WvW Warrior Meta builds

WvW Warrior Meta builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Ain.7082


These are the currently some most viable builds for warriors in WvW. Please note there is no equipment determined for players as there is no “Best” equipment set for WvW, however there are certain minimums for a WvW build that are expected of a Warrior. These minimums are as follows:
3000 Armor
3000 Attack
30% Crit chance
20,0000 Health

There is also equipment that is Recommended, but not required and are subject to build/playstyle.
A partial list is as follows:
Superior Runes of Lyssa
Superior Runes of Melandru
Superior Runes of Resistance (Signets)
Superior Runes of the Soldier (Shouts)
Bowl of Lemongrass Poultry Soup

And now without further ado, the builds:
This is a Greatsword/Hammer build that uses signets. Good for both roaming and zerging. Gains crit chance from unused signets.

is a variation of the first Greatsword/Hammer build that uses leg specialist instead of deep strike for better control. Also good for roaming and zerging.

Greatsword/Hammer build that uses healing shouts. Works better for zerging than roaming, but is still roaming capable. Has a lack of stability and fast hands as a weakness.

Greatsword/Hammer variant that replaces Last Stand with Merciless Hammer for added stability.

Sword-Warhorn/Hammer healing shout build. Lacks Fast hands/Stability. Replaces Shrug it off with Quick breathing for additional condition removal and lower cooldowns on warhorn.

Sword-Warhorn/Hammer Healing shout variant with fast hands.

These builds vary in effectiveness based on your role and the builds and composition of any allies you are working with. Invariably these factors also determine what equipment you need to use. The play style of each of these builds varies only marginally and a player could potentially use them all with great effect until they find the one that works most to their favor.

WvW Warrior Meta builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Appreciate your contribution I would hardy consider you the athority on this though since you left out a few runes and a few builds that are meta builds you just dont use them or know about them. All of your builds are hammer builds lol All of yoyr builds are the same build only different variations and only 1-2 of them are decent.

A meta build would be a build that is flat out the best at what its doing. like the PVE meta build there are not like 6 PVE meta builds there is one. For your hammer builds just pick one or 2 of them as best because not all of your builds are even equal in how good they are.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

WvW Warrior Meta builds

in Warrior

Posted by: SoliSnake.9457


Solisnake(Elementalist)Lighting Rajin (Guardian)
YamataNoOrochi(Warrior)Ziggy Th White Duke(Mesmer)Aleandro De La Vega(Ranger)