Why wars have so much % damage traits?

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Buro.3576


There is 12% from full adrenaline 10% on bleeding targets 3% if endurance not full 10% GS 5% dual wielding and up to 18% !!! from 9 boons. You group with a guardian and you can realistically have 50% bonus damage just from traits for several seconds.

How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

Oh and have you seen those coefficients on weapon skills?

And they buff banners… So is Anet OK with this? Are they not nerfing warriors because they think this will greatly impact their PvP performance?

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Thanks for the good laugh….


Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Clearly warriors are overpowered. The answer is to nerf.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


OBVIOUSLY Buro has never played a warrior and is clearly looking at this from a pve standpoint. Cut him some slack guys – he’s a bit slow.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Buro.3576


OBVIOUSLY Detcelfer has never come out of the mists and tried a dungeon, he would rather play a terribly underpowered class in there rather than just create an elem level 1 and be viable… I have 4 level 80 characters and the warrior is my main, I can probably play my warrior better than you in PVE, and the DPS I do compared to other classes is over the roof, I tried everything and I can’t even reach 70% of my warriors DPS, I don’t think that’s fair.

If you think that warrior’s DPS shouldn’t be nerfed because they lack PVP utility then I’m sorry but you’re wrong.

I love my warrior, but I want to play a balanced game. Do you even know how lategame is for other classes in terms of PvE, they level to 80 just to find that people won’t take them and go out of their way to get some more warriors and guardians in the party, cause that will ensure faster runs and less wipes.

And what about CoF? I have an army of friends who rolled a warrior cause the best money making is brainless warrior CoF farming, and that’s not PvP, you actually have to invest time and money to get to 80. Why people feel forced to ditch their level 80 rangers and necros and level warriors? It’s happening all over the place, is this intended gameplay?

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


I don’t agree with what anyone has said. Both sides of the argument are saying, “Screw him, cater to me.”

The problem with warrior is that between the game types, the class design overall just doesn’t work. I won’t talk about movement impairing conditions, but what contributes to this particular problem is:

“They have a hard time taking enemy boons down, and instead, have to just go through them with raw force.”

Without a way to remove boons in PvP or reliable heavy condition damage, warriors were given truckloads of damage for “[going] through” boons. I can only assume this design choice was to keep us viable against bunkers and other innately tanky builds. The problem is, anything not running lots of boons, prot in particular, against a glassy warrior is going to get shredded if they allow him to close distance. So, in PvE, against AI, you end up with a class that just tears through everything and rarely has to leave melee. In PvP, against good players or coordinated teams, you get CCed and shutdown because your burst is a huge threat and you are easy to take down. What breaks the warrior in one game type (PvE), was meant to be his salvation in another (PvP).

Here is my prediction:
Enter quickness nerf and boon hate. If the above is correct, I believe the devs already see it. The quickness nerf reduced the rate at which we can burst (and obviously fixed some PvE issues with other classes). If they decide to implement boon hate, that will give us the tools we need to deal with bunkers and tanky builds. Now, because we are able to remain competitive without astronomical base damage, they can begin to dial us down to be more in line with other classes. Next, they can start looking at giving us resistance to movement impairing stuff because we aren’t instantly shredding everything without an escape or prot.

So yes, simple answer, it was meant to be that way, but because min/maxers and elitists (PvE) and intelligent gameplay (PvP), what was meant to be flavor and design has broken the class in each game type. PvE too strong, PvP too weak. Now, they need time to fix it.

That’s just what I think, but I’ve been wrong before.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

There is 12% from full adrenaline 10% on bleeding targets 3% if endurance not full 10% GS 5% dual wielding and up to 18% !!! from 9 boons. You group with a guardian and you can realistically have 50% bonus damage just from traits for several seconds.

How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

Oh and have you seen those coefficients on weapon skills?

And they buff banners… So is Anet OK with this? Are they not nerfing warriors because they think this will greatly impact their PvP performance?

You do realize that most of that is situational and unreliable?
10% on bleeders is unrealiable at best in tPvP.
18% from boons is a joke since we can’t have 9 boons for more than 5s.
5% from dual wielding doesn’t work with GS.

So realistically it’s just a 25% dmg bonus.
It’s useless to have +25% dmg if the opponent takes -33% and dodges like a circus acrobat.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


You do realize we don’t have a billion trait points to spend to get every single trait that does % damage. And you are talking about 1 aspect of this game (dungeons).

And you also do realize that Guardians and Mesmers are also just as sought out for PvE because they have 10x the utility and support of Warriors? You can’t even do 40+ fractals without having a Guardian or two making them an essential class and you kitten about warriors?

“OBVIOUSLY Detcelfer has never come out of the mists and tried a dungeon, he would rather play a terribly underpowered class in there rather than just create an elem level 1 and be viable…”

You just contradicted your whole arguement and no offense what you said clearly shows you know nothing about balance and mechanics. Why would somebody play a terribly underpowered class in sPvP? Maybe because they actually enjoy playing a warrior? And not taking the high road playing a stupid OP d/d ele which is boring as fk? So basically what you are trying to say is we all should reroll eles in sPvP, when you complain that people ditch their level 80 necros and what not for warriors? How does that even begin to make sense I am just curious? How is that fair gameplay? When a class is completely outmatched against others in tPvP?

So I guess your proposal to balance is nerf damage in PvE to make warriors even more nerfed in PvP so that everybody will play eles? And you think that is fair to those who strictly PvP to completely cater to those who strictly PvE? Are you sure you and ArenaNet aren’t close buddies?

Warriors can’t get protection for a melee class? Warriors get a whopping 3% burst damage from their discipline tree while all other classes get a better increase? Is arenanet afraid to nerf classes in PvP because it will affect them in PvE? We might have the most DPS compared to other classes but we do not have alot of things that other classes have, see how your argument can go one side or the other and both aren’t the answer to balance?

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


OBVIOUSLY Buro has never played a warrior and is clearly looking at this from a pve standpoint. Cut him some slack guys – he’s a bit slow.

OBVIOSLY Detcelfer has never played another profession and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with the warrior seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the warrior.

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Why is it reading all class forums people mention tPvP balance like it is end all be all and most important thing to them. When in reality there are like less than 300 tPvP games going on at prime time. That is what 2500 people max across all servers.

I undertand devs place 1000% more into tPvP balance which makes even less since considering the numbers involved. And fact that tPvP generates zero income for them as a game model. PvE and WvW seems to be better focus.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

o.O huh a Thief can get (not all at the same time obviously)

+10% damage pistols,

+5% dual wield,

+5% dagger damage,

+20% enemy at 50% health,

+5% damage attacking from the back or side,

10% damage when endurance is not full,

+10% damage if your foe has a condition

+1% damage for each unspent initiative which you can trait to be basically 15% on your opening attack.

+10% damage when your initiative is over 6.

the wiki link is at the top of the page OP so you can read up on other classes

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Empiren.6401


There is 12% from full adrenaline 10% on bleeding targets 3% if endurance not full 10% GS 5% dual wielding and up to 18% !!! from 9 boons. You group with a guardian and you can realistically have 50% bonus damage just from traits for several seconds.

How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

Oh and have you seen those coefficients on weapon skills?

And they buff banners… So is Anet OK with this? Are they not nerfing warriors because they think this will greatly impact their PvP performance?

Pffft, this is hilarious.

12% Full adrenaline. And?
10% on bleeding, yeah good luck on that.
10% GS, again, any other class has this, but gs I wouldn’t say is the 100% end-all PVE weapon.
5% from dual wielding? Check any other class.
18% from boons: Yeah…..why bother, might stacking>boons damage.

How is this fair? Huh? You added half of these as if they relate to each other. How are you gonna take bleeding + gs + boons + dual wielding?

Sorry, but your complaints don’t make sense given the reality of the equips.

Also, lol @ complaining about % damage and just forgetting banners.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


OBVIOUSLY Buro has never played a warrior and is clearly looking at this from a pve standpoint. Cut him some slack guys – he’s a bit slow.

OBVIOSLY Detcelfer has never played another profession and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with the warrior seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the warrior.

OBVIOUSLY kaazdinasty has never played a warrior and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with thief his playing seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the thief

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

(edited by Lighter.5631)

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

Bolt to the Heart

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Empiren.6401


How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

Bolt to the Heart

I’ll do you one better:

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: somsom.5201


OBVIOUSLY Detcelfer has never come out of the mists and tried a dungeon, he would rather play a terribly underpowered class in there rather than just create an elem level 1 and be viable… I have 4 level 80 characters and the warrior is my main, I can probably play my warrior better than you in PVE, and the DPS I do compared to other classes is over the roof, I tried everything and I can’t even reach 70% of my warriors DPS, I don’t think that’s fair.

If you think that warrior’s DPS shouldn’t be nerfed because they lack PVP utility then I’m sorry but you’re wrong.

I love my warrior, but I want to play a balanced game. Do you even know how lategame is for other classes in terms of PvE, they level to 80 just to find that people won’t take them and go out of their way to get some more warriors and guardians in the party, cause that will ensure faster runs and less wipes.

And what about CoF? I have an army of friends who rolled a warrior cause the best money making is brainless warrior CoF farming, and that’s not PvP, you actually have to invest time and money to get to 80. Why people feel forced to ditch their level 80 rangers and necros and level warriors? It’s happening all over the place, is this intended gameplay?

hahaha what? I’ve had ZERO issues running any of my 5 80s (Guard, Warrior, Necro, Ele, Ranger) in dungeons or fractals. Some people want totally optimal groups for ONE dungeons(CoF); other people don’t mind spending an extra minute or two doing the same run.

Relax bro. Warriors don’t need nerfs.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

Bolt to the Heart

I’ll do you one better:

Well that’s a Grandmaster trait compared to a Master trait, so there’s that also.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


OBVIOUSLY Buro has never played a warrior and is clearly looking at this from a pve standpoint. Cut him some slack guys – he’s a bit slow.

OBVIOSLY Detcelfer has never played another profession and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with the warrior seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the warrior.

OBVIOUSLY kaazdinasty has never played a warrior and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with thief his playing seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the thief

funny how this is and isn’t right. I own a lvl80 thief for pve and both a warrior and an Elementalist D/D for pvp I might not know how to play a thief in pvp but i certainly have an idea how to play both warrior and Ellementalist in pvp and pve. and I can tell you that you don’t need skill for the warrior it’s enough to mash buttons! for the Ele on the other hand timing is very important. o and thief in pve is a lot more af a chalenge than in pvp

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: vapor.5390


“You can’t even do 40+ fractals without having a Guardian or two "
done it with bug light groups while being only support as a warrior and had no brobs

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


nerf warriors


tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rayya.2591


There is 12% from full adrenaline 10% on bleeding targets 3% if endurance not full 10% GS 5% dual wielding and up to 18% !!! from 9 boons. You group with a guardian and you can realistically have 50% bonus damage just from traits for several seconds.

How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

Oh and have you seen those coefficients on weapon skills?

And they buff banners… So is Anet OK with this? Are they not nerfing warriors because they think this will greatly impact their PvP performance?

would warriors trade all those traits for ?
Clone on dodge ( mesmer) , perma retailation (guardian) , perma regen, protection, swiftnes ( elementarist) , ability to stealth

no.1 WvW kills

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Someone did the math and found that over a set period of time (1m), a Ranger (the class, not just the ranger itself) did the same damage as a greatsword warrior in the same gear. If the worst PvE class is doing the same damage as the best PvE class, I’m confident all these % modifiers are doing the job they’re supposed to.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Rangers have a lot more options then a Warrior does and is much more mobile and has a lot more survivability as well.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


OBVIOUSLY Buro has never played a warrior and is clearly looking at this from a pve standpoint. Cut him some slack guys – he’s a bit slow.

OBVIOSLY Detcelfer has never played another profession and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with the warrior seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the warrior.

OBVIOUSLY kaazdinasty has never played a warrior and has never mastered or merely gained some skill with thief his playing seeing that he can’t recognise how little skill it takes to have succes with the thief

funny how this is and isn’t right. I own a lvl80 thief for pve and both a warrior and an Elementalist D/D for pvp I might not know how to play a thief in pvp but i certainly have an idea how to play both warrior and Ellementalist in pvp and pve. and I can tell you that you don’t need skill for the warrior it’s enough to mash buttons! for the Ele on the other hand timing is very important. o and thief in pve is a lot more af a chalenge than in pvp

funny how this is and isn’t right, I own a lvl80 thief for pve and both a warrior and an Elementalist D/D. i might not know how to play a warrior in pvp but i certainly have an idea how to play both thief and ele in pvp and pve and i can tell you that you don’t need skill for the thief it’s enough to mash 2s! for the ele on the other hand, face rolling on your keyboard is very important.o and warrior in pvp is a lot more af a chalenge than in pve

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


There is 12% from full adrenaline 10% on bleeding targets 3% if endurance not full 10% GS 5% dual wielding and up to 18% !!! from 9 boons. You group with a guardian and you can realistically have 50% bonus damage just from traits for several seconds.

How is this fair? Can other classes get even 20% more damage on anything?

Oh and have you seen those coefficients on weapon skills?

And they buff banners… So is Anet OK with this? Are they not nerfing warriors because they think this will greatly impact their PvP performance?

would warriors trade all those traits for ?
Clone on dodge ( mesmer) , perma retailation (guardian) , perma regen, protection, swiftnes ( elementarist) , ability to stealth

The only one I would like is protection as it fit, the rest would make the warrior something else. I would trade some of those for protection and or regen but ones like berserkers power I like.

They should just take the +10% on GS and put it with its trait in ARMS or just buff GS 10% and call it a day.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


funny how this is and isn’t right. I own a lvl80 thief for pve and both a warrior and an Elementalist D/D for pvp I might not know how to play a thief in pvp but i certainly have an idea how to play both warrior and Ellementalist in pvp and pve. and I can tell you that you don’t need skill for the warrior it’s enough to mash buttons! for the Ele on the other hand timing is very important. o and thief in pve is a lot more af a chalenge than in pvp

I find this statement highly offensive and wholly untrue. You hurt my soul

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Empiren.6401


Lol warriors have 5-15% damage traits!

Yeah if you ever let them hit you. Stability is hardly ever on them so its not hard to remain outside.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Boatdrinks.2546


GS is over-rated. Axe/axe makes lots of pain.

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

GS is over-rated. Axe/axe makes lots of pain.

this made my day smh.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Diablo.1384


Did someone really just shout op at the warrior profession!?
I dont want to live on this planet any more.

Let me ask you this, what use is damage if we have no survivability?

Why wars have so much % damage traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: kaazdinasty.8120


funny how this is and isn’t right. I own a lvl80 thief for pve and both a warrior and an Elementalist D/D for pvp I might not know how to play a thief in pvp but i certainly have an idea how to play both warrior and Ellementalist in pvp and pve. and I can tell you that you don’t need skill for the warrior it’s enough to mash buttons! for the Ele on the other hand timing is very important. o and thief in pve is a lot more af a chalenge than in pvp

I find this statement highly offensive and wholly untrue. You hurt my soul

it’s just my personal opinion and i’m indeed trying to faceroll people in it. Sorry about that. it’s gotten out of hand

ps: best name ever made me lol

assassin for Valar Morghulis
thief 80/ranger 80. stealthless by default
mexican gunslinger