Would love other's opinions on this build
Your link is broken.
I’m not sure how to fix it. It works when you copy and paste.
I’ll attach a screenshot later when I can but it’s 20/15/30/5/0 and use mace and shield as main and double axe as secondary weapon
(edited by HanaCHaN.6579)
What do you plan on using this build for?
PvE and dungeons
Anything should work for PvE though.
I copy and pasted the build but it says you use greatsword as a secondary, not double axe.
Assuming your 2nd is greatsword:
Unless your goal is power and condition duration, forceful greatsword will be much better than slashing power. (this is base off your rune choice suggest precision focus gear.)
Also, 15 minor on strength also go against your build, since you have 2 traits require adrenaline saving.