even while spec’d for it.
In terms of complexity it’s really not all that. At all.
Is it necessary that Warriors be this awful so that other classes can just say “Hey, at least you’re not a warrior!”?
I’m really curious what the design philosophy behind warriors was because it seems like they’re the ugly middle children of most everything.

“Aweful”, “inferior in survivability, damages”, really? Then how do you explain that warrior is the most played profession in this game? Are you assuming that we’re all stupid or masochistic? You’re trolling, I don’t see another explanation to your post. Nobody could be that incompetent.

(edited by Leto.5642)

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

You’re playing the Warrior wrong.

If you go with Wammo-style shouts you will suck; that is a support build not a survivability one. As most experienced players have shown, double EP build + sblock is the way to go. 15s invul, when coupled with all the dodging, are enough to get things done.

GS can easily stack 10-20k damage in 4s, Axe gives steady 3k+ DPS, Hammer/Mace give great control, double Sword is a great bleed set and Longbow is a great ranged tool if used properly.
Not to mention Warriors can stack 20 vulnerability on a target in a matter of 3-4s.

Yes we are a bit lackluster in this sector.
We’re good at stacking fury and might to the team but not good enough at this to make up for the better support other classes give.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: deherch.3158


The warrior is more straight forward than other professions. It makes it easy to pickup but difficult to master.

Also, an observation.. Warriors are a lot more forgiving than the other professions, especially at lower levels. They also seems to be better at handling multiple enemies while being less efficient in 1v1 situations.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Champagne Showers.1036

Champagne Showers.1036

People just need to stop using signets in every slot. Its just terrible and people need to stop it.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: PanH.1957


@Plague : Warriors is the generic class, but that doesn’t make it easy to play. This isn’t 1-2-3-4-5-swap-1-2-3-4-5. I would say that our main strength is in the build, because that really change your orientation and gameplay. Maybe most of our part is done here, but you have to play it right afterwards.
To me it’s a class than anybody can play at an average level. Bringing it to higher level is much harder and much rewarding.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: XZERO.3014


The only time i’m not having fun on my warrior is if im skippin threw a flower patch and 4-5 enemy players just come at me.

Other then that i have 0 problems with the class, i’m easily staying alive in PvE, and in Mist PvP i do really well.

Now in my honest opinion, WvW is like having a Bi-Polar Pregnant Gf, you never know when your going to get zerged and die, but you still leave it up to destiny.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xalerwons.1392


some l2p here.

warriors are one of the best professions in pve
until you can consistently 0 death sm/em runs and make 50+ silver per run, you shouldn’t really be complaining about your profession, as you’d most likely be complaining about any profession you pick at that level of play.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: daoc.5087


My warrior owns kittens! Are we playing the same game? I think the class is very balanced.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Playing with an Axe+Warhorn/Longbow build myself. More of a support build, but I can still stand toe to toe against most other classes 1v1. Armored juggernaut with 3 condition removals with constant boons on is tough to beat

One – Piken Square

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Malganys.9027


is true i have an infinite armor but 2-3 attaks and my life finish.. -.- and i cant belive this i’m a melee class must sustain a large amount of damage coz i’m wearing plate but evry time 2-3 attaks and i’m downed… total useless i cant play melee in certain boss coz nuke me… plz make warr more hard to kill or make some aegis buff to warrior too..

p.s: in pve but in pvp is balanced however thief with 3 attaks down me -.- but is a thief problem not warr

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: kal.4350


This weekend I’ve been doing explorer modes for the frist time and I didn’t feel like i suck.

I was 10/0/30/30/0, with GS for dps/gettin aggro and 2x maces for tanking/CC. Also, shouts for buffing, curing conditions and small healing.
I felt very useful

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

I run 0, 20, 20, 30, 0. I use a Hammer and Mace/Axe. Half Knight’s armor, other half Vaklyrie, jewlery will be all Beryl. I do good damage, have great control, and challenging to kill with my 3 healing shouts. Warrior is in a great spot right now, maybe an exception on the ranged weapons. Really we just need a better 3rd downed skill, like Elementalists

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bish.8627


I logged in purely to give my opinion on warriors, based on wvw/pve. I run a bleed spec 20/25/25. With the toughness on karma condition damage gear, and adding some vitality where I can including rune of the soldier, I can take quite some killing. Also 2 parts of my gear are power/toughness/vitality. Now, with the condition damage stacked, I may not burst like a theif, but baring in mind the damage I can take, once my bleeds are stacked, and the amount of crits I do with two swords, the damage rolls. If I open with a flurry, that person goes down unless they are a guardian.

Also with the rune 6 set bonus, shouts remove conditions. So Shake it of and For great justice are constantly taking off conditions, in the first is a great stun breaker. Add in bulls charge and savage leap and I constantly close gaps and pester enemies. Not to mention the damage I do with a longbow burst skill. I can honestly say I have seen a zerg move out of a 3 bar burst with the longbow.

On to pve. I have run all but one wing of arrah exp. I was considered the most tankish of the group, even though I am by far not a tank spec per say. But none the less, with no group healing, or very little, I stayed up quite a lot. Another key factor to this is switching to rifle, with bleeds ticking so high you can damage, and kite amazingly. One boss, the gorilla, I kited all the adds while the group kills the boss, same with the final boss where you have to cap points.

All in all I have played a few classes, some that do great burst, some that have superb utility. But none that I can be so versitile in any given situation and not change spec or gear. Warrior really is the man/woman for any job, it just so happens a ton of warriors seem to use limited specs where either they do a ton of burst but go down like a sack of number 2, or can tank a zerg but hit with cotton gloves. The few I have seen, fought, and respected, had a balance.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: mich.4531


playing sword/axe 0/25/15/30
-good damage with a lot a bleed, 18 seconde bleed so when you need to run away from boss your are still dpsing.
-Healing shout, shout give decent buff, and “shake it” is a very strong dispell
-i’m very tanky
-it’s fun to play

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I play with this build: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/warrior/PvE-build-The-Invincible-Berserker/first#post314850

High damage, very tanky and can use all weapons we have efficiently.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Arahzor.1832


We do go down fast in melee, altho you need to know when to stop be in melee and dodge out and go ranged a bit untill you are on full hp then go in melee again.

Our damage is very superior, i’ve sitting on personal records at 15k with Kill Shot and 26k with Hundred Blades, aiming for 30k atm. We are not that good at buffing unless you prefer using banners, in my case i’m only using “shake if off” to help the other party members with conditions.

I swap utilites almost for every pull in a dungeon, to make it more fitted for my party and the fight. Like i use Throw Bolas on bosses to keep em at one spot while everyone is ranging em and manage to get some space from him/her/it.

Can’t say that warriors suck, they are not that easy to play as everyone thinks – everything is not the sweet high numbers we make while dpsing as many thinks that have not tried it out. To stay alive is hard if you are alone melee.

If have to die ALOT to become sharp at what you are doing, by learning what killed you and how you got killed and HOW to prevent it happening again, then you will be an usefull weapon in dungeons.

Arahor Aure [DVDF]

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


Getting away from a survivability and/or condition build was the best thing i ever did. I went for straight damage stats and I now use rifle/hammer. I pump out great damage and I still have 20k HP and 1400 toughness. I’m sure i’d more more damage still with Signets, Axes, and Greatsword, but I like the control that Hammer brings me, and I still get amazing single target damage with a Rifle.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kellhus.8071


My warrior is 80, closing in on 30 from pvp, done all the SM content in the game, etc etc.. and I think you guys are crazy. If you want survivability, we have it in spades. Want damage? We can put out an insane amount. The problem is that this isn’t WoW, and you can’t have both to the extent most people want it — seems you want to be unkillable while spamming hundred blades and doing 10k a pop (which, btw, we can do in a single eviserate against cloth if you trait and gear properly for it).

We have insane damage and pressure with cliched HB spamming, with no effort. You can be one of the most mobile builds in the game with a traited warhammer and shouts, you can bunker up and by an unkillable CC god with hammer, mace+shield (Taurgrims Capt. Hammer build is downright amazing).

I can’t find a real flaw in warriors, and the trade offs are, imo, incredibly well done.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Balkito.8160


I find myself disagreeing. My Warrior is very capable of dishing out significant ranged damage, supporting allies with shouts (which are traited to heal fairly heavily, as well), and can stay alive through a lot with the aid of the Signet and the healing shouts. Warriors are fairly good all-rounders, and can do many things with average proficiency if specced with nothing really in mind. If you spec for Defense, however, you can take a much worse pounding than most Guardians. If you spec for support, you can throw out game-changing banners and shouts. If you spec for sheer damage, you can hit pretty gruesomely. You can’t hope around on the fly like some other classes, but Warriors can specialize for single jobs fairly well and do the rest of their jobs acceptably for the majority of the time.

Hell, I’ve heard Warriors being called the best ranged DPS in the game, and I find myself agreeing some times.


Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rainsfords.7419


Leveled an Ele to 80, full exotics, thought it was pretty strong. Just finished gearing up my warrior and the difference is night and day. Even running an instance twice in a row with the same group, the run with my warrior was always quicker and smoother. A five warrior party won’t get much done, but they are a necessity if you want a smooth run.

My ele is still way more viable in WvW, though.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kellhus.8071


Warrior WvW is really about weapon/warhorn + longbow.

I actually kind of enjoy standing in the back in my plate and plunking away.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Mrflushy.8342


I’m finding warrior class fun to play overall my self. I don’t see my char lacking in damage to be honest least in PVE type content. Using greatsword and rifle for my weapons right now.

I don’t really PVP or WvW that much least right now. Been busy doing heart quests and trying to complete all the maps.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

warriors are fine.

warriors have
- heavy armor
- high health pool

you can’t find that combination any where else.

guardians – heavy armor, low health

engineer, ranger – medium armor, medium health
thief – medium armor, low health

necro – light armor, high health
mesmer – light armor, medium health

ele – light armor, low health

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kiroshima.8497


While I believe armor categories have a low effect on gameplay… I do believe that Warriors are one of the most unique supportive classes. This is because they are the only class with the ability to prepare 3 Instant heals for the team, the Healing Shouts. It boosts Allies’ damage greatly, and also clears conditions. With the Soldier rune, you also gain the ability to purge TONS of conditions quickly, and have 3 ways to break stun. Finally, Warbanner is a godsend for middle points everywhere, providing Might, Swiftness, and most importantly: Stability. It also revives allies in its radius, if they were down.

Using Bleed in conjunction with On My Mark can really hurt opposing Guardians, as you will either stack lots of damage, or reduce their defenses to laughable levels for your allies. Shield OffHand is quite useful, if you build right, you can even abuse the Healing Signet in PvP.

Forget about WvW unless you’re using the Longbow Range boost, though, otherwise you can’t really contribute that much unless you’re ganking lone players. Or Supply ferrying. Or something, I dunno.

As far Ranged options go, Longbow comes in handy for comboing with yourself, but I suggest not relying on it too much, except during PvE. It possesses large amounts of AoE, however, but cooldowns and range do hurt it. It would be nice to see the Base Range on it increased to the normal 1200. Rifle is a lot more useful in PvP due to the power and more Bleed.

Lots of potential, but it’s hard to make a Warrior really shine.

Dynamics Thesis Defense Unit [UNIV] is looking for new thesis defenders.
Friendly environment, no question is too basic. Enroll Now!
~Fort Aspenwood~

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Aurie.2340


@Kiroshima There’s a trait that increases longbow range to 1200. If you’re running some sort of condition build longbow wins out. Stacking multiple conditions > stacking just bleed.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Isoril.8942


OP needs to drop is utility bar full of signets and place some survivability tools in there imho.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: TinyHowie.3946


utility bar full of signets is fine, l2p :P

A good warrior knows when to switch weapons and know what fight to win. Go out boasting your 1v1 win in a WvW when your team is losing the orb makes your a horrible warrior. While you might get focus picked out with weapon/warhorn build, that does not mean you are useless. Accurate timing of stability, break, swiftness goes a long way for the team.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lordramma.5692


I actually have to agree with the author, Warrior’s do suck imo. Many of the reply posts make great points and I agree with others that Warriors are not weak by any means (perhaps this was corrected since the post began?). But given their limitations I personally would expect them to be stronger to really stand out.

People have suggested the author does not know how to use their warrior. Perhaps this is true, but the same argument could be the same in reverse – that posters just can’t use other roles as well – after all, this is a comparison of the warrior role vs other roles.

Warriors are strong. But frankly their skill abilities suck, making them really quite boring. Some of the weapons are cool, and there’s nothing wrong with the great sword, it’s very cool, but as a package the warrior is boring compared to the other roles. I think this is because the makers have doomed warriors to be a support class. Why? This sucks! Warriors should be leading the charge, not waving kitten y banners around – come on!

I really don’t think enough has been done to distinguish from Guardians, and given guardians can do so much more, you really have to wonder why bother with the warrior.

I don’t enjoy PVP so my comments are confined to PVE. so perhaps PVP offers so much more as suggested in some posts. But for me, the warrior is definitely less interesting than other roles and as such I really only use my warrior in short bursts before getting bored. Having played warriors in other games, I really don’t think Guild Wars has done a good job with this role.

For those that love warriors, awesome, I’m happy for you, each to their own opinion :-)

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Holy necro.

Message Body length must at least be 15.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


You realize you bumped this from about 10 months ago, right? Warriors have seen some pretty nice work done recently, especially in the last month or so.

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: HatSimulator.9362


Incoming buff #1312324241241 to warrior.

Gates of Madness [DUI]
Main Warrior | Every other class at 80
I only play WvW

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: sinzer.4018


As i was reading the posts from 10 months ago(!) i was thinking to myself that some of these people must have been living under a rock but then i saw when it was posted.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Krikr.2094


Bro this is such a necro

you should play a necro

necroing kitten is in your blood

that’s why you don’t like warriors

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: style.6173


Oh wow. To the person who bumped this…. If you think warriors are not good now, you need a new class.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759


Warrior is melee only in WvW against underequiped and/or inexperient players. Or in the best case in sniper mode (i like it) with rifle.
In sPvP an Warrior can’t face any other class in 1v1, or even cap a node. Need wait someone comes and finish the fight (if last at there).
While other classes just spam 1, 2 or 3 skills to deals huge damage, i need spend 2 weapon sets, 1 or 2 utilities, and my elite to try deal the same damage.

I am completely convinced that, in this game, Warrior are a ranged/suport class.

(edited by JETWING.2759)

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


You have to be kidding me. The most faceroll class requiring least skill is still not good enough?

All is vain.

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: Untwisting.3749


Warriors op with this stun lock

FC – (80)Theif, Necro
(Deth) Dethclock

Why do warriors suck so much?

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


They messed up and went overboard in nerfing warriors in Beta. Just like they messed up with the stealth mechanics.

Closing on targets:
Warriors are the ONLY class that has trouble reaching it’s target:
Thieves: zero problem
Guardians: Bunk so they wait for you
All other classes got range, BM rangers have a 1100 range leap.
-We have zero pulls. All the other classes have pulls. Why do they need them..?
-We have mobile strike which is bugged and bad: Does not remove chill, if you get immobilized or crippled while leaping using mobile strike, it will still land and stop you mid-air. How is this not fixed one year into the game? Don’t say it is intended because it is obvious that it wasn’t since dogged march combats chill.
-Our weapon animations are buggy. Eviscerate and hammer burst: you stop in mid air.

-We need pulls on several melee weapons.
-Mobile strike MUST cover chill and MUST grant immunity to chill/immob/snare While leaping.

Weapon skills:
Highly choreographed weapon skills: Hammer,for example.
Longest channeling on weapon skills in the game: GS 100b..3.5s..wtf?, Rifle burst.

Utility skills:
Other classes have weapon skills that are superior to our utility skills:
-Mesmer staff 2 teleport and Sword illusionary leap are superior to our bull’s charge.
-Thief teleports on sword are superior to bull’s charge and any weapon gap closer we have.
-Engy shield AND shield from the tool skill is much superior to our regular shield.
-Guardian hammer knock back is fast, unpredictable and knocks back a huge distance. Useful in stopping stompers or kicking ppl out of circles.
etc etc etc
-Some utility skills are trash: Signet of might: CC using this does not interrupt a blocker..yet a guardian’s circle or line of warding WEAPON skills do..why..?

-Rampage: useless. Ever notice you lose health faster while Rampaging? Yep. Zero access to heals or utility skills. Kinda like a Moa but with better cc.
-SOR: Worst one in the game. It is basically boons that almost every class has access to via utility skills. Our best elite can be stripped.
-Banner is ok but is much inferior to many other elites. Any mesmer elite beats all of ours, for example. Engy etc.

-Boon combat: We can’t remove or steal any boons. How are we supposed to deal with protection? DOEmpowered is terrible. It can’t even bypass the protection buff.
-Access to protection: non existent. Rangers have access to protection and we don’t..wtf..

Trait Lines:
Why doesn’t the tactic tree have + to healing..?
Why are the LB masteries not in the strength/Arms trees where you have condi dmg/duration/pwr/prec?
Some skills are USELESS:
Deep strike should be buffed to keep up with the stat buff on the signets. This was an oversight.
How is this useful in pvp? Even in pve..really..? Are you going to be starved for adrenaline and pass on the much superior adrenaline granting skills for this one? Passing on signet mastery and 25% movement speed?
This does not help against any immob/chill/cripple. This is a slap in the face. We are the only class that has trouble reaching our target so they give us this? good luck being kited. Also, Swiftness in combat is faster than this so if you are using your signet then you are wasting your time.