WvW - Condition build viable?

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Closing in on 80. Been running just sword/shield and longbow for PvE. Too be fair you can run anything in pve and do fine.

My main focus is always WvW.

Was thinking of running a sword/shield (or sword, sword??) and longbow in full dire build for WvW. But I have not really seen them out in open WvW at all. All I see is hammer/bow builds.

Now I mostly roam, do a little zerging (when there I a bunch of areas to take). Not like I got a big guild to run support for.

So wonder if anyone is running conditional build with their warrior for wvw.


That one person.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Budchgon.2108


I use a ss/lb warrior in WvW and it is ok up
to a point…

Conditions are (imho) too quickly cleaned from the warriors attacks and I have lost many fights where the opposition has laughed at my condition application :-(

I have had more success in zergs, F1 lb is great for bag collecting :-)

Lyssia Iceblood of Gandara – I sometimes win… but not often :-(

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Ah thanks. Thanks for the feedback.

Does not sound promising

That one person.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nikkinella.8254


Ignore the guy saying that condition warriors aren’t that good. He’s totally wrong. I’ve been using a condition bunker build and it’s amazing. It’s very hard to die unless outnumbered and yeah people can cleanse conditions, but cleanses are on very long cooldowns while the abilities you have to apply them are on very short cooldowns. Go with double sword and longbow. With a decent build, condition warrior is amazing, with a crappy build it’s average. You won’t find any decent builds for condition warrior on the forum, they’re all trash.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620



When roaming, I use a condition warrior, and enjoy it very much. Tanky, lethal, mobile – most builds let you take camps with no sweat, and win your duels more often than not. You can even add a little bit of support, using a warhorn, gaining more resilience, and not losing much in terms of attack.

I alternate between two builds: pure condition and confusion-based. See below.

1) Build 1 – Pure condition



  • I use rabid, because I like to have precision in order to trigger effects. Dire set is of course a good alternative.
  • I use the perplexity runes. They give you increased condition damage, as well as access to confusion, which is one of the greatest condition effect.

Weapons (SS / LB):

  • Sw1: good one. Autoattack puts bleeds, and cripples.
  • Sw2: good one. Provides mobility, and cripple. The equipped “Mobile Strikes” also lets you remove immobilization.
  • Sw3: of mild interest. I use it when the target is below 50%, but the damage is low (even when you crit).
  • Sw4: great against moving targets. Using a longbow, I tend to kite a bit, and Sw4 complements that style.
  • Sw5: good one, as it lets you defend and attack at the same time. “Missile Deflection”, equipped in the build, puts pressure against opponent using ranged weapons.
  • SwF1: great one. Puts lots of bleeding, and roots the opponent.
  • Lb1: use as little as possible. Despite the equipped “Sigil of Earth”, it does not harm.
  • Lb2: good one. The closer you are to the target, the more burning you can inflict.
  • Lb3: good one. Its damage is all right, but I like it because of the blast (combo LbF1=>Lb3).
  • Lb4: good one. Blind is very useful against opponents that try to burst you.
  • Lb5: great one. High damage and root. To be used before/after LbF1, so that the opponent takes lots of burning damage.
  • LbF1: great one. Firstly, the burning is awesome. Secondly, it removes conditions, as the build has “Cleansing Ire” equipped. I put 30 in Discipline so that I can use it most often, using “Burst Mastery”, as it’s simply too good.


  • Sigil of corruption in main sword, to stack condition damage.
  • Sigil of geomancy in off-hand sword, to gain even more damage. Sigil of doom or sigil of hydromancy are good candidates, too.
  • Sigil of earth in longbow, to increase damage. Works more or less thanks to the rabid armor, which gives a decent critical chance.


  • “Healing Signet”: gives you a high regen, all the more that you’ll build up adrenaline pretty fast.
  • “Dolyak Signet”: one cannot go in WvW without stability and stun breakers. The signet is used to finish opponents, or walk away from controlling foes.The added toughness is a pretty good bonus.
  • “Endure Pain”: to be used against the fools that believe only in direct damage. These types like to melee, so “Endure Pain” lets you put heaps of condition damage, while getting no damage at all.
  • “Bull’s Charge”: used to gain mobility, and an interrupt (useful to trigger confusion with the runes).
  • “Signet of Rage”: used to improve your attack and provide you with swiftness.


  • “Furious Speed”: you’ll get perma swiftness in combat (thanks to the precision of the rabid gear), very important for a warrior.
  • “Deep Cuts”: increases the bleed duration, important as opponents may try and offset it using food (-40% condition duration).
  • “Missile Deflection”: for the additional damage and psychological effect on ranged foes.
  • “Cleansing Ire”: your main source of condition removal, which triggers unconditionally with LbF1, which usage has been maximized thanks to “Burst Mastery”.
  • “Signet Mastery”: we use 3 signets in the build, so let’s do them some good.
  • “Mobile Strikes”: so that Sw2 and “Bull’s Charge” break immobilization.
  • “Burst Mastery”: mainly to optimize LbF1, both for damage and condition removal.


  • Quality tuning crystal, increases your condition damage, remains affordable.
  • Super veggie pizza, increases your condition damage, affordable as well. I sometimes run with the more defensive Bowl of Poultry and Leek Soup.

2) Build 2 – Confusion build

A pleasant variation, which lets you put an average of 12 stacks of confusion on the opponent (2k+ damage on skill activation), when interrupting. It can be dispelled faster than put though, so it’s to be used with caution.



  • Use a shield to gain one more interrupt.
  • Invest 20 to get “Distracting Strikes”, to put more confusion on interrupts.
  • For fun, consider using “Rampage”, as it gives you access to 3 more interrupts. If using “Rampage”, change “Signet Mastery” to “Warrior’s Sprint”, as we lose the swiftness of both “Signet of Rage” and “Furious Speed”.

Have fun.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Thank you very much for the well thought out and informative post!

That one person.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Naranek.3467


I just finished leveling up my condi damage warrior this weekend. Longbow + ax/sword, and I went with Runes of the Undead to complement her condition damage while giving her more staying power; part of it’s the build, part of it’s the profession, and part of it’s the fact that my main is an AH staff guardian in cleric gear, but I’ve noticed my warrior tends to melt. Quickly. So hopefully the runes’ toughness boost will help survivability. She’s good at dishing out conditions, but not at taking them (especially poison); Lemongrass food is often useful, if expensive. Still making her equipment, so I won’t get a true field test until later in the week, but I have high hopes.

(edited by Naranek.3467)

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Helicity.3416


It’s very reasonable for roaming, there are definitely counters to condibunker warriors though.

You will have a hard time against talented mesmers for example; it’s very difficult to get your big damage skills to actually connect with a PU mesmer that has a billion clones and a very reasonable chance of proccing Aegis with his skills.

But it’s all good, the important thing here is if:

a) the playstyle meshes with how you, personally, play
b) you find the style to be fun

You don’t have to be able to beat everything, and you’re mobile and durable enough to escape from relatively sticky situations.

This is what I’m currently running:


I am aware there is no ascended armor or jewelry in this link (and Settlers jewelry currently is not available in pink varieties sadly).

My build pretty much has permanent fury, which REALLY helps with the condition application. Pin Down and Impale are the heaviest hitters here (15k+)

I previously used a Doom sigil on the bow to help suppress healing, but I realized I am too much of a baddy to really make use of that in a meaningful way.

You regenerate quite some health between signet and adrenal health, and the low cooldown on your Burst skills tends to be sufficient in dealing with condis.

I’m still messing around with it, but so far I’ve had a ton of fun.

Nemain/Kali Darru [FUN]

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nor.2057


It’s very reasonable for roaming, there are definitely counters to condibunker warriors though.

You will have a hard time against talented mesmers for example; it’s very difficult to get your big damage skills to actually connect with a PU mesmer that has a billion clones and a very reasonable chance of proccing Aegis with his skills.

But it’s all good, the important thing here is if:

a) the playstyle meshes with how you, personally, play
b) you find the style to be fun

You don’t have to be able to beat everything, and you’re mobile and durable enough to escape from relatively sticky situations.

This is what I’m currently running:


Why the healing power stats? though they didn’t scale well..

||Acolytes|| Sanctum of Rall||Destiny’s End||

(edited by Nor.2057)

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Fade.9124


my only problem with the condi build (s/s + lb) was that it was very much single target. Besides the lb f1, all other attacks are mainly for 1v1. Arcing arrow is good but not on a condi build because you lack power and crit damage.

With that said, I rarely lost a 1v1 with my condi build. My best build was a hybrid power/condi combination.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


I sport celestial gear so I still do attack dmg and extra survivability. I use a sigil of corruption and a sigil of leeching both on bow and sword for that 1k dmg/heal every 9-10sec (will change soon as im sporting fast hands now). Using healing shouts with soldier runes and adrenal shouts trait. Healing signet,fgj!,SiO! (Have shrug it off trait as well),FearMe!,SnowLeopard.

My bow does ALOT of my condition DMG with pin down and stronger bowstrings auto attacking through combustive shot. I often don’t drop it on the foe but instead I drop it on myself. Protip; change your targeting skills like arcing shot/combustive shot to cast on mouse. Takes a little bit to get used to but you can fire those attacks much more smoothly.

WvW - Condition build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: quercus.9261


Well over half the folks you will be facing in WvW will be guardians and warriors like yourself. Conditions are pretty much useless against those classes and in any kind of larger group fight. Half the melee train is spamming condition removal.

My warrior can passively heal over five stacks of 1500 condi damage bleeds. Once I saw that I retired my Mesmer for good lol.

Especially in EOTM everyone carries condi removal because of the spike traps and one of the buffs is a passive 10 second condi removal.

Zerker or support builds seem to work better.