World Vs World Builds?

World Vs World Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: deltasniper.1659



Looking for something decent that can stand its own, not just by surviving but being able to dish out some damage. If you have any builds please let me know trying to find something else that i will enjoy.

I am thinking of running axe / warhorn or axe / shield with a rifle. Thoughts?

(edited by deltasniper.1659)

World Vs World Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: RamataKahn.4283


World Vs World Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: Eliteseraph.4970


I know I repeat this a lot, but take a look at Yojack’s build. It’s good for just about any form of PvP.

I just hit 80 on my warrior today. Copied the build exactly, bought some 80 yellows(non-exotic) and went to town. It took a little getting used to after playing a thief, but once I started to learn what I could and couldn’t get away with, I really felt the reliability of the build.

You’re not going to make people explode like a glass cannon build, but you’re going to be very hard to kill, dish some really good, solid damage, AND be an asset to your group with shouts.

World Vs World Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brunners.7251


Just to be clear, you’re not saying the shouts will be an asset because of the healing right? Because IIRC the healing on his shouts is terrible because he didn’t spec for them (even when you spec entirely for them they’re still a bit meh)

If you just mean in general the shouts will be useful to your allies, then I agree.

Acadamey Gaming EU [AG]
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World Vs World Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sloane Hardtower.7825

Sloane Hardtower.7825

I personally like 30 Defense, 30 Tactics, and ten in choice. I use the Warhammer, Sword and Horn combo. Its is not the killer glass cannon frenzy build I used to enjoy but it has meant more victories for my guild groups and Zergs in WvW.

1. Shouts- The heals are nice…..but its the utility of what they do that is amazing. Buffs, Heals, stun removal and fear to send a group fleeing from your downed friend! On top it is a nice ae heal for door beating and keep fighting.
2. Horn- Removing two conditions and turning them into boons is huge. Rotate two warriors with horns and very few conditions stay on your group.
3. Control- Hammers slow and damage is not the best but its amazing what you can do defending a keep with a well timed two second stun followed by launching arrow carts at the spot you stunned(yes requires cord.)
4. Survival- If you are like me and enjoy melee this build lets you survive. You rush in swing a hammer a few times. Switch to sword and horn leap out, blast your horn if your rooted, use your shout shake it off is stunned. Great way to lead a push on siege outside your keep as well.

World Vs World Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: The Monk.3672

The Monk.3672

Thinking of using this as me new damage, crit build. Its a edit of my original build I have been using. I run Dual Axe with the Draconic Berserker set (Power, Precision, Crit Dmg %).

I play WvW and I know this type of build is usually frowned upon (glass cannon) but I like being able to put out a lot of burst.

I run a dual axe damage/crit build at the moment and love it. Yes I’m not the toughest warrior on the battlefield it just means you have to play smart and pick and choose your fights. Not a bad thing if you ask me.

UKCS – Desolation

World Vs World Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Don’t be the rifle/longbow spammer pewpew guy.

You’re a warrior, melee weapons or go home.

Me and two friends rolled into WvW last night, our side were at a standoff with a slightly larger zerg, just trading pewpews. So f-this I thought!, told my buds in vent to follow me up, knocked fear/stomp/endure pain into utilities and sword leapt into the middle of their masses hitting fear+endure pain, then a stomp for good measure then activating shield block (traited with reflect) and then I greatsworded 3 , sword 2 then GS 5 out of the mass.

By this time our side took the oppotunity and swept in culling the enemy. That is the beauty of the warrior. By the way, i’m level 58 in blue/greens (spend way too much time in spvp).

It’s do or die. This is why I abhor rifle warriors.

World Vs World Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


Thinking of using this as me new damage, crit build. Its a edit of my original build I have been using. I run Dual Axe with the Draconic Berserker set (Power, Precision, Crit Dmg %).

I play WvW and I know this type of build is usually frowned upon (glass cannon) but I like being able to put out a lot of burst.

I run a dual axe damage/crit build at the moment and love it. Yes I’m not the toughest warrior on the battlefield it just means you have to play smart and pick and choose your fights. Not a bad thing if you ask me.

With that build and gearset, you wont live to finish your burst. Ranged just need to snease at you and you will crumble.

World Vs World Builds?

in Warrior

Posted by: Eliteseraph.4970


Don’t be the rifle/longbow spammer pewpew guy.

You’re a warrior, melee weapons or go home.

Me and two friends rolled into WvW last night, our side were at a standoff with a slightly larger zerg, just trading pewpews. So f-this I thought!, told my buds in vent to follow me up, knocked fear/stomp/endure pain into utilities and sword leapt into the middle of their masses hitting fear+endure pain, then a stomp for good measure then activating shield block (traited with reflect) and then I greatsworded 3 , sword 2 then GS 5 out of the mass.

By this time our side took the oppotunity and swept in culling the enemy. That is the beauty of the warrior. By the way, i’m level 58 in blue/greens (spend way too much time in spvp).

It’s do or die. This is why I abhor rifle warriors.

Not having a ranged option is perfectly fine if all you want to do is assault camps and fight random zerg vs zerg. But for any kind of siege combat you’re going to want to have either a rifle or a longbow for your weapon swap.

It’s either that or bring a ram/catapult/treb/cart to the party every time and hope people have supply.