[WvW] & [PvP] Builds

[WvW] & [PvP] Builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Baroness.9506


Thought I might post these and see what people think and if they can critique. I mainly solo roam or small group in WvW. I am on Blackgate on US servers in T1. These are what i currently use, I do however make slight changes depending on the tier im playing in due to skill differences etc.

I like to steer clear of the meta for a number of reasons, and plus i like a lot of variety so i dont burnt out on new patches etc

WvW GS/Bow

PvP GS/Bow

WvW GS/Rifle

PvP GS/Rifle

WvW Berserker GS/Rifle

PvP Berserker GS/Rifle

WvW GS/Hammer

PvP GS/Hammer

WvW Axe+Shield/Hammer

PvP Axe+Shield/Hammer

Hopefully I have made minimal mistakes, if something doesnt look right then ask!

These are the most common gear setups i use, however i do carry a wide range of armours and trinkets to suit my needs.


[WvW] & [PvP] Builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Well you went through a lot of trouble for these, good job.

Some odd choices, like Armored Attack over Defy Pain, just make some of the builds look weird instead of non-meta. Meta is meta for a reason, obviously, but some of the choices you make just seem to be gimping you.

A couple builds also lack any and all stability, and carry only 1 stunbreak on a 60 sec cooldown (EP). I honestly can’t imagine that working against anything right now, as all classes have several and sometimes long duration stuns/knockdowns/floats/fears or w/e.

Your choice of Signet of Fury when you also have Cleansing Ire but don’t take the Berserk traitline seems odd as well. You can’t spam Gunflame, you build up adrenaline like crazy with Discipline and CI already, so why not take much needed stability or something else on your bar?

If I can give some advice on the sigil choices, putting Sigil of Hydromancy on the Burst weapon (Rifle, Axe, even longbow with #3) allows you to clear blinds with it on weapon swap, which is generally a good choice.

Still, some decent stuff in here and you went through the trouble, so thanks.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
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