The Soloblade
WvW Longbow/gs Warrior Dueling Edition 1
The Soloblade
Nice vid! But I think you would have more succes If you replace your GS with Hammer ^^
W v W-r o a m e r
Nice vid! But I think you would have more succes If you replace your GS with Hammer ^^
dont forget the soldier ammy, strength runes and sigil of doom lel.
Nice vid! But I think you would have more succes If you replace your GS with Hammer ^^
dont forget the soldier ammy, strength runes and sigil of doom lel.
WvW guys can’t know
Nice vid! But I think you would have more succes If you replace your GS with Hammer ^^
Well imo in wvw, hambow doesn’t rly work as ppl are not gonna stay in a circle and eat the aoes plus mobility is king in wvw. But with the mobility skills being so bugged out rite now, it is pretty kitten annoying >.>. And personally, hammer always felt too clunky for me to use ._.
The Soloblade
Painful to watch, lol. I watched you pop all your CDs against that necro immediately, miss multiple skills for no reason and then miss your hundred blades even after it was apparent that bulls rush didn’t land. I stopped watching when you tried to bulls rush that Ele with stability. Ugh, gross.
Painful to watch, lol. I watched you pop all your CDs against that necro immediately, miss multiple skills for no reason and then miss your hundred blades even after it was apparent that bulls rush didn’t land. I stopped watching when you tried to bulls rush that Ele with stability. Ugh, gross.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And yes I show my mistakes and I am not afraid to put them in my video, after all, I’m not a perfect warrior, I will make mistakes from time to time. And making a mistake simply makes the fight more challenging for me and if I can pull off a recovery then it’s good is it not? But still, thank you for your feedback
Edit 1 for kitten word >.>
Edit 2: now I even went back to rewatch my vid, I’m not sure what you mean by missing multiple skills? I am assuming you are talking about the necro fight here so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. If you mean dropping my longbow burst and blasting it with skill 3, I’m using it as either a guaranteed quick cleanse or might blast. If you mean firing my longbow 2 while blinded, that’s because it’s the quickest skill to cast to remove a blind as even the AA takes longer than it to cast. And I use 100b after bull rush combo still cause you never know when it might actually land with how buggy the patching is and I can always cancel by using gs skill 3. Against the ele fight which I assume is the 1v1, please tell me how I bull rush that ele with stability because he clearly evaded it, and the only other ele fight is the 2v2. And I even watched the 2v2 and couldn’t find 1 instance of me bull rushing on stability so please tell me where you got it cause I’m really curious if I’m blind or what
The Soloblade
(edited by Natar.3671)
Let’s focus on that first fight with the Necro…
Right off the back you waste blade trail and fan of fire, for no reason.
- Blade trail can hit from 1-3k depending on if it crits or not and adds cripple which is huge when fighting a class like a necro who relys on maintaining distance by kiting and using fears.
- Fan of fire does ~900 each hit so that’s a total possibility of 2.7k dmg minimum, NOT EVEN INCLUDING, the burning damage that it does as well.
- You were oblivious to the very obvious set up for the pet stun, immediately broke it with stability, even though no damage was being done to you because the necro was obviously out of range, and then you waste a dodge roll for no reason rolling into the him. If you were trying to avoid the boon strip, you failed, all he had to do was wait for you to do your useless roll and you were done from that point on.
You wasted your stability immediately and then your berserk rage as well…you were out of defensive utilities ~7 seconds into the encounter. Not very good play.
You then missed your bulls rush, had a terrible reaction time to cancel it when it missed, and then panic swapped back to your GS when non of your longbow skills went off.
You then entirely missed ANOTHER opportunity to hit him with blade trail (which is a GS/LB warriors main source of physical damage btw), missed your 1 spam rotation terribly and then FINALLY MANAGED TO DO AN ACTUAL ROTATION! Idk how.
You then proceed to miss your GS 1 ability a few more times, dodge roll 2 times in a row for no reason again, then pop stability immediately off cool-down.
GOD, I don’t even know how you won that duel. That Necro must be playing on a toaster. Or with inverted controls, or something. GG.
Let’s focus on that first fight with the Necro…
Right off the back you waste blade trail and fan of fire, for no reason.
- Blade trail can hit from 1-3k depending on if it crits or not and adds cripple which is huge when fighting a class like a necro who relys on maintaining distance by kiting and using fears.
- Fan of fire does ~900 each hit so that’s a total possibility of 2.7k dmg minimum, NOT EVEN INCLUDING, the burning damage that it does as well.
- You were oblivious to the very obvious set up for the pet stun, immediately broke it with stability, even though no damage was being done to you because the necro was obviously out of range, and then you waste a dodge roll for no reason rolling into the him. If you were trying to avoid the boon strip, you failed, all he had to do was wait for you to do your useless roll and you were done from that point on.You wasted your stability immediately and then your berserk rage as well…you were out of defensive utilities ~7 seconds into the encounter. Not very good play.
You then missed your bulls rush, had a terrible reaction time to cancel it when it missed, and then panic swapped back to your GS when non of your longbow skills went off.
You then entirely missed ANOTHER opportunity to hit him with blade trail (which is a GS/LB warriors main source of physical damage btw), missed your 1 spam rotation terribly and then FINALLY MANAGED TO DO AN ACTUAL ROTATION! Idk how.
You then proceed to miss your GS 1 ability a few more times, dodge roll 2 times in a row for no reason again, then pop stability immediately off cool-down.
GOD, I don’t even know how you won that duel. That Necro must be playing on a toaster. Or with inverted controls, or something. GG.
Would you care to enlighten the Warrior community with a video of your own since you seem like a pro?
I don’t have time at the moment to produce and edit a video (college student). There are some old videos out there of myself in some tourneys and 2v2 tourneys fighting some pretty prominent players however.
This one is an old 2v2 tourney about 10 months ago. My partner was Breakstar. In this video we managed to defeat Aeroxe and Jin Da Vik who have both been top 10 on the team queue and solo queue leaderboards at one point or another in their GW2 careers. They also have produced multiple and respectable guides, they are incredibly talented players and it was an honor to be able to play against them.
That being said, I would love to make a video playing and I will eventually. But in the meantime I would be happy to duel with or even roam with anyone who wants to. I am always looking for a learning experience. I’m on NSP for the moment.
EDIT: Ugh, my first round was horrible. lol
(edited by Interpretor.3091)
I don’t have time at the moment to produce and edit a video (college student). There are some old videos out there of myself in some tourneys and 2v2 tourneys fighting some pretty prominent players however
This one is an old 2v2 tourney about 10 months ago. My partner was Breakstar. In this video we managed to defeat Aeroxe and Jin Da Vik who have both been top 10 on the team queue and solo queue leaderboards at one point or another in their GW2 careers. They also have produced multiple and respectable guides, they are incredibly talented players and it was an honor to be able to play against them.
That being said, I would love to make a video playing and I will eventually. But in the meantime I would be happy to duel with or even roam with anyone who wants to. I am always looking for a learning experience. I’m on NSP for the moment.
EDIT: Ugh, my first round was horrible. lol
ah i see, just out of curiosity, what guild are you from on NSP?
I don’t want to offend WvW roamers, so don’t take offence about saying that please.
(Ofc I know a lot of good WvW players)
But I think that’s the small but nice difference between good Pvplers and good WvWlers.
Good PvPler have a much better CD and skill managment – they know when you have to use what skill and they exactly know how to face which classe because you know their rotations.
Last week for example I played in PvP against Juba and actually he played terrible. He used a strange GS/sword build, didn’t evade a single pindown ate much earthshakers and used so many random dodges as I didn’t see before.
Ofc I don’t want to say that he is bad now.
I still think he is very good in WvW roaming.
You just have other requirements there ,since you are allowed to make use of your mobility etc.
Against this necromancer for example every semi good PvP warrior knows, when to use stability and when to use berserk stances – when to evade corrputed boons and when to prevent sigent of spite.
You either pop berserker stance to prevent that your stab gets corrupted or you use it,when the fear chain starts.
I don’t want to defend imperators haughty behaviour but in terms of content he is absolutly right. It wasn’t really proper gameplay and so much random dodges lead to beliefe that he doesn’t really know much about necromancers rotations and skills.
As I said, I hope you don’t take offence about this.
I think it’s a nice Video,though.
(edited by dominik.9721)
I was a little bit ruthless when commenting on this video, but it was within good reason.
The very beginning of this clip shows him being attacked by that asura mesmer and shrugging and laughing at him. If you see he types out at the end of that first segment, “that was sad,” right before it cuts away to his laughably cheesy intro. (comon dude, lol really?)
That really irritates me, bad warriors making bad videos and then calling other players game play “sad.” So naturally, I decided to take it upon myself to show how SAD his game play really was, maybe he wont be so arrogant next time and take it upon himself to learn a little bit more about his class.
Nice vid! But I think you would have more succes If you replace your GS with Hammer ^^
Hammer is only advantage on points fighting.
In open world, it does not work.
Just like how in open world, a s/d thief vs DD ele will last forever and eventually being s/d thief winning.
I don’t think one has to play perfectly or even ‘good’ to post a vid. The editing was good, the music was pleasant, I liked it.
There are already enough vids out there of warriors that play near perfect.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Alright so to clear some things up, there are 2 reasons why I put that mes ‘fight’ in the clip. First is to make fun of how PU mes relies so heavily on the opponent literally killing themselves that when a war just stands still, he can just outheal the scepter attacks. Second, I personally dislike/hate PU condi mes or any condi class in general cause imo, its cheesy as kitten and really I don’t see much support for condi classes beside those who play it but that might be just me. Nothing was targeted at the player itself, my comment was targeted at the class mechanics. Now any further and this will completely derail the thread so I’ll stop here regarding that.
Yes for the necro fight I made mistakes, but that is my point, I am no perfect warrior as I said, at most I consider myself to be an average warrior, heck I never once claimed myself to be a good/best/great warrior did I? But I want to show that even though I make mistake, I can still recover from them and try to turn the fight around. And yes I do not have much experience fighting condi necros which is why I made so many mistakes, I was just focusing on avoiding the signet of spite mainly.
And if you call my intro cheesy, then feel free to give a feedback on how to improve it instead of just calling it bad since you obviously think it can be better. And for a person who didn’t bother to watch the whole video, I’d say you are judging the book by it’s cover. I make videos so people can enjoy them, you don’t like it, then thats your choice. For the others who posted here, thank you for your more polite feedback.
The Soloblade