[WvW] Advice on Hammer/Dual mace build

[WvW] Advice on Hammer/Dual mace build

in Warrior

Posted by: Lahm.7056


Hi, I’m quite new at playing the Warrior profession, I’ve been maining Guardian since release and I spend most of my gaming time on WvW.

I would like some advice on what is the most effective trait build and armor/weapon stat for an Hammer/Dual Mace weapon combo, I’ve been running 6/0/6/0/2 traits and Knight’s armor & weapon set with mixed Berserker/Cavalier ascended trinkets.

My utility skills are all stances.

I’ve been satisfied with it so far, the amount of CC is insane and damage wise it’s not as bad as I expected, but since my aim is to run with at least 1 or 2 more players, the CC is the main reason I want this weapon combo.

Is there anything I could do to improve this build?

Could I also have some tips and improving skill usage and combo possibilities with this weapon set?

I’ll leave kitten with my stats to help with the stat balancing.

Regards and thanks!


Lancelot – Guardian – Deso – Hyperreal [PAL]
- Proudly not going to go DH -
I’m looking at you, Rev..

[WvW] Advice on Hammer/Dual mace build

in Warrior

Posted by: DontJudgeMe.3958


Well, first of all, your armor is too high, you could lose some toughness and invest more into power/vit/ferocity. Try to max out your armor at around 3k, that should be more than enough (means you can spend about 300 stats in something else)
If you run 6/0/6/0/2, you have access to cleansing ire, so the healing skill Mending isn’t worth it, you might as well go for healing signet/healing surge.
Lastly, having 3 in discpline really makes a warrior, a warrior. Reducing weaponswap to 5 seconds is very useful to keep rotating skills from different weaponsets. If you would change a traitline i’d try 6/0/5/0/3, staying mostly the same but with the added weaponswap cooldown reduction.

[WvW] Advice on Hammer/Dual mace build

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620



I like your stats, although I agree with the advice offered by DontJudgeMe.

Now, improving the build further could prove difficult without testing. I’d first experiment with the full investment of 30 points in Strength. I suspect you’ve gone with Dual Wielding, Distracting Strikes and Berserker’s Power – these are good, although Distracting Strikes could be lacking in a pure physical damage build.

You could however consider reallocating the 30 points as follows: 20 in the Arms line, getting Unsuspecting Foe, and 10 of them in the Discipline line, getting Fast Hands and Destruction of the Empowered. In other words, I wonder whether this setting would not give you better damage (it depends on what you want to do with your level of toughness).



[WvW] Advice on Hammer/Dual mace build

in Warrior

Posted by: matthen.5024


I’m probably one of the few people who actually played hammer + dual mace in WvW for a while. I did it when the game was first out… mostly because I loved Taugrim’s sPvP Captain Hammer vids. I also like playing builds that are diverge from the meta… which is why I give you props for trying this out.

Now for the bad news.. while you have great CC with this weapon combo, you have few tools to avoid being kited by many of the opponents you will face in WvW. You have even fewer tools for escaping, avoiding bad situations, or even creating space so that you can take territorial advantage of terrain, etc. For these reasons, most WvW builds use either Greatsword (highest mobility), Mainhand sword (next highest mobility), or both.

Since you seem to want to play a build with high CC, my first suggestion would be to focus on a CC-based weapon combo that has a little more mobility. A fun one that has fallen a little out of favor in the last 6 months, but that can still work well, is hammer + sword/shield. This augments Hammer’s CC with decent mobility, a good stun from shield, and a really nice finisher (Sword #3) that you can land on CC’d opponents. 0/4/6/0/4 still works well. You can take merciless hammer or shield mastery. If you wanted to be more original, you could use hammer + sword/mace… but this probably won’t work as well as sword/shield. Mobility in these builds comes from Sword #2… deselect your target if you want to jump in the direction you are facing (versus at the target).

If you are dead set on running hammer + dual mace, I think that you need Dogged March (not “cull the weak”) and minus condi-duration food. This will at least make it harder to slow you down. Bulls charge will help as well, but obviously, it will take away one of your stances. Maybe even consider the Mobile Strikes trait (which I generally avoid in most circumstanes).

Anyway, that’s my two cp. If you want, I can post a build that fits your gear setup.